Tag: Charlottesville

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Charlottesville and Ukraine: the Parallels That Mainstream Media Don’t Want You to See
Charlottesville and Ukraine: the Parallels That Mainstream Media Don’t Want You to See
November 16, 2019

Why blame Trump for saying nice things about ultra-rightists in Charlottesville while dishing out even more extravagant praise for neo-nazis in Kiev?

As Russia-Gate Story Stalls, Cue Trump Neo-Nazi Scandal
August 18, 2017

The political opponents of President Trump have found a new lever for sabotaging his presidency – his alleged embrace of white supremacists and Neo-Nazis. He is now being labelled a «sympathizer» of fascists and bringing America’s international image into disrepute. Cue the impeachment proceedings.

As Russia-Gate Story Stalls, Cue Trump Neo-Nazi Scandal
Charlottesville: Is America Becoming the Middle East?
Editor's Сhoice
Charlottesville: Is America Becoming the Middle East?
August 18, 2017

Americans have been so entangled in the Middle East for the past few decades that they have begun interpreting their own politics in the terms of that region. Is driving a car into protesters an ISIL tactic? Is pulling down statues of Confederate generals like destroying ancient Assyrian antiquities? Is Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad a mass murderer or a bulwark against fundamentalist hordes? How helpful is this importation of symbols from a region the United States has done so much to roil?

Death of a Nation
August 17, 2017

Every living nation needs symbols. They tell us who we are as one people, in what we believe, and on what basis we organize our common life. This fact seems to be very clear to the current leadership in Russia, particularly to President Vladimir Putin, in restoring and reunifying a country rent by three generations of Red and White enmity to achieve a national synthesis…

Death of a Nation
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Editor's Сhoice
August 16, 2017

Listening to NPR this morning confirmed what I already knew. Charlottesville is being turned into another nail in President Trump’s coffin. NPR had no interest whatsoever in reporting the actual facts about what had occurred in Charlottesville. The several “interviews” with the like-minded were orchestrated to produce the desired propaganda result: It was all Trump’s fault.