Tag: Far East

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«Necesitamos rompehielos”… y más asociaciones estratégicas
«Necesitamos rompehielos”… y más asociaciones estratégicas
June 25, 2024

La «contención» estadounidense de la asociación estratégica Rusia-China ya se está deshaciendo en tiempo real.

“We need icebreakers” – and more strategic partnerships
June 20, 2024

The U.S. “containment” of the Russia-China strategic partnership is already unravelling in real time.

“We need icebreakers” – and more strategic partnerships
The theory of permanent revolution and the precedents of the Korean revolution
The theory of permanent revolution and the precedents of the Korean revolution
April 12, 2024

The semi-colonial rule of imperialism over South Korea stopped the national-democratic revolution of the Korean people. It will only conclude with the liberation of South Korea and the reunification of the entire peninsula independently of imperialism, writes Eduardo Vasco.

Geopolitics Is Moving North Korea’s Way
January 25, 2024

Kim, an astute practitioner of geopolitics, aims to create synergy through a strategic fusion that actually dates back to Joseph Stalin who purposefully sought to entangle the US in a military conflict on the Korean Peninsula and forestall the outbreak of a third world war.  

Geopolitics Is Moving North Korea’s Way
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The Eastern Economic Forum Accelerates a Grand Strategy of Win-Win Cooperation
The Eastern Economic Forum Accelerates a Grand Strategy of Win-Win Cooperation
September 8, 2021

One can only hope that wiser forces among the nations of the west (and those among the global south trying to foolishly operate within two opposing worlds) will recognize which future is worth living in, Matt Ehret writes.

Territorial Disputes of Japan
August 31, 2020

During the tenure of outgoing Japanese Premier Shinzo Abe hopes were high that he would be able to resolve some of the territorial disputes between Japan and its neighbors. That did not happen. Let’s have a look at the legacy Abe will leave to his successor.

Territorial Disputes of Japan
The Art of the Flank: India and Other Asian Nations Join the Polar Silk Road
The Art of the Flank: India and Other Asian Nations Join the Polar Silk Road
October 15, 2019

The best partnerships occur when all participants have special talents to bring to the relationship which makes a whole more powerful than the sum of its parts.

Our Planet is So Small that We Must Live in Peace
September 24, 2019

I was in the Russian Far East, in the city of Yakutsk as a part of the Center for Citizens Initiatives citizen to citizen diplomacy program.

Our Planet is So Small that We Must Live in Peace
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