Tag: Klitschko

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Vitali Klitschko as a Product of German Politics
Vitali Klitschko as a Product of German Politics
January 12, 2014

Berlin has already done much to lay the groundwork for the successful rise to power of the people it needs in Kiev, and the person Germany has programmed to carry out its future plans in Ukraine is Vitali Klitschko. Why is Germany gambling on a high-profile sportsman with global renown who is inexperienced in politics? To begin with, it would seem that it is because after many years living abroad, Vitali Klitschko has become a real cosmopolitan… There is also another reason, however, why German political circles have gambled on Vitali Klitschko becoming the future president of Ukraine: he has a close connection with Germany, which has become something like a second home to him…

Vitali Klitschko’s American Coaches
December 22, 2013

It has become the custom in independent Ukraine that there is not a single government ministry or agency and not a single political party in parliament besides the communists where "quiet Americans", or Britons, or Germans, have not ensconced themselves in order to tell the Ukrainian politicians and officials how they should run the country. And this is not likely to change if Vitali Klitschko becomes the next president of Ukraine. … It is interesting to take a look at just what kind of companies are mediating in contacts between Klitschko and the U.S. Congress and American government agencies, as well as advising his staff on organizing the early presidential race …

Vitali Klitschko’s American Coaches
Ukraine: NATO’s Eastern Prize
Ukraine: NATO’s Eastern Prize
December 16, 2013

…The connections between the Kyiv uprising and the EU outside manipulators are so apparent, the Kyiv square that has become the "Tahrir Square" of Ukraine is called "Euromaidan." The initial Tahrir Square uprising in Cairo, which overthrew Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, was partly manipulated by Soros-financed and Sharp-influenced street demonstrators who took their cues from professional political agitators hastily flown into Egypt from the United States and Europe. The latest professionally-agitated spectacle in Kyiv’s was spearheaded by the same Soros/Sharp/National Endowment for Democracy/CIA hydra that saw the overthrow of Ukraine's government in 2004 in the so-called Orange Revolution. This time, not only is Ukrainian President Yanukovych, but ultimately Russian President Vladimir Putin, are the targets…

Ukraine: Imagine Western Interference in Reverse… That Would Be An Impossible European Dream
December 16, 2013

Picture this: top aides of Russian President Vladimir Putin, along with Chinese and Iranian leaders Xi Xiping and Hassan Rouhani, are dispatched from their respective countries to join with anti-austerity protesters in New York, London, Paris or Brussels. These foreign dignitaries then go on to make public statements endorsing the violent occupation of government buildings on Washington’s Capitol Hill and the other Western capitals… Yet all these infringements – and more – are taking place in the Ukraine where there has been a procession of Western politicians, government statements and media coverage in recent weeks arrogantly presuming the abnormal to be normal and arrogating the power to lecture an elected government on how to conduct its internal sovereign affairs…

Ukraine: Imagine Western Interference in Reverse… That Would Be An Impossible European Dream
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Ukrainian Opposition: What do they Mean?
Ukrainian Opposition: What do they Mean?
December 10, 2013

On December 8 the statue of the Soviet Union's founder Vladimir Lenin was demolished capping the climax of anti-government protests, according to German Bild. The same thing happened in the days of French revolution when the statue of Louis XVI was toppled in the heart of Paris not far from Louvre. People were raptured. Instead a guillotine was erected to behead Louis, Marie Antoinette and around two thousand more in the name of liberté, égalité, fraternité (freedom, equality, fraternity). What did the Ukrainian protesters mean when a poster was stuck on the plinth where the red granite statue of Lenin had stood reading «Yanukovych, you’re next»? It may be a European-style, but the action is two hundred years late…

Vilnius Summit Over, West Opts For Klitschko
December 5, 2013

The West views Vitaly Klitschko as the next leader of Ukraine. It opts for him; he is the man of the West’s choice… Those who know something about his private life write in their Internet posts that it sounds peculiar to believe that «another clown of the West» who has lived twenty years in Germany and the United States of America will now «rescue Ukraine». It does not matter so much actually. What really matters is his statement that he made out loud for everyone to hear, «We will continue our fight… the days left for Yanukovych to stay in power are numbered», he said it in an interview for a German newspaper. The boxer added there are fights without rules ahead…

Vilnius Summit Over, West Opts For Klitschko