Tag: Democracy

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Le elezioni in Bielorussia e l’ipocrisia dell’Occidente collettivo
Le elezioni in Bielorussia e l’ipocrisia dell’Occidente collettivo
February 6, 2025

Le elezioni presidenziali in Bielorussia hanno visto la netta vittoria di Aljaksandr Lukašėnka, ma sono state immediatamente contestate dall’Occidente collettivo, che aveva già decretato la loro illegittimità ancor prima che si svolgessero, rifiutando di inviare i propri osservatori.

Democrazia e sovranità: i pilastri del processo elettorale bielorusso
February 1, 2025

Gli osservatori internazionali hanno testimoniato quanto fosse democratico ed equo il processo elettorale in Bielorussia.

Democrazia e sovranità: i pilastri del processo elettorale bielorusso
Democracia e Soberania: os pilares do processo eleitoral de Belarus – relatório especial
Democracia e Soberania: os pilares do processo eleitoral de Belarus – relatório especial
January 29, 2025

Observadores internacionais testemunharam quão democrático e justo foi o processo eleitoral em Belarus.

Israel and U.S. display the demographic problem of liberal democracy
December 1, 2024

The right to vote makes certain communities seen as enemies to be physically fought. Democracy, therefore, establishes a war of all against all, which supposedly precedes the social contract.

Israel and U.S. display the demographic problem of liberal democracy
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Israel e os EUA mostram o problema demográfico da democracia liberal
Israel e os EUA mostram o problema demográfico da democracia liberal
November 29, 2024

A democracia instaura a guerra de todos contra todos, que supostamente antecede o contrato social.

Support for western-style democracy on decline in Africa
November 20, 2024

Across Africa, people are less likely to say that democracy is preferable to any other kind of government than in 2021-2023

Support for western-style democracy on decline in Africa
What if voting is fruitless?
Editor's Сhoice
What if voting is fruitless?
November 9, 2024

What if you were allowed to vote only because it didn’t make a difference? What if no matter how you voted, the elites always got their way? What if the concept of one person/one vote was just a fiction created by the government to induce your compliance?

Saying democracy is in jeopardy in America is like saying beaches are in jeopardy in Wyoming
July 8, 2024

Saying democracy is in jeopardy in America is like saying beach front properties are in jeopardy in Wyoming. Your country is run by a few billionaires and government agencies. You don’t get a real vote, and even if you did […]

Saying democracy is in jeopardy in America is like saying beaches are in jeopardy in Wyoming
Editor's Сhoice