Tag: Haftar

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The Increasingly Complicated Game of Libya Chequers Pitches Old Enemies Against One Another – Plus New Ones
The Increasingly Complicated Game of Libya Chequers Pitches Old Enemies Against One Another – Plus New Ones
May 1, 2019

Haftar’s failure to take Tripoli might be a relief to the Moroccan King who might unwittingly be at the centre of a solution to a proxy war unfolding.

Libya Is Our Regime Change Nightmare
April 10, 2019

Whatever the outcome of the latest battle, the continuation of the war is certain to deepen the misery of Libya’s civilian population. Eight years later, Libya is still living with the instability and violence that resulted from US-backed regime change made possible by Western intervention.

Libya Is Our Regime Change Nightmare
Editor's Сhoice
Palermo Conference on Libya: Fresh Push for Stabilization
Palermo Conference on Libya: Fresh Push for Stabilization
November 15, 2018

In Libya, Russia is ready to cooperate with the West, as both are interested in preventing that big, oil-rich country from becoming a safe haven for terrorists.

Libya Achieves Political Breakthrough: Russia Has Special Role to Play
May 8, 2017

…The May 2 meeting in Abu Dhabi opens up prospects for Russia’s military aid to Libya. The UN imposed an arms embargo on the in 2011. In August 2014, after violence had flared up, Security Council Resolution 2174 required that any supplies of arms to Libya must be approved in advance by the Sanctions Committee. If Libya has an internationally recognized government in place, the sanctions will be lifted to pave the way for all kinds of aid, including the so much needed military supplies. Moscow has stated it would be ready to supply the legitimate Libyan government with weapons as soon as the UN embargo is effective no more…

Libya Achieves Political Breakthrough: Russia Has Special Role to Play
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Libya Enters New Phase of Armed Conflict
Libya Enters New Phase of Armed Conflict
April 14, 2017

East Libyan forces led by General Khalifa Haftar are about to take control of the Tamanhent air base near the city of Sabha, which is located on the frontline between rival forces based in eastern and western Libya. The leadership of the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) in the capital, Tripoli, has ordered its forces to counter the attack. According to Libyan media outlets, heavy fighting is taking place in the area…

ISIS Thriving in Libya 6 Years After Revolt Against Gaddafi
February 18, 2017

On  this day six years ago, a popular uprising erupted in Libya against the 42-year-old regime of Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi. Nato famously stepped in, ostensibly to protect civilians, with the backing of France and the US. Eight months later, Gaddafi was dead and the Libyan regime was history.

ISIS Thriving in Libya 6 Years After Revolt Against Gaddafi
Editor's Сhoice