Tag: Constantinople Patriarchate

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Targeting Orthodoxy
Targeting Orthodoxy
August 1, 2021

The relative success of Constantinople Patriarchy’s foray into the vipers’ tangle of Ukrainian church politics has whetted its appetite to try to go further along the same lines, following the general direction set by its overseas “partners.”

Ukraine Religious Front Is Also Heating Up
April 26, 2021

The tragic persecution of the Ukrainian faithful and denial of their right to worship as they choose triggers the slightest notice or arouses the concern of “human rights” and “rule of law” advocates.

Ukraine Religious Front Is Also Heating Up
Serbian Church Defeats US Agenda in Ukraine but Not in Serbia – Yet
Serbian Church Defeats US Agenda in Ukraine but Not in Serbia – Yet
May 4, 2019

The approaching failure of Poroshenko’s, the State Department’s, and Patriarch Bartholomew’s project in Ukraine is a victory not only for the Orthodox Church as a whole but for the Serbian Church in particular.

What Local Orthodox Churches Think about Ukrainian Autocephaly
December 30, 2018

The noisings of Filaret Denisenko and President Poroshenko were getting noticed by Constantinople and by the West, who seek to use Ukraine as the next outpost in its proxy battle against Russia. This is not merely an ecclesiastical spat but a major front in the fight between secular or atheist globalism and Christian sovereignty.

What Local Orthodox Churches Think about Ukrainian Autocephaly
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The Ukrainian President Signs a Pact With Constantinople – Against the Ukrainian Church
The Ukrainian President Signs a Pact With Constantinople – Against the Ukrainian Church
November 14, 2018

The chances of the smooth transition and easy victory over the “Muscovite believers” that Poroshenko wants so badly are quite slim. There are big scandals, big fights, and big disappointments ahead.

NATO’s Unholy Intrigues Behind Church Rupture to Weaken Russia
October 19, 2018

The unholy intrigues in the Orthodox Church are beckoned by completely areligious and profane political objectives. It is a shame that the Constantinople and Kiev Patriarchates are evidently willing to make an expedient, selfish pact with the devil of foreign imperialist ambitions.

NATO’s Unholy Intrigues Behind Church Rupture to Weaken Russia
US State Department on Ukraine: ‘Any Decision on Autocephaly Is an Internal Church Matter’
US State Department on Ukraine: ‘Any Decision on Autocephaly Is an Internal Church Matter’
September 21, 2018

Given the level of political interest in sowing havoc in the Orthodox Church, a hands-off approach from Washington, Brussels, Berlin, etc. cannot be taken for granted.

US Encouraging the Division of Ukraine along Religious Lines
September 14, 2018

Seizing each and every opportunity to emphasize its independence, Kiev is happily playing the role of a marionette being controlled by Washington. All of Ukraine soon will be divided along religious lines just to make it to easier for the US to accomplish its goal of subjugating that nation through a “divide and rule’ policy.

US Encouraging the Division of Ukraine along Religious Lines