Tag: Ahmadinejad

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Iran: Will the Image of the New Leadership Become a Reality?
Iran: Will the Image of the New Leadership Become a Reality?
August 24, 2013

The labeling of members of the ruling political elite in Iran as «conservatives» or «reformers» has become commonplace, which seriously hinders understanding of the changes taking place in the leadership of the Islamic Republic after the beginning of Hassan Rouhani's presidency. Attempts to squeeze this multifaceted political figure into the framework of standard conceptions of Iranian «reformers» are at the least dubious and only serve to multiply the contradictions in assessments of the reasons for his election victory…

Ahmadinejad: Is All Quiet in Baghdad?
July 26, 2013

The strategic partnership which arose between Baghdad and Tehran in 2008 was Ahmadinejad's accomplishment… By this summer a situation had formed where the interests of the anti-Syrian and anti-Iranian coalitions… Neither the removal of the current government nor the division of Iraq could please Tehran; either of these cases would be a strategic defeat, and the outcome of the Syrian conflict would once again be hanging by a thread… Ahmadinejad's visit to Baghdad two weeks before the end of his presidential term is a sign of the Iranian leadership's serious concern about the situation which has arisen literally over the past few months.

Ahmadinejad: Is All Quiet in Baghdad?
Iran: Presidential Race Close to Finish Line
Iran: Presidential Race Close to Finish Line
June 7, 2013

There is little time left till the day of presidential election in Iran… Whoever wins the election, the policy aimed at Iran becoming an independent and important regional and world politics actor is irreversible. Sometimes Ahmadinejad appeared to be satisfied with the role of troublemaker. Still a new Iranian leader will not be a better interlocutor for the West… bringing more authority to the Iranian leadership will only hamper the policy of keeping Iran isolated on the world scene…

OIC Summit at Cairo and the Syrian Crisis
February 9, 2013

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) summit at Cairo indicates that the 57-member Islamic body has endeavored to evolve a dialogue format to resolve the crisis in Syria. Despite differences among members on sectarian lines, the summit, held on 6th and 7th of February 2013, posed a common front in urging the Syrian government and opposition to engage in ‘serious dialogue’ for the resolution of the conflict… The meeting of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his Egyptian counterpart Mohamed Morsi, the first ever meet between the highest officials of the two countries after a gap of 34 years, was one of the major focus of national and international media. Morsi gave a red carpet welcome to Ahmadinejad…

OIC Summit at Cairo and the Syrian Crisis
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Ahmadinejad’s Latin American Tour
Ahmadinejad’s Latin American Tour
January 13, 2012

Washington must have seriously hoped to derail Ahmadinejad's plan for his recent Latin American tour… The propaganda onslaught on Iran is gaining momentum. The country's Islamic regime is being demonized by the pro-US media and the Zionist influencers who, it must be noted, are in the position of dominance in the post-Soviet space. Consequently, the progressive analysts are right when they hold that, by launching the Latin American tour, Ahmadinejad broke the US diplomatic blockade and dealt a heavy blow to the Zionist smear campaign…