Tag: Ecology

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The Hanford Site is America’s most contaminated nuclear location. See photos of its long, toxic past
Editor's Сhoice
The Hanford Site is America’s most contaminated nuclear location. See photos of its long, toxic past
February 26, 2025

Join us on Telegram, Twitter, and VK. Contact us: info@strategic-culture.su By James PASLEY and Jenny MCGRATH Sitting on 586 square miles of desert in Washington, the Hanford Site has the most radioactive and chemical contamination in America. Buried in storage tanks beneath the […]

Lula entrega el 14 por ciento del territorio brasileño a capitales transnacionales
February 20, 2025

El estado liberal entrega la gerencia a una empresa privada y vuelve la espalda a sus ciudadanos, quienes ahora son solo cuerpos que ocupan un área privada.

Lula entrega el 14 por ciento del territorio brasileño a capitales transnacionales
Lula hands over 14% of Brazilian territory to transnational capital
Lula hands over 14% of Brazilian territory to transnational capital
February 7, 2025

The liberal state hands over management to a for-profit company and turns its back on citizens, who are now mere bodies occupying a private area.

La transizione verde dell’UE è una minaccia per gli interessi statunitensi
January 29, 2025

Perché bisogna essere molto fanatici per non capire come gli Stati Uniti siano un fardello brutalmente costoso per i cittadini europei.

La transizione verde dell’UE è una minaccia per gli interessi statunitensi
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The green agenda is about getting rid of as many humans as possible
Editor's Сhoice
The green agenda is about getting rid of as many humans as possible
January 27, 2025

For those that are attempting to fight climate change, fighting population growth is one of their number one goals.  They tell us that on average each additional human produces approximately 4 tons of carbon dioxide per year.  So many true believers in this agenda are convinced that reducing population growth is the most important thing that they can do for the environment.

Eleição de Trump impacta o lobby verde global
December 14, 2024

Pautas ambientalistas e globalistas dos Democratas e da União Europeia serão fortemente afetadas pela agenda do líder Republicano.

Eleição de Trump impacta o lobby verde global
Trump election impacts global green lobby
Trump election impacts global green lobby
December 12, 2024

The environmental and globalist projects of the Democrats and the European Union will be strongly affected by the Republican leader’s agenda.

Il fallimento della COP29: l’Agenda verde ha un futuro?
December 3, 2024

Alcuni paesi sembrano ancora inconsapevoli che questa intera agenda non è mai stata altro che una nuova strategia da parte delle élite globali per accumulare capitale e imporre nuove forme di controllo sociale.

Il fallimento della COP29: l’Agenda verde ha un futuro?