Tag: Caucasus

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The ‘Russian agents’ debate in Azerbaijan: Why are former ministers accused?
The ‘Russian agents’ debate in Azerbaijan: Why are former ministers accused?
February 28, 2025

Accusations against high-ranking officials of being ‘Russian agents’ likely reflect internal political rivalries rather than a fundamental geopolitical shift.

Crise no Cáucaso pode escalar em breve
February 20, 2025

Situação entre Armênia e Azerbaijão parece estar longe acabar, havendo grande possibilidade de escalada no futuro próximo.

Crise no Cáucaso pode escalar em breve
Crisis in the Caucasus could escalate soon
Crisis in the Caucasus could escalate soon
February 19, 2025

The situation between Armenia and Azerbaijan seems far from over, with a high likelihood of escalation in the near future.

The Boeing crisis and the campaign against Embraer
January 11, 2025

It is crucial to remember that media conglomerates are not merely journalistic activities but represent propaganda sectors for international financial interests and nothing more.

The Boeing crisis and the campaign against Embraer
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Salome Zourabichvili is a threat to Georgian democracy and should be politely ushered out on 29 December
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Salome Zourabichvili is a threat to Georgian democracy and should be politely ushered out on 29 December
December 28, 2024

Salome Zourabichivili plans to mount a coup d’etat by insisting that she remains the rightful ruler of Georgia.

West sees red over failed second color revolution in Georgia
November 1, 2024

The West is threatening consequences for Georgia after its citizens voted for peaceful relations with Russia and traditional moral values.

West sees red over failed second color revolution in Georgia
Enquanto Pashinyan busca apoio ocidental, povo armênio está com a Rússia
Enquanto Pashinyan busca apoio ocidental, povo armênio está com a Rússia
October 1, 2024

Apesar do processo de fanatização anti-russa imposto pelas elites ocidentais em parte da juventude armênia através do regime Pashinyan, muitos políticos locais continuam firmemente apoiando a diplomacia com Moscou.

Georgia on track for peace in the Caucasus – but there is still a lot to be done
September 20, 2024

Tbilisi is beginning to understand that the only way to maintain regional peace is through a policy of friendship with the Russian Federation, ignoring the war plans of the Collective West.

Georgia on track for peace in the Caucasus – but there is still a lot to be done