Tag: BND

In his diplomatic dispatches to the Foreign Office in London, he correctly summed up the Trump administration as “clumsy and inept.” However, the leak of Darroch’s cables resulted in his resigning his position, an event that further worsened relations between London and Washington.

Despite all the spy stories and scandals surrounding the intelligence agencies activities, the German government has not done anything to address the issue. 2017 is the election year in Germany it the vote scheduled on September 24. No doubt, the Der Spiegel revelations will prompt many questions the government will have to answer. Looks like the migration policy is not the only issue Chancellor has failed to address.

There is something pitiful about the fact that French President François Hollande has asked German officials to give him all the information that Germany’s BND foreign intelligence service has collected on his own foreign minister, Laurent Fabius. He found a very convenient opportunity to pose this request – at the Valletta (Malta) summit, where EU leaders gathered to discuss the issue of migration…