Tag: Igor Kolomoisky

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How Corrupt Is Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky?
Editor's Сhoice
How Corrupt Is Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky?
July 25, 2022

Before the Russian invasion, CIA reports linked him to an oligarch so dirty and so mired in “significant corruption” that the State Department banned him from entering the U.S. But now CIA propaganda portrays Zelensky as nobler than Winston Churchill and saintlier than Mother Theresa. Will the Real Volodymyr Zelensky Please Stand Up

Servant of the Corrupt
July 23, 2022

The portrait of the Ukraine president as a democratic paragon whitewashes the real Zelensky and conceals a vast web of corruption and international skullduggery of which Ukraine is situated in the center. Understanding the real Zelensky, requires seeing him as a creation of Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky. He is, in truth, a puppet of intrigue.

Servant of the Corrupt
Editor's Сhoice
The Oligarch Makes a Comeback in America’s ‘Strategic Ally’ Ukraine
The Oligarch Makes a Comeback in America’s ‘Strategic Ally’ Ukraine
November 26, 2019

If Russia said that Kolomoisky was a no-goodnik, the State Department assumed that he had to be the opposite. But now that he turns out to be precisely the gonif that Putin said he was, the experts are blaming everyone and anyone except themselves.

Cooler Heads Address the Ukraine Question
November 21, 2019

US-Ukraine relations will remain under the weather at least until the 2020 US election is over – and, depending on the revelations that the upcoming impeachment of POTUS are bound to throw up as well as the election’s outcome itself, even get degraded in the conceivable future.

Cooler Heads Address the Ukraine Question
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Gauging Ukraine with Russia and Belarus
Gauging Ukraine with Russia and Belarus
April 24, 2019

In the post-Soviet period, US foreign policy and media establishments have overhyped Ukrainian positives, while disproportionately highlighting the negatives in Russia and Belarus, Michael Averko writes.

Ukraine: War and Crisis to Enrich Tycoons
April 28, 2015

In February 2014 a coup took place in Ukraine to serve the interests of big geopolitical players and tycoons, but not grassroots. The first ones wanted to start an offensive against Russia, the second ones wanted to take advantage of instability and promote their business interests… The war unleashed by the government in the eastern part of Ukraine resulted in death and impoverishment of common people. At the same time it opened great prospects for personal enrichment of government, those who are close to it and tycoons. The higher is position, the more profit a person makes.

Ukraine: War and Crisis to Enrich Tycoons
Ukraine: La guerre des oligarques
Editor's Сhoice
Ukraine: La guerre des oligarques
March 27, 2015

Les événements des ces derniers jours à Kiev montrent les tendances à la désintégration du système politique. Mais, ces mêmes tendances sont, peut-être porteuses d’espoir en ce qui concerne le conflit que ce pays connaît depuis février 2014.


Another Phase of Ukraine’s Statehood Crisis: US Embassy Involved in Showdown between Tycoons
March 27, 2015

The Ukraine’s government is losing independence unable to stop the internal fight between the clans of tycoons. For instance, the current stand-off between Ukrainian big business tycoon Igor Kolomoisky, the governor of the Dnipropetrovsk Region (one of the most important regions of the country) and President Petro Poroshenko was stopped only after the US embassy directly interfered to support the head of state. Poroshenko would not dare launch an open attack against Kolomoisky or, all the more, fire him without Washington’s say so…

Another Phase of Ukraine’s Statehood Crisis: US Embassy Involved in Showdown between Tycoons