Tag: Geopolitics

Only a month into his tenure, Francois Bayrou, the fifth French Prime Minister in three years, is already facing the first of doubtless many attempts to bring his government down. The great survivor may have clung on for decades in French politics, but he may only last a few months as Prime Minister. Right now, the fate of his government hangs on the flimsiest of threads.

Los orígenes del pensamiento geopolítico argentino nacen en el siglo XIX, con el telón de fondo de la formación institucional y espacial del propio Estado argentino. El 25 de mayo de 1810 se independizó como Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata mediante la llamada Revolución de Mayo del Virreinato Español del Río de la Plata que existía desde 1776.

This article is based on the lecture by historian Milorad Vukasinovic presented at KCNS, Serbia.