Tag: Goldman Sachs

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Biden Quietly Adds Goldman Sachs, Big Tech Officials to Transition
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Biden Quietly Adds Goldman Sachs, Big Tech Officials to Transition
December 22, 2020

President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team in recent weeks has quietly brought aboard alumni of Wall Street titan Goldman Sachs, tech giants Google and Facebook, and notorious consulting firm McKinsey, heightening alarm among watchdog groups that have urged the incoming administration to steer clear of the corrupting influence of corporate America.

Virtue Signaling Is a Cheap Investment for Goldman Sachs
January 26, 2020

The bold move by Goldman Sachs is a huge leap forward for proponents of race-based employment but ultimately it appears to be a means of distracting mainstream journalists from the company’s questionable past.

Virtue Signaling Is a Cheap Investment for Goldman Sachs
The Great Goldman Sachs-Trump Con Job
The Great Goldman Sachs-Trump Con Job
December 24, 2016

During the 2016 Republican Primary Campaign which was one of the most immature, intellectually insubstantial and vicious in the history of American politics – devoid of ideas and policies but heavy on petty playground name calling – Florida Senator Marco Rubio ripped into Donald Trump and implored his fellow Republicans: «What we are dealing with here, my friends, is a con artist. First of all, he runs on this idea that he is fighting for the little guy. But he has spent his entire career sticking it to the little guy»…

Trump’s Appointments
December 5, 2016

Before I give an explanation, let’s be sure we all know what an explanation is. An explanation is not a justification. The collapse of education in the US is so severe that many Americans, especially younger ones, cannot tell the difference between an explanation and a defense, justification, or apology for what they regard as a guilty person or party. If an explanation is not damning or sufficiently damning of what they want damned, the explanation is interpreted as an excuse for the object of their scorn. In America, reason and objective analysis have taken a backseat to emotion.

Trump’s Appointments
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Banker Cronyism Hits EU Ship Rocked by Brexit Torpedo
Banker Cronyism Hits EU Ship Rocked by Brexit Torpedo
July 18, 2016

It couldn’t come at a worst time. Just as the European Union is reeling from the historic setback of Britain voting to leave the 28-member bloc, then comes the scandal of a former top commissioner taking a plum job at a Wall Street bank – to advise on the fallout from the Brexit. If ever the grubby «revolving door» relationship between the EU bureaucratic elite and big business needed an illustration, it is the news of Jose Manuel Barroso taking up a post with the US investment giant Goldman Sachs…

Banking Cartel That Steers Oil Market
January 18, 2016

The start of the new year was accompanied by a record drop in indexes and prices in financial and commodity markets. The oil market also set new records. Between July 2014 and the end of 2015, the price of this energy resource dropped by 70 %. It looked like it had bottomed out, but then last week oil prices dropped more than 10% – the worst start to a new year in recorded history. More and more traders are inclined to think that prices could fall below $30 a barrel…

Banking Cartel That Steers Oil Market
Europe’s debt situation in the light of past sovereign defaults
Europe’s debt situation in the light of past sovereign defaults
July 24, 2015

At least two European countries today are on the verge of sovereign default. Those are Greece and Ukraine. It is difficult to believe that the deteriorating debt situation in those countries simply arose on its own. The debt crises in Greece and Ukraine are man-made. The West (specifically «the money masters») methodically and on a «scientific basis» have driven both countries into a trap of debt…

America is on a Banking Delayed-action Mine
May 23, 2015

Since 2009, it has been compulsory for all major US banks to pass an exam called a stress test. The test checks the banks’ ability to withstand sudden changes in economic and financial conditions. Put simply, it assesses the banks’ ability to survive should America experience a financial crisis similar to the one in 2007-2009. In all the years of testing, the majority of US banks have received a rating of ‘satisfactory’, and even then with a stretch of the imagination. Some banks have had to retake the exam… The results of the stress testing shows that America is living on a delayed-action mine called the US banking system, and sooner or later this mine is going to explode…

America is on a Banking Delayed-action Mine