Tag: Kuwait

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U.S. divide and rule no more… Washington’s Gulf allies embrace Iran
U.S. divide and rule no more… Washington’s Gulf allies embrace Iran
July 11, 2024

The days of Washington and its Western minions playing divide and rule are over because they have discredited themselves irreparably.

Emir of Kuwait dissolves the National Assembly and takes aim at the Muslim Brotherhood
May 16, 2024

One of the main problems of the Kuwaiti democracy was its Muslim Brotherhood, whose lawmakers undermined the government at every turn.

Emir of Kuwait dissolves the National Assembly and takes aim at the Muslim Brotherhood
The Dollar Standard Slipping Out of Control?
The Dollar Standard Slipping Out of Control?
August 3, 2020

The stark fact is that Gulf stability rests on selling enough energy to buy-off internal discontents, and to pay for supersized surveillance and security set-ups.

NY TIMES Publishes CIA Propaganda On Venezuela
April 13, 2019

Citizen Jimmy – A David against an army of Goliaths.

NY TIMES Publishes CIA Propaganda On Venezuela
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OPEC’s Home Stability Costs
OPEC’s Home Stability Costs
August 7, 2011

At first glance, OPEC, the oil-exporting countries' alliance established in 1960 by Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela, must be reliving the good old days with spectacular oil prices reinstated and its end-of-the-year gain as projected by the IEA inching towards a trillion dollar mark. The figure, however, reflects only the brighter part of OPEC's present-day picture, the downside being that its formerly robust internal consensus is being washed away by a tide of financial egotisms and national rivalries…