Tag: De-Dollarization

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Colapso económico y el mundo post-estadounidense
Colapso económico y el mundo post-estadounidense
October 4, 2024

Gran parte de la desvinculación de EEUU, incluida la desdolarización, está siendo facilitada por el BRICS, que crea las instituciones económicas para un orden mundial multipolar

The reign of the dollar
June 22, 2024

Recent speculation in India about the collapse of the Saudi petro-dollar agreement with the U.S. proved false. Vijay Prashad considers three factors that can feed such a rumor.

The reign of the dollar
Editor's Сhoice
Desdolarización: los BRICS se preparan para desafiar al dólar
Desdolarización: los BRICS se preparan para desafiar al dólar
May 26, 2024

China, la segunda economía mundial, está reduciendo rápidamente su tenencia de bonos del Tesoro estadounidense, al tiempo que aumenta sus reservas de oro.

The Silver Bullet Against the Barbarian Invasions of the West: De-Dollarization of the International System
March 20, 2024

De-dollarization is urgent as an ethical and humanitarian imperative against the barbaric invasions of the West, Mauricio Metri writes.

The Silver Bullet Against the Barbarian Invasions of the West: De-Dollarization of the International System
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Five Arab States Plus Iran Among 19 Nations Ready to join BRICS
Editor's Сhoice
Five Arab States Plus Iran Among 19 Nations Ready to join BRICS
May 1, 2023

Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Algeria, Egypt, Bahrain, and Iran have formally asked to join the BRICS group of nations as it prepares to hold its annual summit in South Africa.

100,000 Sri Lankan Monkeys Threaten the Yankee Dollar
April 20, 2023

Whether the Chinese want to eat them, use them as lab rats or put them into zoos, the sheer scale of this order shows that China is now a major player in the monkey business.

100,000 Sri Lankan Monkeys Threaten the Yankee Dollar
The World Teetering on the New Polycentric Geopolitics
The World Teetering on the New Polycentric Geopolitics
February 22, 2023

The world is yet to see how dangerous the decade before us will be, what the new global geopolitical architecture will look like and who is to build it.

By the Numbers: The De-Dollarization of Global Trade
January 15, 2023

Data suggests that US dollar reserves in central banks are dwindling, as is the influence of the US on the world economy. This presents a unique opportunity for regional currencies and alternative payment systems to enter the vacuum.

By the Numbers: The De-Dollarization of Global Trade
Editor's Сhoice