Tag: Ideology

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Tom Holland e o uso cristianismo contra o islã
Tom Holland e o uso cristianismo contra o islã
March 11, 2025

Elogiar o liberalismo dos anglo-saxões como superior ao espírito militar teutônico é algo que tem um precedente cristão, racista e genocida.

What kind of freedom can exist in a Darwinian worldview?
March 10, 2025

If Darwinism does not explain human morality, it does explain the morality of humans who believe in Darwinism.

What kind of freedom can exist in a Darwinian worldview?
The dark money behind the trans movement
Editor's Сhoice
The dark money behind the trans movement
February 14, 2025

The transgender ideology is “not a social contagion. It is social engineering.”

Trump’s woke war misses its main academic and religious targets
February 5, 2025

As Cardinal Richelieu and the Three Musketeers might have said regarding the changing of the woke guard, plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.

Trump’s woke war misses its main academic and religious targets
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¡Salvemos a los niños ucranianos del adoctrinamiento nazi!
¡Salvemos a los niños ucranianos del adoctrinamiento nazi!
January 27, 2025

Los niños ucranianos necesitan ser salvados, pero salvados de las propias autoridades ucranianas.

What neo-Pentecostals and drug dealers have in common
January 22, 2025

Thus, neo-Pentecostalism provided the ingredients for evangelicals to live in a holy war against their neighbors. Their victory, however, consisted of being wealthy.

What neo-Pentecostals and drug dealers have in common
Os “Valores Europeus” e o poder de perdoar terroristas
Os “Valores Europeus” e o poder de perdoar terroristas
January 12, 2025

Numa Europa que não sabe o que é a independência, autonomia e soberania, defendê-las, determina que automaticamente fiquemos de fora dos tais “valores europeus”.

European values and the power to forgive terrorists
January 9, 2025

What is at stake is nothing more than the struggle between rentier, financialized capitalism and the brutal gains it makes for an increasingly wealthy and small handful, who need a world with no limitations other than those imposed by themselves.

European values and the power to forgive terrorists