Tag: IDF

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A grande contribuição do Hamas para a derrocada do sistema imperialista
A grande contribuição do Hamas para a derrocada do sistema imperialista
July 18, 2024

O Oriente Médio – particularmente o Eixo da Resistência e o povo palestino – está acelerando a iminente (ainda que não imediata) crise revolucionária mundial do século XXI.

Plan israelí para impedir un Estado palestino
July 16, 2024

El plan para el robo de la Cisjordania es totalmente apoyado por Netanyahu y conforma la base para la actual coalición extremista de derecha judía que mantiene a Netanyahu en el poder – y fuera de la cárcel.

Plan israelí para impedir un Estado palestino
Israel’s use of Hannibal Directive led to many deaths on October 7, including Israeli civilians
Editor's Сhoice
Israel’s use of Hannibal Directive led to many deaths on October 7, including Israeli civilians
July 13, 2024

According to the Israeli daily Haaretz, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) issued the Hannibal Directive that ordered the use of force to prevent soldiers being taken into captivity at three army facilities infiltrated by Hamas on October 7. The orders were implemented in buildings where hostages were known to be held. Other orders were given to fire on civilian buildings and open areas.

“If Israel attacks Lebanon, most Christians will support Hezbollah.” Interview with Rawad Daher
July 9, 2024

In an effort to understand this newest threat to the Lebanese people, Steven Sahiounie interviewed Rawad Daher, a well-known Lebanese journalist.

“If Israel attacks Lebanon, most Christians will support Hezbollah.” Interview with Rawad Daher
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Hypocrisy and contradictions of the West
Editor's Сhoice
Hypocrisy and contradictions of the West
July 5, 2024

IDF is considered to be a disciplined force. It has an army, navy and air-force equipped with latest lethal bombs, missiles, tanks and fighter jets. It is engaged in a self-declared war against a rag-tag group of resistance fighters of a territory, under their siege and occupation.

IDF Report Found Multiple Cases of Friendly Fire Deaths on Oct 7
June 23, 2024

The probe identified numerous examples of Israeli forces overreacting or failing to act during the Hamas assault

IDF Report Found Multiple Cases of Friendly Fire Deaths on Oct 7
Editor's Сhoice
‘Israeli soldier’ from notorious unit confesses to U.S. citizen’s killing
Editor's Сhoice
‘Israeli soldier’ from notorious unit confesses to U.S. citizen’s killing
May 22, 2024

In recordings obtained by The Grayzone, a self-proclaimed soldier from Israel’s infamous Netzah Yehuda battalion detailed his unit’s killing of a 78-year-old Palestinian-American, and flaunted his genocidal views. After announcing plans to sanction the battalion, the Biden administration has inexplicably pulled back.

Quem tentou puxar o tapete de Netanyahu e por quê?
May 16, 2024

A jovem geração americana de hoje diz: Não nos identificaremos com tendências genocidas suspeitas contra um povo nativo.

Quem tentou puxar o tapete de Netanyahu e por quê?