Tag: Evangelists

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O casamento entre narcotráfico e sionismo evangélico no Brasil
O casamento entre narcotráfico e sionismo evangélico no Brasil
July 22, 2024

Ignorar as religiões como se fossem atividades puramente privadas e não tivessem repercussões sérias na esfera pública impede o Estado de se antecipar ao surgimento de seitas perigosas, o que propicia fenômenos como o narcopentecostalismo.

The marriage between drug trafficking and Evangelical Zionism in Brazil
July 21, 2024

Ignoring religions as if they were purely private activities and had no serious repercussions in the public sphere prevents the State from anticipating the emergence of dangerous sects, which facilitates phenomena like narco-pentecostalism.

The marriage between drug trafficking and Evangelical Zionism in Brazil
Israel Funds America’s Israel Lobby, While U.S. Taxpayers Pay for Endless Fraud Against Themselves
Israel Funds America’s Israel Lobby, While U.S. Taxpayers Pay for Endless Fraud Against Themselves
September 10, 2020

The fundamentalist Christian head cases that place Israel’s interests ahead of those of their own country finally need to have their bell rung.

Recession Now, Please
August 26, 2019

It is also the view of most informed observers that Keynesian fiscal remedies are no longer as feasible or as likely to be effective as they used to be, and also that monetary “solutions” are unlikely to be of much help either.

Recession Now, Please
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The Untold Story of Christian Zionism’s Rise to Power in the United States
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The Untold Story of Christian Zionism’s Rise to Power in the United States
July 20, 2019

Many of influential members in the Trump administration — especially top Trump advisers Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt, and U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman — also share and actively promote this extremist religious Zionist ideology that seeks to rebuild a Third Temple.

How Martin Luther Paved the Way for Donald Trump
April 21, 2018

he support of white evangelicals for Donald Trump continues to exasperate and perplex. About 80 percent of them voted for him in 2016—the most recorded for a Republican candidate since 2000—and his approval rating among them remains high. In June, some 1,000 evangelical pastors plan to meet the president, both to “celebrate” his accomplishments (as one leading pastor put it) and to rally Christians for the midterm elections. Neither Trump’s relations with Stormy Daniels, nor his endorsement of alleged sexual abuser Roy Moore, nor his reference to “shithole” countries, nor his toxic tweets, recurrent racism, or general crudity, have proved a deterrent to most conservative Christians—to the dismay of many commentators.

How Martin Luther Paved the Way for Donald Trump
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‘American Pastor’ Billy Graham Remembered in Russia
‘American Pastor’ Billy Graham Remembered in Russia
February 28, 2018

Unofficial contacts play a very important role in shaping bilateral relations, be it economy, international problems, arms control, cultural or religious ties. Russians and Americans may agree or disagree but they should talk. Preachers have influence.

America is Bankrupt and Republicans Couldn’t Care Less
January 21, 2018

The United States is effectively bankrupt, but that doesn’t matter to the GOP. Once evangelists of fiscal responsibility and scourges of deficit spending, Republicans today glory in spilling red ink. The national debt is now $20.6 trillion, greater than the annual GDP of about $19.5 trillion. Alas, with Republicans at the helm, deficits are set to continue racing upwards, apparently without end.

America is Bankrupt and Republicans Couldn’t Care Less
Editor's Сhoice