Tag: Bismarck

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Napoleon, Austerlitz & NATO’s Apparent Dearth of Grand Strategy
Napoleon, Austerlitz & NATO’s Apparent Dearth of Grand Strategy
December 1, 2023

To NATO, all its battles are black and white, and grand strategy is a matinee cowboys and Indians movie where they get to munch their popcorn

Vladimir Putin, a Bismarck for the Modern Age?
March 26, 2022

It would be no exaggeration to say that Putin has been the real peacemaker since coming to power, Robert Bridge writes.

Vladimir Putin, a Bismarck for the Modern Age?
Bismarck, the United States and the Pomeranian Grenadier
Bismarck, the United States and the Pomeranian Grenadier
September 5, 2018

Today, the United States and its allies need to remember and relearn the wisdom of Bismarck and abandon the fatally infantile enthusiasms of Wilhelm II.

What Trump Has in Common with the Last German Emperor
February 2, 2017

President Donald Trump appears sui generis. Other troublesome populists, like Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines, hold power. But no other nation of great influence is governed by someone so little rooted in reality and so much dominated by personality.

What Trump Has in Common with the Last German Emperor
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Merkel and Bismarck? What a Strange Comparison!
Merkel and Bismarck? What a Strange Comparison!
April 7, 2015

…On April 1, Germans marked the 200th anniversary of the birth of Otto von Bismarck. The publications devoted to the event say the “Iron Chancellor” supported the idea of sanctions against Russia and deterred it from aggression against Turkey. It makes Merkel look almost like a politician acting in accordance with the traditions of the Second Reich Empire – the days of glory in German history. In reality there are more things that divide the two politicians than unite them…

Otto von Bismarck’s Epistle to Angela Merkel
December 1, 2014

…Angela, you know, I have always been against ladies’ presence in public affairs and I have not changed my viewpoint so far… So, Frau Bundeskanzlerin, I have been watching you rule the country from my family vault and now my patience is lost. You have to listen to what I’ll tell you from my estate in Friedrichsruh. It’s a pity you have never come here to visit my grave and ask my advice. Looks I did right ordering grenadiers to give Poles a rough ride and have no mercy because hardly anybody else in Europe deserved thrashing more than them. Yes, you got it right, I mean your grandfather, a Pole by origin. He inherited the national traits of his tribe and made you inherit them too…

Otto von Bismarck’s Epistle to Angela Merkel