Tag: Xi Jinping

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China ha alcanzado la velocidad de escape: Ahora es imparable
China ha alcanzado la velocidad de escape: Ahora es imparable
July 26, 2024

El tren de alta velocidad que importa ya ha salido de la estación. El siglo XXI se perfila como el siglo asiático, euroasiático, chino.

Orban: “China has a peace plan, America has a war policy”
July 9, 2024

The Hungarian Prime Minister visited China and is in the United States for the third and fourth stops of his peace mission.

Orban: “China has a peace plan, America has a war policy”
Editor's Сhoice
China springs a BRI surprise on U.S.
Editor's Сhoice
China springs a BRI surprise on U.S.
June 12, 2024

The report of the death of China’s Belt and Road Initiative [BRI] was an exaggeration, after all. Within days of the US President Joe Biden’s acerbic remark during an interview last week with the Time magazine that the BRI has “become a nuisance graveyard initiative,” a trilateral intergovernmental agreement to commence construction work on the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan [CKU] railway project was signed in Beijing on Thursday. 

Sino-Russian entente shifts the tectonic plates of world politics
May 21, 2024

The state visit by Russian President Vladimir Putin to China underscored that the two superpowers’ choice of entente-type alignment has gained traction. It falls short of explicit military obligations of support and yet will not entirely rule out military support either.

Sino-Russian entente shifts the tectonic plates of world politics
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Russia & China — Two Against One
Editor's Сhoice
Russia & China — Two Against One
May 18, 2024

Xi Jinping’s reception of Putin yesterday in Beijing sealed the increasingly formidable strategic relationship, fundamentally misunderstood in Washington.

Putin and Xi are world statesmen while Western elites are shown to be the real threat to global peace
May 17, 2024

The combined military and economic strength of Russia and China along with the political wisdom of their leaders are a guarantor for a better world.

Putin and Xi are world statesmen while Western elites are shown to be the real threat to global peace
Uma história de dois soberanos, um lacaio e uma babá
Uma história de dois soberanos, um lacaio e uma babá
May 15, 2024

Imagens espelhadas surpreendentes giram em torno de dois acontecimentos importantes nesta semana, diretamente embutidos na Grande Narrativa que dá forma ao meu último livro, Eurasia vs. NATOstan, publicado recentemente nos EUA: A visita de Xi Jinping a Paris e a inauguração do novo mandato de Vladimir Putin em Moscou.

Biden sonda Xi Jinping de olho na estabilidade financeira
April 7, 2024

A importância do telefonema do presidente dos EUA, Joe Biden, ao presidente chinês, Xi Jinping, na terça-feira, é o consenso de que durante o período desde a sua cúpula em Woodside, Califórnia, em novembro de 2023, a relação EUA-China “está começando a se estabilizar”.

Biden sonda Xi Jinping de olho na estabilidade financeira