Tag: Azov Sea

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As Media Focuses on Syria Withdrawal, Ukraine Preps for War with Russia
Editor's Сhoice
As Media Focuses on Syria Withdrawal, Ukraine Preps for War with Russia
December 29, 2018

While much of the western media is fretting over the decision by US President Donald Trump to withdraw American troops from northern Syria there is another potential conflict brewing. This time, the trouble is, once again, coming from Ukraine, where NATO may end up getting the confrontation with Russia they so desire.

The UN Does Kosovo and the Azov Sea
December 21, 2018

As the UN Security Council discussed Kosovo, the UN General Assembly voted in favor of a non-binding pro-Kiev regime resolution on the Azov Sea.

The UN Does Kosovo and the Azov Sea
Latest Odds of a Shooting War Between NATO and Russia
Editor's Сhoice
Latest Odds of a Shooting War Between NATO and Russia
December 17, 2018

George Szamuely is a Hungarian-born scholar and Senior Research Fellow at London’s Global Policy Institute. He lives in New York City. I spoke to him about escalating hostilities on Russia’s Ukrainian and Black Sea borders and about Exercise Trident Juncture, NATO’s massive military exercise on Russian borders which ended just as the latest hostilities began.

Kiev Regime – A Western Frankenstein Creation
December 7, 2018

It is only 73 years since the end of World War II. Incredibly, despite living memory of that horror, the world is being endangered again.

Kiev Regime – A Western Frankenstein Creation
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Ukraine’s Proposal to Have NATO Warships in Azov Sea Finds Receptive Audience in US
Ukraine’s Proposal to Have NATO Warships in Azov Sea Finds Receptive Audience in US
December 3, 2018

The Ukraine’s goal has always been to internationalize the situation in the Azov Sea. Poroshenko’s recent call for other countries’ involvement was immediately rejected by German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Kiev’s Kerch Strait Gambit Shows Telltale Signs of Western-Backed Provocation to Force Russia’s Hand
November 30, 2018

Whatever the case may be, it is a terrible gamble, and one that is pushing Russia’s patience to the limits.

Kiev’s Kerch Strait Gambit Shows Telltale Signs of Western-Backed Provocation to Force Russia’s Hand
Black Sea Face Off: Is Ukraine Provoking War With Russia?
Editor's Сhoice
Black Sea Face Off: Is Ukraine Provoking War With Russia?
November 29, 2018

The Russian seizure of two Ukrainian warships sailing through the Kerch Strait has flared up tensions almost to the point of war. Are special interests pushing Ukraine to provoke Russia? Is Kiev operating all on its own? Are Washington neocon fingerprints on this little operation? Will it spin out of control?

As Time Runs Out, Poroshenko and the West Poison the Sea of Azov
November 28, 2018

Looking ahead to the G-20, Trump will be saddled with the Sea of Azov incident precluding finding any common ground with Putin over anything important.

As Time Runs Out, Poroshenko and the West Poison the Sea of Azov