Tag: Hollande

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French Government Creates Illegal Database on over 60 Million Citizens
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French Government Creates Illegal Database on over 60 Million Citizens
November 15, 2016

By setting up a single database centralizing information on the entire French population behind their backs, France’s Socialist Party (PS) government is giving the state vast repressive powers. Coming amid the state of emergency, it constitutes a fundamental threat to democratic rights, in particular to opposition within the working class to austerity and war…

French Fury Explodes with Echoes of 1968
March 26, 2016

Riot police clashing with striking workers, students shutting down universities, teargas and cars torched in the streets – the mayhem this past week in France evoked memories of 1968, the tumultuous year when mass protests threatened to overthrow a French government back then…

French Fury Explodes with Echoes of 1968
Orwell Bienvenue to France – Encore!
Orwell Bienvenue to France – Encore!
February 28, 2016

France is in the throes of a «secret war» in Libya – in audacious violation of international law. But to report on this criminality is an offense! Welcome to the Orwellian world of double-think that the French state has entered…

Vladimir Putin, Francois Hollande Press Conference
November 27, 2015

On Nov 26 following their bilateral meeting in Moscow, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin and the President of France François Hollande took part in a press conference in Kremlin to give a statement on the results of the meeting and answer journalists’ questions.

Vladimir Putin, Francois Hollande Press Conference
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French Tragedy: US, NATO a No Go in Anti-Jihadists Effort (I)
French Tragedy: US, NATO a No Go in Anti-Jihadists Effort (I)
November 23, 2015

French President Francois Hollande will travel to Washington on November 24 and to Moscow on November 26 to discuss the fight against Islamic State (IS) and situation in Syria…

France: A la Guerre Comme a la Guerre!
November 15, 2015

A human tragedy has taken place. On November 14, terrorists killed over 100 people in Paris. More than 200 were injured. Even now, after the tragedy has happened, the leadership of France has no courage to face the reality. French politicians, including President François Hollande, keep on harping on the same string expressing their readiness to fight for European values and ideals like if they were attacked for some unknown reason by aliens. A healer in the Middle Ages knew only one way to fight smallpox – to plunge a patient into boiling water. French politicians behave the same way. They call for tougher police measures, closed borders and prolongation of the state of emergency…

France: A la Guerre Comme a la Guerre!
France Launches Bombing Campaign In Syria
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France Launches Bombing Campaign In Syria
September 29, 2015

On Sunday, the Elysée Palace released a statement from President François Hollande declaring that French fighter jets had bombed targets inside Syria. Initial media reports suggested that the targets were training camps of Islamic State (IS) militia near Raqqa, and […]

Sarkozy fustige Hollande pour son absence à Moscou le 9 mai
June 8, 2015

Intervenant samedi lors du congrès de son parti Les Républicains, Nicolas Sarkozy a reproché au président François Hollande sa décision de ne pas se rendre à Moscou pour la commémoration du 70e anniversaire de la victoire sur le nazisme.

Sarkozy fustige Hollande pour son absence à Moscou le 9 mai
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