Tag: Gaza Strip
The incoming former President Donald Trump has styled himself as an anti-war, pro-deal candidate, maintaining that the wars in Ukraine and Palestine would never have happened if he had been president during the past four years. He campaigned on this platform, even though it is demonstrably true that he is no dove.
If you saw through the lies about Gaza, don’t stop there. Keep going. Keep pulling on threads. Keep learning. Stay curious. They lied about Gaza, they lied about Iraq, they lied about Libya, they lied about Ukraine, and they’re lying about Syria too.
De una manera u otra, la matanza en Gaza no terminará en un día. Pero las fuerzas que actúan dentro de nosotros y que dieron origen a esa carnicería seguirán viviendo largamente hasta que el sonido de los drones y las explosiones hay cesado.
Eyewitness accounts reveal Israeli snipers are systematically targeting unarmed civilians, including children, using tactics that point to deliberate genocidal intent and a chilling policy of terror designed to annihilate a people, not just wage war.