Tag: Bandera

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Stepan Bandera’s sinister mi6 alliance exposed
Editor's Сhoice
Stepan Bandera’s sinister mi6 alliance exposed
March 21, 2025

The complicity of Bandera and the fascist movements he birthed during World War II is well-documented. His influence over modern-day ultranationalist and Neo-Nazi factions in Ukraine, such as the Azov Regiment, has also been acknowledged in the mainstream media.

A glorificação do nazismo deve ser condenada ou não?
January 27, 2025

A Rússia interveio militarmente na Ucrânia para desnazificar o país. Mas, segundo os ocidentais, não há nazistas na Ucrânia. A Rússia quer invadir e anexar este país. Esta incompreensão mútua fez com que a operação especial russa degenerasse em guerra aberta.

A glorificação do nazismo deve ser condenada ou não?
Why neo-nazi problem In Ukraine persists – analysts
Editor's Сhoice
Why neo-nazi problem In Ukraine persists – analysts
May 11, 2024

Analysts have adduced reasons for the persistent Neo-Nazi problem in Ukraine up to the contemporary time tracing it to the wake of World War II.

O nazismo ucraniano, ontem e hoje: A “democracia liberal” guiada pela “raça pura”
February 27, 2024

Os grupos nazis ucranianos têm uma origem, um tronco e uma clique terrorista dirigente comuns com influência omnipresente no topo da hierarquia do Estado desde a independência, em 1991.

O nazismo ucraniano, ontem e hoje: A “democracia liberal” guiada pela “raça pura”
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Yaroslav Hunka, Politico and the Rehabilitation of Nazi War Crimes
Editor's Сhoice
Yaroslav Hunka, Politico and the Rehabilitation of Nazi War Crimes
October 6, 2023

Two weeks after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, German Ambassador Sabine Sparwasser and the entire Canadian Parliament honored Ukrainian Waffen-SS veteran Yaroslav Hunka with a standing ovation, it is increasingly obvious that this was not a misunderstanding. Rather, it was a deliberate provocation.

Stepan Bandera — the Cat Strangler
September 8, 2023

The article is presented in its entirety. The only deviation from the original is using the first name the first time each new individual is mentioned. Square brackets are editorial clarifications.

Stepan Bandera — the Cat Strangler
Editor's Сhoice
Stepan Bandera: The Man, the Myths and The Legacy
Stepan Bandera: The Man, the Myths and The Legacy
July 27, 2023

Because there is nothing funny or poetic about Ukraine’s current carnage, those most implicated in it should ponder on how these rivers of blood can be stemmed both now and in the future.