Tag: Colonialism

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Il protezionismo di Trump: un’aberrazione senza precedenti o un ritorno al “sistema americano”?
Il protezionismo di Trump: un’aberrazione senza precedenti o un ritorno al “sistema americano”?
March 20, 2025

Il fatto che il nucleo del liberalismo stia ora adottando misure economiche protezionistiche rappresenta anche un colpo ideologico significativo per le élite liberali dei paesi colpiti dall’imperialismo e dallo sfruttamento capitalistico internazionale.

Ukraine, peace, and minerals: What is known?
March 18, 2025

At the core of the “peace” that the U.S. is trying to broker in Ukraine lies its preparations for new arenas of geopolitical competition.

Ukraine, peace, and minerals: What is known?
Hunter Hunted: The rise of U.S. imperialism and the consequences for Europe
Editor's Сhoice
Hunter Hunted: The rise of U.S. imperialism and the consequences for Europe
March 16, 2025

Europe now finds itself in the unfamiliar and deeply unsettling position of the hunted, caught in the crosshairs of a new, albeit familiar, form of imperialism—one spearheaded by its former protégé and transatlantic partner, the United States under Donald Trump.

Acuerdo minero entre Ucrania y Estados Unidos
March 7, 2025

Nuevas elecciones podrían pavimentar el camino para un gobierno que priorice los intereses de su pueblo. Pero, bajo las actuales circunstancias eso sería probablemente una utopía.

Acuerdo minero entre Ucrania y Estados Unidos
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Ukraine and the U.S. mineral deal
Ukraine and the U.S. mineral deal
February 24, 2025

New elections in Ukraine could pave the way for a government that prioritizes the interests of its people. But that is probably a utopia in the current circumstances.

Lula entrega el 14 por ciento del territorio brasileño a capitales transnacionales
February 20, 2025

El estado liberal entrega la gerencia a una empresa privada y vuelve la espalda a sus ciudadanos, quienes ahora son solo cuerpos que ocupan un área privada.

Lula entrega el 14 por ciento del territorio brasileño a capitales transnacionales
Four hundred years later, Spain cherishes military victory in Brazil
Four hundred years later, Spain cherishes military victory in Brazil
February 20, 2025

Brazilian historiography usually reflects its Portuguese past and deplores the period in which Brazil was under the administration of the Iberian Union.

Quatrocentos anos depois, a Espanha valoriza vitória militar no Brasil
February 19, 2025

A historiografia brasileira costuma refletir o seu passado português e deplorar o período em que o Brasil ficou sob administração da União Ibérica.

Quatrocentos anos depois, a Espanha valoriza vitória militar no Brasil