Tag: Black Sea

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Possível novo acordo sobre o Mar Negro tende a fracassar novamente
Possível novo acordo sobre o Mar Negro tende a fracassar novamente
March 25, 2025

Regime de Kiev não está disposto a cooperar pela melhoria na arquitetura de segurança marítima na região.

I giochi di potere del Mar Baltico e del Mar Nero e le linee rosse si intersecano in una “strana guerra”
March 2, 2025

Giochi geopolitici nel Mar Nero e nel Mar Baltico, guerra in Ucraina e negoziati tra Russia e Stati Uniti. Analisi di Pepe Escobar

I giochi di potere del Mar Baltico e del Mar Nero e le linee rosse si intersecano in una “strana guerra”
Baltic/Black Sea power games and red lines intersect in a “strange war”
Baltic/Black Sea power games and red lines intersect in a “strange war”
February 27, 2025

No one ever lost money betting on the batshit crazy “policies” of the ferociously yapping Baltic chihuahuas.

Shots Across the Bow in the Black Sea, the Red Sea and the South China Sea
December 19, 2023

The main significance of the Houthi attack is that that the era of ballistic missile warfare against ships at sea has begun.

Shots Across the Bow in the Black Sea, the Red Sea and the South China Sea
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After ‘Climbdown’ at G20, U.S. Plans to Step Up Involvement in Ukraine War
Editor's Сhoice
After ‘Climbdown’ at G20, U.S. Plans to Step Up Involvement in Ukraine War
September 14, 2023

Following what was widely seen as a humiliating failure to recruit developing countries for its war drive against Russia at the G20, the United States is preparing to further step up its involvement in the Ukraine war.

World Hunger and the War in Ukraine
August 18, 2023

It is not clear if the West will give Russia any relief on its ability to export its own agricultural products.

World Hunger and the War in Ukraine
Editor's Сhoice
Open Questions on the War: The Black Sea, Out-of-View ‘War’
Open Questions on the War: The Black Sea, Out-of-View ‘War’
August 14, 2023

Does the West’s despairing of Ukrainian military prospects imply a coming draw-down on the war? Or alternatively, a western strategic shift towards a different mode of attritional war against Russia?

Storm Clouds Gathering in the Black Sea
July 25, 2023

The NATO Summit in Vilnius (July 11-12) signalled that there is absolutely no possibility of talks to settle the Ukraine war in a foreseeable future. The war will only intensify, as the US and its allies still hope to inflict a military defeat on Russia although that is clearly beyond their capability. 

Storm Clouds Gathering in the Black Sea
Editor's Сhoice