Tag: Recep Tayyip Erdogan

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An Islamic front against Israel?
An Islamic front against Israel?
September 15, 2024

We have reached that moment in history when once again the Islamic peoples come together for the “holy war” and this time the conflict will take place on a much higher level.

Changing tides: The G-7’s decline and the E-7’s rise
September 6, 2024

As the E-7 stands alone in defending human rights, the G-7’s trustworthiness is being shaken to its core

Changing tides: The G-7’s decline and the E-7’s rise
Editor's Сhoice
Turkey joining BRICS represents another step to a multipolar world
Turkey joining BRICS represents another step to a multipolar world
September 5, 2024

The USA, the EU and the UK will continue to be powerful players, but their influence on developing countries and their dominance of the global financial system, seems set to wane as BRICS forges a more multipolar world over the longer term.

Turkey, what are you looking for?
August 24, 2024

Turkey must choose where to go. In all likelihood, it will not let anyone know – or understand – this, remaining consistent with its well-established style.

Turkey, what are you looking for?
Sign up for
the Strategic
Culture Foundation
Turkey: Erdogan’s party loses local elections in major upset
Editor's Сhoice
Turkey: Erdogan’s party loses local elections in major upset
April 3, 2024

Istanbul Mayor-Elect Ekrem İmamoğlu said result “marks the end of democratic erosion in Turkey and the resurgence of democracy.”

Turkish President Erdogan’s Links to Ongoing Trade With Israel Exposed
December 11, 2023

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has condemned Israel’s genocide in Gaza but refused to cut off the flow of critical materials from Turkey such as steel and oil that feed Tel Aviv’s war machine. It has been revealed that individuals and companies close to his Justice and Development Party (AKP) continued to trade with Israel after 7 October.

Turkish President Erdogan’s Links to Ongoing Trade With Israel Exposed
Editor's Сhoice
The hostility targeting Turkish foreign policy
Editor's Сhoice
The hostility targeting Turkish foreign policy
July 28, 2023

Many prominent journalists and academicians, who are detached from the reality of Türkiye, continue to act like ‘trolls’ and shallow sympathizers of the West

The Secret of Erdogan’s Success in the 2023 Election
May 30, 2023

Under Erdogan, Ankara is not afraid of being independent, or buying military products not “Made in USA,” Steven Sahiounie writes.

The Secret of Erdogan’s Success in the 2023 Election
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