Tag: Climate Change

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Ivorian cocoa farmers “barely survive” while chocolate company profits soar
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Ivorian cocoa farmers “barely survive” while chocolate company profits soar
May 27, 2024

Farmers in Ivory Coast, the source of 45 percent of the world’s cocoa beans, battle climate change and market inequality.

Floods in the southern Brazil trigger an outbreak of anarchist propaganda on the Right
May 22, 2024

In Brazil two anti-Communist fantasies were created: that the Brazilian Armed Forces are practically Communist, because they are Positivist, and that both Lula and FHC were in a fake antagonism because they wanted to impose Communism into Brazil.

Floods in the southern Brazil trigger an outbreak of anarchist propaganda on the Right
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Protests in Europe Could Lead to a Major Social Crisis
Protests in Europe Could Lead to a Major Social Crisis
February 6, 2024

The insistence of European governments in ignoring farmers’ demands tends to generate serious problems and destabilize the bloc.

U.S., UK Militaries owe $111bln in Climate Compensation, Continue Expanding Toxic Footprint Worldwide: Study Shows
February 4, 2024

“It is idiotic to waste our dwindling carbon budget on war,” researchers from the US and the UK warned in a recent report revealing that the US and the UK militaries owe huge sums in climate compensation as they continue to involve themselves in wars and conflicts globally. Such conflicts are accompanied by widening carbon footprints and serious environmental destruction.

U.S., UK Militaries owe $111bln in Climate Compensation, Continue Expanding Toxic Footprint Worldwide: Study Shows
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The Laughing Stock of COP28 – How the UAE Event Became a Farce
The Laughing Stock of COP28 – How the UAE Event Became a Farce
December 17, 2023

The failure of the event can really be determined by how media were mismanaged from the beginning.

A House Divided: What Raging Wars and Escalating Geopolitical Tensions Reveal About Our Failure to Co-Exist and Contain Existential Threats
October 4, 2023

The world recently saw the hottest day in 120 thousand years, mainly driven by climate change arising from our addiction to fossil fuels – sustaining economic growth and maintaining our lifestyles. We are consuming more oil than ever before in human history – enough to fill 6,500 Olympic swimming pools every day.

A House Divided: What Raging Wars and Escalating Geopolitical Tensions Reveal About Our Failure to Co-Exist and Contain Existential Threats
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Destroying Canada’s Farms, for What?
Editor's Сhoice
Destroying Canada’s Farms, for What?
August 15, 2023

On April 1, 2018, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau implemented a national minimum carbon price of $15 (Canadian) per tonne, due to rise to $170 per ton by 2030.

Wildfires in Syria Used as a Weapon of War
August 2, 2023

The whole country is in a heat-wave which sets the stage for such a devastating fire burning crops, forests and homes. However, this was not a chance wildfire, but an act of terrorism.

Wildfires in Syria Used as a Weapon of War