Tag: Journalism

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La liberazione di Cecilia Sala e la brutta figura dell’Italia
La liberazione di Cecilia Sala e la brutta figura dell’Italia
January 12, 2025

Cecilia Sala è stata liberata dopo la liberazione dell’ingegnere iraniano Abedini. Una vittoria diplomatica o l’ennesima figuraccia?

Raffi Berg: BBC Middle East editor exposed as CIA, Mossad collaborator
January 7, 2025

Asenior BBC editor at the center of an ongoing scandal into the network’s systematic pro-Israel bias is, in fact, a former member of a CIA propaganda outfit, MintPress News can reveal. Raffi Berg, an Englishman who heads the BBC’s Middle East desk, formerly worked for the U.S. State Department’s Foreign Broadcast Information Service, a unit that, by his own admission, was a CIA front group.

Raffi Berg: BBC Middle East editor exposed as CIA, Mossad collaborator
Editor's Сhoice
Cecilia Sala, o della stupidità della narrazione occidentale
Cecilia Sala, o della stupidità della narrazione occidentale
January 7, 2025

La propaganda occidentale fatta di distorsione e manipolazione ha un nuovo volto del mese: Cecilia Sala. Riflettori puntati, telecamere accese, ultima lettura al copione e… si comincia!

Cecilia Sala, or the stupidity of the western narrative
January 4, 2025

Western propaganda made of distortion and manipulation has a new face of the month: Cecilia Sala. Spotlights on, cameras on, last reading of the script and… we’re off!

Cecilia Sala, or the stupidity of the western narrative
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“L’ONU ha fallito e i BRICS lo sostituiranno”: parlamentari ed esperti discutono del ruolo del Brasile in un mondo multipolare
“L’ONU ha fallito e i BRICS lo sostituiranno”: parlamentari ed esperti discutono del ruolo del Brasile in un mondo multipolare
December 24, 2024

L’udienza pubblica è stata un passo importante verso la costruzione di una visione brasiliana dei BRICS – certamente, nuovi passi saranno presi presto, poiché il paese ospiterà il prossimo vertice BRICS.

“The UN has failed, and the BRICS will replace it”: Parliamentarians and experts discuss Brazil’s role in a multipolar world
December 21, 2024

The hearing was an important step toward building a Brazilian vision of BRICS – certainly, new steps will be taken soon, as the country will host the next BRICS summit.

“The UN has failed, and the BRICS will replace it”: Parliamentarians and experts discuss Brazil’s role in a multipolar world
CNN’s reporting reaches new level of farce. What should its new CEO do?
CNN’s reporting reaches new level of farce. What should its new CEO do?
December 19, 2024

Where was the tipping point for CNN which now no longer has any credibility as a decent news outlet on the world stage, it once had in the early days?

Uma ode à coragem: recente filme russo revela luta de jovem jornalista do Donbass
November 27, 2024

Faina Savenkova foi ainda criança adicionada à lista de morte ucraniana, se tornando um símbolo de resistência para a juventude do mundo inteiro.

Uma ode à coragem: recente filme russo revela luta de jovem jornalista do Donbass