Tag: IMF

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Zelensky is out of money, men and options
Zelensky is out of money, men and options
July 4, 2024

It is as unthinkable that the Zelenskys, Johnsons, Camerons, Obamas and Clintons should walk away unscathed from Kiev than Hitler, Bormann, Goebbels and the others could have walked away unscathed from Berlin.

Zelensky set the trap that threatens to destroy us
June 15, 2024

When we are told to put on our helmets and pick up our machine guns, perhaps we will remember that peace is the greatest good that civilization can guarantee us.

Zelensky set the trap that threatens to destroy us
The Silver Bullet Against the Barbarian Invasions of the West: De-Dollarization of the International System
The Silver Bullet Against the Barbarian Invasions of the West: De-Dollarization of the International System
March 20, 2024

De-dollarization is urgent as an ethical and humanitarian imperative against the barbaric invasions of the West, Mauricio Metri writes.

The IMF’s Policies Are Destroying Kenya, Again
March 8, 2024

International Monetary Fund diktats have pushed Kenya into a spiral of rising debt and unaffordable prices for food and fuel. New loans have come with strings attached that make the crisis even worse — but it’s good news for lenders in the West.

The IMF’s Policies Are Destroying Kenya, Again
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Argentina’s Milei Announces First Batch of Class War Measures Dictated by the IMF
Editor's Сhoice
Argentina’s Milei Announces First Batch of Class War Measures Dictated by the IMF
December 15, 2023

On Tuesday evening, Argentine Economy Minister Luis Caputo announced the first set of economic measures under the country’s fascistic new president, Javier Milei.

The Capitalists Are Circling Over Ukraine
July 8, 2023

Seeing opportunity amid the tragedy, 500 global businesses from 42 countries have already signed the Ukraine Business Compact “to help realise its huge potential” — or secure their slice of the Ukrainian pie.

The Capitalists Are Circling Over Ukraine
Editor's Сhoice
So Much Lying From the International Monetary Fund
Editor's Сhoice
So Much Lying From the International Monetary Fund
April 17, 2023

Remarkably, during her visit to Ghana in late March 2023, US Vice President Kamala Harris announced that the US Treasury Department’s Office of Technical Assistance will ‘deploy a full-time resident advisor in 2023 to Accra to assist the Ministry of Finance in developing and executing medium- to long-term reforms needed to improve debt sustainability and support a competitive, dynamic government debt market’.

Ukraine’s Massive Money Laundering Scam
August 20, 2022

Before looking at Ukraine’s government warrants, which gives the game away to anyone with even a rudimentary financial or mathematical background, let’s just quickly survey Kiev’s empty coffers.

Ukraine’s Massive Money Laundering Scam