Tag: George W. Bush

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Is It Aid or Global Empire Building?
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Is It Aid or Global Empire Building?
December 27, 2023

Bush’s moral monstrosity was executed in the name of retaliation, deterrence and liberation, but in reality, it was American hubris.

The Growth of U.S. Public Debt: From George W. Bush to Joe Biden
October 8, 2023

The total debt of the U.S. government has increased from $5.7 trillion to $33.1 trillion over the past 22 years and keeps growing. The U.S. Treasury explains: “Simply put, the national debt is similar to a person using a credit card for purchases and not paying off the full balance each month. The cost of purchases exceeding the amount paid off represents a deficit, while accumulated deficits over time represents a person’s overall debt.” It fails to add that an average person is not allowed to print their own money…

The Growth of U.S. Public Debt: From George W. Bush to Joe Biden
Aging Iraq Invaders Keep Accidentally Saying ‘Iraq’ Instead of ‘Ukraine’
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Aging Iraq Invaders Keep Accidentally Saying ‘Iraq’ Instead of ‘Ukraine’
July 1, 2023

President Biden accidentally referred to Putin’s war in “Iraq” when answering questions from the press, a year after former president George W Bush made the same gaffe. Both men played crucial roles in the push to invade Iraq.

A Litany of Pride
March 16, 2023

Two decades ago, the worst president in modern U.S. history plunged the country into a foolish and needless war. Thousands of Americans died. Hundreds of thousands of foreigners lost their lives. Trillions of dollars were squandered. Yet few Washington policymakers have learned anything from the experience.

A Litany of Pride
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Zelensky and Bush to Give Joint Pro-War Presentation
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Zelensky and Bush to Give Joint Pro-War Presentation
November 12, 2022

War criminal George W Bush and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will be appearing at an event next week at the George W. Bush Presidential Center, in partnership with US government-funded narrative management operations Freedom House and National Endowment for Democracy. The goal of the presentation will reportedly be to address the completely fictional and imaginary concern that congressional Republicans won’t continue supporting US proxy war efforts in Ukraine.

Bush Admits U.S. Broke Promise on NATO Expansion; Says Ukraine Should ‘Destroy as Many Russian Troops’ as Possible
May 20, 2022

A prankster has duped former U.S. President George W. Bush into admitting the U.S. violated its promise to former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev not to expand NATO.

Bush Admits U.S. Broke Promise on NATO Expansion; Says Ukraine Should ‘Destroy as Many Russian Troops’ as Possible
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On Bush’s Freudian Confession
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On Bush’s Freudian Confession
May 19, 2022

During a speech in Dallas at Southern Methodist University’s George W Bush Presidential Center on Wednesday, the man himself, George W Bush, did the best thing ever. I am pretty sure it is the single best thing that has ever happened. I do not believe I am exaggerating when I say that.

Blame Bush and Obama for the Afghan Disaster
August 20, 2021

The ease of the Taliban’s victory over America’s installed puppet government in Afghanistan proves that the whole war was a fool’s errand all along. That regime never had the support of the population, and it never was going to. If all the hawks who already lost this war had their way, and the U.S. stayed another 20 years, that withdrawal would look much the same.

Blame Bush and Obama for the Afghan Disaster
Editor's Сhoice