Tag: Houthi movement

The goal is not to repel or kill enemy soldiers but to capture them,” said Ali Mohammed Hassan, his voice steady as he adjusted the strap of his AK-47. Dressed in the traditional Tahami uniform, grenades hanging from his belt and ammunition at the ready, Hassan spoke with the confidence of someone deeply familiar with the terrain. “I know this land. That is our advantage.”

En el patio de la famosa mezquita Al Shaeb de Yemen, los guardias de honor estaban firmes acompañados por la melodía de música militar mientras comenzaba la ceremonia fúnebre de los marines yemeníes muertos en la última ronda de ataques de Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido.

The Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea is of course a highly strategic waterway, and the Yemeni Armed forces are exercising the leverage they have in order to try and squeeze it.

So they’re raining military explosives on impoverished middle easterners to maintain their status quo domination, under the pretense of goals which they themselves admit are not being achieved. Just another day in the empire, I guess.