Tag: British Empire

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Legacy of Violence: A History of the British Empire
Legacy of Violence: A History of the British Empire
January 10, 2023

Although many Nazis were brought to book for their crimes, no British were, Declan Hayes writes.

After Queen’s Death, Victims of British Imperialism Share Why ‘We Will Not Mourn’
September 21, 2022

“This is Queen Elizabeth’s legacy. A legacy of colonial violence and plunder. A legacy of racial segregation and institutionalized racism.”

After Queen’s Death, Victims of British Imperialism Share Why ‘We Will Not Mourn’
Editor's Сhoice
Cruelties of the Queen’s Reign
Editor's Сhoice
Cruelties of the Queen’s Reign
September 10, 2022

Negative reaction to the queen’s passing was not limited to the Global South. Despite the historic reconciliation between Ireland and Britain this century, there were celebrations in Dublin — as a crowd singing “Lizzie’s in a Box” at a Celtic FC football match attests — and among the Irish diaspora.

Liz Truss’ Global Britain Agenda Tries to Reverse Time
August 17, 2022

The British Empire continues to exert a vast top-down influence over world affairs, Matthew Ehret writes.

Liz Truss’ Global Britain Agenda Tries to Reverse Time
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Mendeleyev, Witte and the Revival of Russia’s Lost Revolutionary Potential of 1905
Mendeleyev, Witte and the Revival of Russia’s Lost Revolutionary Potential of 1905
November 13, 2021

The biosphere’s limits only dominate humanity’s destiny when we permit the law of the jungle, rather than the law of civilization, to shape our world… as all empires demand be so.

Cultural Warfare in the 20th Century: How Western Civilization Came Undone
October 9, 2021

Which future wins out in the unfolding battle over humanity will be shaped by the decisions and discoveries we make (or fail to make) in the days ahead, Matthew Ehret writes.

Cultural Warfare in the 20th Century: How Western Civilization Came Undone
The First World War, Cecile Rhodes & Anglo-Saxon Power
Editor's Сhoice
The First World War, Cecile Rhodes & Anglo-Saxon Power
September 22, 2021

David William Pear says the era in which the British Empire set out to destroy Germany in 1902 — leading the way to World War I — is frighteningly similar to that of today’s U.S. hostility to the rising of China and Russia.

‘Rule Britannia, Britannia Rule the Waves…’
July 8, 2021

Eric S. MARGOLIS Time was when Britain’s mighty fleets ruled a quarter of the earth’s surface. I’ve been savoring the names of its dreadnaughts and battle cruisers like George V, Prince of Wales, Hood, Princess Royal, Iron Duke and scores […]

‘Rule Britannia, Britannia Rule the Waves…’
Editor's Сhoice