Tag: BBC

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BBC’s Steve Rosenberg amplifies President Putin’s message
BBC’s Steve Rosenberg amplifies President Putin’s message
November 1, 2024

The BRICS Summit in Kazan was a demonstration that Russia’s role as an important regional power within the developing world, is as strong as ever.

More dead children. More BBC “news” channelling Israeli propaganda as its own
July 30, 2024

Forget a 10-month genocide in Gaza. Only when Israel can exploit the deaths of Syrians living under its military occupation are we supposed to start worrying about the ‘consequences’

More dead children. More BBC “news” channelling Israeli propaganda as its own
Editor's Сhoice
BBC boosts Ukraine’s falling morale by slandering Russia’s war dead
BBC boosts Ukraine’s falling morale by slandering Russia’s war dead
April 23, 2024

Whatever the true number of Russian and Ukrainian military and civilian dead, no glory is due to the slatterns of the BBC, just as no glory was due to the cross dressing crackpot Cirillo.

The BBC’s war against Russia
April 5, 2024

The warmongering of the BBC against Syria, Russia and a host of other countries has cost more lives than we could ever count.

The BBC’s war against Russia
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The Hypocrisy of the BBC’s Misinformation War
Editor's Сhoice
The Hypocrisy of the BBC’s Misinformation War
March 8, 2024

In 1999, Glenn Hoddle, the then England football manager, told The Times’s Matt Dickinson that he thought people with disabilities had done bad things in a previous life. Hoddle had spoken before about his spiritual beliefs, and it was a matter of public record that he had used a faith healer called Eileen Drewery.

Dutch Courage: Sonja van den Ende, Russell Brand & NATO’s Disinformation Wars
January 30, 2024

Van den Ende and Brand do not make the cut as they manufacture the real news, which the legions of BBC hacks are paid to discredit.

Dutch Courage: Sonja van den Ende, Russell Brand & NATO’s Disinformation Wars
MI6’s BBC Laments the Lack of Violence in Hong Kong
MI6’s BBC Laments the Lack of Violence in Hong Kong
December 24, 2023

In a gob-smacking piece of pseudo-journalism, the BBC recently lamented that Hong Kong was at peace.

What the BBC Fails to Tell You About October 7
November 3, 2023

The BBC’s Lucy Williamson was taken once again this week to view the terrible destruction at a kibbutz community just outside Gaza attacked on October 7. As we have been shown so many times before, the Israeli homes were riddled with automatic fire, both inside and out.

What the BBC Fails to Tell You About October 7
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