Tag: Chile

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Análisis especial: Caminos para la integración después de la cumbre de la CELAC
Análisis especial: Caminos para la integración después de la cumbre de la CELAC
March 13, 2024

Está claro, conforme a lo que indicó el presidente Nicolás Maduro en la Cumbre de la Celac, que Venezuela seguirá apostando por replicar acuerdos que promueven y fortalecen la integración bilateral y regional por los beneficios compartidos que generan, así como por la complementariedad que producen.

La clase media chilena en el golpe contra Salvador Allende
February 8, 2024

La CIA y los militares chilenos han sido considerados, con razón, los principales culpables del golpe contra Salvador Allende en 1973. Pero no debemos pasar por alto el importante papel que desempeñó la clase media chilena en el proceso.

La clase media chilena en el golpe contra Salvador Allende
Former DINA Agent Living in Australia Is One Step Closer to Facing Justice in Chile
Former DINA Agent Living in Australia Is One Step Closer to Facing Justice in Chile
December 6, 2021

With Rivas one step closer to facing the Chilean courts, pressure should be ramped up for further disclosure on Australia’s duplicitous role, and how it might be contributing towards the oblivion and impunity enacted by Pinochet.

Australia Refuses to Reveal Additional Proof of Its Role in Chile’s CIA-Backed Coup
November 16, 2021

Almost 50 years have passed since Pinochet took power, so what exactly is Australia afraid of?

Australia Refuses to Reveal Additional Proof of Its Role in Chile’s CIA-Backed Coup
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The Prevalence of Chile’s Right-Wing
The Prevalence of Chile’s Right-Wing
October 24, 2021

Will the rewriting of Chile’s constitution be enough to veer the country’s trajectory away from the neoliberal experiment ushered in decades ago by the U.S.?

Taking Argentina’s Collective Memory to International Recognition
October 3, 2021

What the U.S. perpetrated in Argentina is in some ways a continuation of what U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger instigated in Chile.

Taking Argentina’s Collective Memory to International Recognition
Australia’s Role in Chile Confirmed in Declassified Documents
Australia’s Role in Chile Confirmed in Declassified Documents
September 19, 2021

Proof of Australia’s involvement in Chile depicts the willing complicity in overthrowing a democratically-elected government to be replaced by a brutal dictatorship which tortured, killed and disappeared thousands of Chileans.

Pinochet’s Caravan of Death and Its Significance for Chilean Memory
September 12, 2021

The Caravan of Death stands as a forewarning of what was to be unleashed in Chile throughout Pinochet’s rule and its aftermath, Ramona Wadi writes.

Pinochet’s Caravan of Death and Its Significance for Chilean Memory