Tag: Albania

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Britain Needs a Thatcheresque Approach to Getting Tough on Macron Over Albanian ‘Invasion’
Britain Needs a Thatcheresque Approach to Getting Tough on Macron Over Albanian ‘Invasion’
November 6, 2022

Could the wholesale arrival of Albanians into the UK be manipulated by a foreign power to send its agents there?

NATO to Set Up Its First Air Base in Western Balkans
August 6, 2018

A NATO air force base in Albania will hardly make the life of common people living in Western Balkans better or more secure but it will certainly bring the concept of Greater Albania closer to reality.

NATO to Set Up Its First Air Base in Western Balkans
NATO’s Terrorist Bases in Europe
NATO’s Terrorist Bases in Europe
June 13, 2018

After ISIL forces were routed in Syria and Iraq, the United States pressured Albania to allow the Islamist terrorists to join their MEK allies in Albania.

Prior to 9/11: US Covert Support to Al Qaeda in Macedonia, “Financing Both Sides”
June 15, 2015

This essay was first published by antiwar.com in April 2001, barely 5 months before the September 11, 2001 attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon. It was subsequently published by Global Research when the site was launched in September 2001. What is of utmost significance is that US military operatives on contract the Pentagon were involved in providing support to separatist forces with links to al Qaeda. 

Prior to 9/11: US Covert Support to Al Qaeda in Macedonia, “Financing Both Sides”
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The idea of a ‘Greater Albania’, then and now (II)
The idea of a ‘Greater Albania’, then and now (II)
June 15, 2015

The bloody disintegration of Yugoslavia orchestrated by global centres of power opened up new possibilities to the ideologists and practitioners of a ‘Greater Albania’. A key role in realising the plan now passed to military and political structures, first and foremost the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and its ‘affiliates’ in neighbouring Balkan regions…

The idea of a ‘Greater Albania’, then and now (I)
June 14, 2015

The Albanian factor, an integral part of which involves the formation of a ‘Greater Albania’ in the region – a state uniting every area with an Albanian population – is playing an increasingly active role in developments in the Balkans and surrounding areas…

The idea of a ‘Greater Albania’, then and now (I)
Are the Albanians and the Americans now deciding the Macedonian Question?
Are the Albanians and the Americans now deciding the Macedonian Question?
June 2, 2015

…Which scenario is most likely in Macedonia? European and UN politicians will likely express concern about the status of democracy in Macedonia, condemn the actions of the Macedonian police in Kumanovo, and demand an «impartial» international investigation of «violations of citizens’ rights» (with no mention of terrorism). As long as the police are afraid to act, Albanian militants will fabricate a series of provocations and acts of terrorism in the country, accusing the government and the president of responsibility for the casualties. The Albanians in Tetovo, Kumanovo, and Skopje will form armed units and gain control of the territory. By threatening to block Macedonia’s entry into the EU, the European Union will urge Gruevski to make peace with the rebels and refrain from military action…

Macedonia: Playing Solitaire with Marked Cards
May 22, 2015

As the events in Macedonia unfold, the situation starts to look more like an orange revolution orchestrated from outside… The Albanian factor greatly influences the events. It may lead to involvement of other forces and even neighboring states… The United States and its allies in Brussels are accustomed to play with marked cards, it would be logical to expect the further exacerbation of the situation on the way of Turkish Stream. The destabilization plans may include Serbia, especially in the southern municipalities of municipalities of Presevo, Medvejda, and Bujanovac…

Macedonia: Playing Solitaire with Marked Cards