Tag: Christianity

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Ali’s on the grill: Weaponising dead Iraqi, Israeli, Syrian, Palestinian but not Congolese babies
Ali’s on the grill: Weaponising dead Iraqi, Israeli, Syrian, Palestinian but not Congolese babies
February 23, 2025

Others envy the Congo its wealth and bigger powers, such as those who use the Congo’s cobalt, are prepared to collaborate with those savages for their own base ends.

A Era Woke acabou. E agora?
January 28, 2025

No âmbito da política externa, uma aliança fundamentalista não seria novidade. O melhor exemplo disso é o apoio dos EUA aos jihadistas afegãos contra a União Soviética.

A Era Woke acabou. E agora?
Unintentionally, sociologist shows what went wrong with Catholicism in Brazil
Unintentionally, sociologist shows what went wrong with Catholicism in Brazil
January 24, 2025

Liberation theology brought liberalism to the Church. And every social organization that liberalism touches crumbles.

What neo-Pentecostals and drug dealers have in common
January 22, 2025

Thus, neo-Pentecostalism provided the ingredients for evangelicals to live in a holy war against their neighbors. Their victory, however, consisted of being wealthy.

What neo-Pentecostals and drug dealers have in common
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On the trail of the elusive Christian Assyrians: travels in Tur Abdin
Editor's Сhoice
On the trail of the elusive Christian Assyrians: travels in Tur Abdin
January 16, 2025

I don’t mean the people depicted in stone in the British Museum, with angular beards riding chariots surrounded by lions – although there is an interesting scholarly debate about whether these are their direct descendants – but the few thousand Christians scattered among a few dozen villages in the hills of Tur Abdin in south east Turkey, a stone’s throw from the Syrian border.

When fundamentalist Protestants influenced atheist Jews
January 12, 2025

The Protestant world is imitating the Jewish world. After all, the Zionist project only achieved demographic density with the support of religious Jews.

When fundamentalist Protestants influenced atheist Jews
O neopentecostalismo e a descristianização do cristianismo
O neopentecostalismo e a descristianização do cristianismo
January 5, 2025

A diferença entre o apologista cristão e o nietzschiano é somente o nome: o que Nietzsche chamava pejorativamente de moral de escravo, o apologista elogia como uma especial compaixão cristã.

Pope Francis should go to Gaza!
January 3, 2025

It’s time to end Israel’s destruction of Christianity in Palestine

Pope Francis should go to Gaza!
Editor's Сhoice