Tag: Huawei

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5G: An Open Door for America’s Demise
5G: An Open Door for America’s Demise
January 24, 2023

At day’s end, gamers, streamers and forward looking companies and governments will choose Chinese technology over America’s technologically challenged bullies.

World Police: Washington Seeks to Imprison Foreign Businesspeople for Violating Illegal U.S. Sanctions
April 29, 2021

In violation of international law, the US is seeking to extradite and imprison foreign businesspeople for circumventing its unilateral sanctions. Washington’s targets include Venezuelan national Alex Saab, North Korean Mun Chol Myong, and Chinese Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou.

World Police: Washington Seeks to Imprison Foreign Businesspeople for Violating Illegal U.S. Sanctions
Editor's Сhoice
The Double De-Coupling
The Double De-Coupling
October 5, 2020

The defining event of this post-Covid era will likely be the U.S. de-coupling from China – in tech and media spheres.

Whose Century Is It? Don’t Ask Donald Trump
August 21, 2020

Setting aside Washington’s belief in the inherent superiority of America, a future administration could stop hurling insults or trying to ban enviably successful Chinese tech firms and instead emulate the Chinese example by formulating and implementing a well-planned, long-term high-tech strategy.

Whose Century Is It? Don’t Ask Donald Trump
Editor's Сhoice
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Why the U.S. Is Losing Its War Against Huawei
Editor's Сhoice
Why the U.S. Is Losing Its War Against Huawei
February 18, 2020

Humiliated by the United Kingdom’s refusal to exclude Huawei from its 5G broadband network, the Trump Administration has doubled down on its attempts to stop China, with poor prospects for success.

Did the U.S. Just Concede Defeat in China Tech War?
January 28, 2020

Despite the May 2019 export restrictions and Washington’s campaign to discourage Western countries from buying Huawei’s 5G technology, the Chinese giant boosted sales by 20% during 2019.

Did the U.S. Just Concede Defeat in China Tech War?
Editor's Сhoice
America’s misguided war on Chinese technology
Editor's Сhoice
America’s misguided war on Chinese technology
November 9, 2019

The debate over Huawei rages in Germany, where the US government threatens to curtail intelligence cooperation unless the authorities exclude Huawei’s 5G technology.

5G Policy ‘Biggest Strategic Disaster in US History’
November 6, 2019

Huawei is expected to sell 600,000 5G base stations by the end of 2019 and two million by the end of 2020, according to company estimates, despite an American embargo on the sale of American components to Huawei and 28 other Chinese companies.

5G Policy ‘Biggest Strategic Disaster in US History’
Editor's Сhoice