Tag: IDF

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The criminal and deafening silence on Lebanon is reprehensible
Editor's Сhoice
The criminal and deafening silence on Lebanon is reprehensible
September 30, 2024

Had such air raids taken place against “Israel”, the response would have been extremely different, where calls to sanction, diplomatically isolate and prosecute those responsible would be the standard modus operandi of Western governments.

Is an Iran retaliation now inevitable, following Israel’s bombing of Beirut?
September 28, 2024

IDF aren’t that good when it comes to close contact fighting; killing children and beating up women is more their tour de force.

Is an Iran retaliation now inevitable, following Israel’s bombing of Beirut?
?Aprovechara Israel la oportunidad ‘imprudentemente’? «?se han abierto las puertas a una guerra sin limites?”
?Aprovechara Israel la oportunidad ‘imprudentemente’? «?se han abierto las puertas a una guerra sin limites?”
September 26, 2024

A juzgar por las declaraciones israelíes, el consenso es que Hezbolá tomará represalias, pero de un modo distinto al que ha respondido hasta ahora.

Will Israel “recklessly” seize the day? “Have the doors to a war without limits been opened?”
September 23, 2024

Judging by Israeli statements, the consensus is that Hizbullah will retaliate, but in a way that is different from the way it has responded until now.

Will Israel “recklessly” seize the day? “Have the doors to a war without limits been opened?”
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Cerrar las escotillas antes de que las lluvias hundan el buque del Oeste
Cerrar las escotillas antes de que las lluvias hundan el buque del Oeste
September 22, 2024

La guerra está perdida, y la lucha por mantener el «fingimiento forzado» se está abriendo paso, para ser vista por todos como una falsa realidad.

Belated reporting on Oct 7 helps justify genocide
September 13, 2024

Mick Hall analyzes an Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s story — 11 months into a genocide — on the Israeli military’s use of the Hannibal Directive to kill its own citizens.

Belated reporting on Oct 7 helps justify genocide
Editor's Сhoice
Exposed: How Israeli spies control your VPN
Editor's Сhoice
Exposed: How Israeli spies control your VPN
September 12, 2024

few people know that a considerable chunk of that market—including three of the six most popular VPNs—is quietly operated by an Israeli-owned company with close connections to that country’s national security state, including the elite Unit 8200 and Duvdevan Units of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).

“Dissemos a Israel: ‘Olha, se vocês tiverem que ir, apoiaremos vocês o tempo todo’”
September 9, 2024

Os EUA estão encurralados pelo seu apoio militar “firme” e não qualificado a Israel – o que oferece a Netanyahu ampla margem de manobra.

“Dissemos a Israel: ‘Olha, se vocês tiverem que ir, apoiaremos vocês o tempo todo’”