Tag: IDF

Ex-prisioneiros israelenses reconhecem bom-tratamento recebido dos soldados palestinos durante período em cativeiro.

A new narrative is being aggressively pushed by Israel and its apologists to justify resuming the Gaza genocide, conveniently just as an important deadline for ceasefire negotiations draws near.

A causa di cosa esiste Israele? Come e da dove viene l’aiuto americano e chi fa pressione per ottenerli?

Israeli military forces have moved to within 15 miles of the Syrian Capital of Damascus. The IDF has seized large tracts of land in southern Syria it intends to occupy and where it will eventually build checkpoints, military outposts and settlements. The “lightening” invasion has been accompanied by a massive bombing campaign that has obliterated numerous military bases, weapons depots and research labs eliminating any hope that Syria will regain the ability to defend itself or to reestablish its sovereign independence.