Tag: BBC

Asenior BBC editor at the center of an ongoing scandal into the network’s systematic pro-Israel bias is, in fact, a former member of a CIA propaganda outfit, MintPress News can reveal. Raffi Berg, an Englishman who heads the BBC’s Middle East desk, formerly worked for the U.S. State Department’s Foreign Broadcast Information Service, a unit that, by his own admission, was a CIA front group.

The BRICS Summit in Kazan was a demonstration that Russia’s role as an important regional power within the developing world, is as strong as ever.

Forget a 10-month genocide in Gaza. Only when Israel can exploit the deaths of Syrians living under its military occupation are we supposed to start worrying about the ‘consequences’

Whatever the true number of Russian and Ukrainian military and civilian dead, no glory is due to the slatterns of the BBC, just as no glory was due to the cross dressing crackpot Cirillo.