Tag: Christianity

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I conservatori occidentali trovano asilo nella Federazione Russa
I conservatori occidentali trovano asilo nella Federazione Russa
December 11, 2024

I cristiani europei trovano rifugio umanitario e spirituale in Russia per vivere secondo i loro valori tradizionali.

Western conservatives find asylum in the Russian Federation
December 9, 2024

European Christians find humanitarian and spiritual refuge in Russia to live according to their traditional values.

Western conservatives find asylum in the Russian Federation
Enver Hoxha’s poisonous legacy is revived in Nazi Ukraine
Enver Hoxha’s poisonous legacy is revived in Nazi Ukraine
September 3, 2024

In 1967 the Herostratic regime of Albania made a huge name for itself by completely banning religion and boasting that it had become the first atheist country in the world.

Mídia ocidental tenta amenizar crime de Zelensky ao falar em banimento da Igreja Ortodoxa “Russa”
August 29, 2024

Não é apenas a criminalização de uma igreja ligada ao Patriarcado de Moscou, mas a verdadeira perseguição da fé de mais de 80% dos ucranianos.

Mídia ocidental tenta amenizar crime de Zelensky ao falar em banimento da Igreja Ortodoxa “Russa”
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Da Ucrânia a guerra contra a Ortodoxia volta-se agora para a Grécia
Da Ucrânia a guerra contra a Ortodoxia volta-se agora para a Grécia
August 3, 2024

O escárnio da dignidade humana que se tornou evidente em Bruxelas, há sessenta anos, foi apenas o precursor da implosão moral e espiritual geral que se seguiria e que iria abranger toda a Europa.

Paris Olympic Games: An opening ceremony of blood and tears
July 31, 2024

This show, designed to be “inclusive,” was nothing more than a hate-filled offensive against wrongthinkers.

Paris Olympic Games: An opening ceremony of blood and tears
Editor's Сhoice
Santiago Matamoros, Spain’s St James the Apostle
Santiago Matamoros, Spain’s St James the Apostle
July 25, 2024

Spain’s Reconquista is one of the most pivotal events in world history and St James, along with King Alfonso, Charlemagne, el Cid and all their followers can be proud of the role they played in it.

“If Israel attacks Lebanon, most Christians will support Hezbollah.” Interview with Rawad Daher
July 9, 2024

In an effort to understand this newest threat to the Lebanese people, Steven Sahiounie interviewed Rawad Daher, a well-known Lebanese journalist.

“If Israel attacks Lebanon, most Christians will support Hezbollah.” Interview with Rawad Daher