Tag: Integrity Initiative

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Integrity Initiative: Big Brother’s Minions – or Flim-Flam Artists?
Integrity Initiative: Big Brother’s Minions – or Flim-Flam Artists?
January 23, 2019

How have we concerned individuals voluntarily come together (assisted by £2+ million of the taxpayer's money) to save democracy? Unpaid, unasked and unplotted. Completely conspiracy-free in fact.

New Documents Reveal a Covert British Military-Intelligence Smear Machine Meddling In American Politics
January 11, 2019

The Integrity Initiative has mobilized an international disinformation campaign across Europe. Now, with government and right-wing foundation money, this massive “political smear unit” is infiltrating the US.

New Documents Reveal a Covert British Military-Intelligence Smear Machine Meddling In American Politics
Editor's Сhoice
The Not So Special US-UK Relationship
The Not So Special US-UK Relationship
January 4, 2019

The fact of the matter is as per usual when the English are involved they generally end up causing more damage than good.

British Government Covert Anti-Russian Propaganda and the Skripal Case
December 24, 2018

Most frustratingly, Anonymous’ comments on the releases indicate that they have vital information which is not, so far, revealed. The most important document of all appears to be a simple contact list, of a particular group within the hundreds of contacts revealed in the papers overall. This is it in full:

British Government Covert Anti-Russian Propaganda and the Skripal Case
Editor's Сhoice
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Psychoanalysing NATO: The Diagnosis
Psychoanalysing NATO: The Diagnosis
December 21, 2018

NATO and its members are inexhaustible sources of wooden language and dishonesty. Take Washington's demand that Iran get out of Syria while US forces stay there.

Influencing Foreigners Is What Intelligence Agencies Do
December 20, 2018

It is naïve for the US Senate to maintain that intelligence probing and other forms of interference from Russia or China or Iran or even “friend” Israel occur in a vacuum.

Influencing Foreigners Is What Intelligence Agencies Do
The West Slips Down Another Step
The West Slips Down Another Step
December 3, 2018

Apart from the dangers of building up battle fever against a power that could obliterate the West, the "Russia information war" is a telling indication of the decline of the West.

Major Psy-Op in Europe Exposed: UK Government Tramples on Values It Vowed to Protect
November 26, 2018

Keeping its activities out of the public eye, the UK government is doing exactly what it has so indignantly accused Russia of. The pot is calling the kettle black.

Major Psy-Op in Europe Exposed: UK Government Tramples on Values It Vowed to Protect