Tag: Cameron
With the recent change to French laws prohibiting its citizens to become IDF soldiers in Israel during the Gaza genocide, Britain should do the same.
Whenever you see the mainstream media in the United States take time out from trashing President Donald Trump to give him neutral or even grudgingly favorable coverage, be on your guard. It’s a sure sign he’s taken a step away from his campaign pledge to drain the Washington swamp and instead has done something to please the swamp critters…
When a UK Prime Minister, such as the Conservative David Cameron, does the work of a foreign power, working for that foreign power and against UK’s democratic ideals, and also against the interests and values (such as equal-rights, and UK’s sovereign independence) which are held by the UK public, then that UK Prime Minister is perpetrating treason, whatever else it might also be called…
Political history is littered with towering figures who never quite made it to the very top of politics. In Britain there are giants of past political eras who make the politicians of 2016 look like pygmies. On the Labour side one need only think of the likes of Denis Healey, Barbara Castle and their SDP renegades Roy Jenkins and Shirley Williams. For the Tories Michael Heseltine ranks high. So too, does Ken Clarke, who is the subject of this article and has just released his memoirs 'Kind of Blue.'…