Tag: Exxon Mobil

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Exxon Mobil quer iniciar uma guerra na America Latina
Exxon Mobil quer iniciar uma guerra na America Latina
December 16, 2023

Os grandes media, a Exxon Mobil e o Pentágono tiveram uma derrota esmagadora na tentativa de ocupar um território rico em petróleo pertencente à Venezuela. Em 3 de dezembro de 2023, a população venezuelana participou massivamente num referendo consultivo e respondeu afirmativamente às cinco perguntas sobre se os eleitores reconheciam a soberania do seu país sobre o Esequibo. Uma larga maioria (direita e esquerda juntas) votou a favor do respeito pela integridade territorial.

How Exxon Captured a Country Without Firing a Shot
June 25, 2023

Guyana’s High Court handed down a historic ruling in May against both the country’s Environmental Protection Agency and Exxon Mobil’s subsidiary in the region. If it sounds strange that the EPA and Exxon were co-defendants in a case, yes, that’s precisely the point.

How Exxon Captured a Country Without Firing a Shot
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‘America First’ à la Trump: US Oil Giant Deprived of Profits and Lucrative Deals
‘America First’ à la Trump: US Oil Giant Deprived of Profits and Lucrative Deals
May 2, 2017

President Donald Trump has rejected Exxon Mobil waivers to operate in Russia, which it had asked for and received in 2015 and 2016. In 2012, the then CEO Rex Tillerson negotiated a deal with Rosneft, worth as much as $500 billion in joint investments, to explore deposits in the Black Sea, the Arctic and Russia’s Far East.

EU Changes Energy Policy
May 28, 2013

The European Union summit which took place on May 22 is a landmark event and an important step further after the adoption of the 2009 Third Energy Package… The traditionally anti-Russian energy policy of the European Union gets a new content. Nothing proves that the European Union wants to lower the dependence on energy imports as such. For instance, at the very same time the possibility of gas imports from Ukraine in distant future is part of the agenda. What lies at the bottom of the European Union’s stance is finding the ways to become independent from Russia…

EU Changes Energy Policy
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Norwegian Gas and Russian Gas Exports to Europe
Norwegian Gas and Russian Gas Exports to Europe
March 15, 2013

At the end of February this year, Norway's Energy Ministry published information on hydrocarbon reserves in light of geological survey data obtained in an area which came under Norwegian jurisdiction under an agreement with Russia in 2010. The information confirmed speculation by experts regarding the presence of high-grade deposits: Norwegians estimate that the volume of their new resources is 31 percent higher than previously calculated, 85 percent of which is natural gas and the rest – oil. What are the implications of this for Russian gas exports to Europe, including to Germany?..

Economic Cooperation Prevents Conflict of Interests in the Arctic
February 20, 2013

New technologies and climate change have significantly raised the profile of Arctic resources for the global economy. According to the Economist, the Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet. Many experts quoting Alfred T. Mahan’s work «The Influence of Sea Power Upon History” agree that seaborne commerce in the High North will become an important geopolitical factor over the next several decades. Prospects of political dominance in the Arctic provoke heated debates sometimes overdramatised by the media. But realpolitik dictates that all states concerned should rely on existing legal and institutional framework enabling peaceful cooperation…

Economic Cooperation Prevents Conflict of Interests in the Arctic