Declan Hayes
March 25, 2025
© Photo: Public domain

The middle ground is captured and the marginalised are ignored until cannon fodder is needed. The problem is not Russia, North Korea, Iran or even faraway China.

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Mixed martial arts fighter Conor McGregor’s recent meeting of minds with POTUS Trump in the Oval Office this St Patrick’s Day has put Ireland and its place in the military world back in the spotlight for a number of reasons. The meeting between Trump and Ireland’s best known (and probably most hated) sporting celebrity relegated sycophantic Irish Prime Minister Micheál Martin and Simon Harris, our creeping Jesus of a Foreign Minister, to the junior seats, which is where those bums belong.

Not only did Trump and his team fire shots over their Irish bows by giving pride of place to McGregor but they left Martin, whose entire family were guns for hire for the British Army, in no doubt about the perilous state of the economic relations between Ireland and the United States, which McGregor terms Ireland’s big brother. Trump’s team is determined to cut the massive $80.5 bn deficit the United States runs with Ireland by relocating the American pharmaceutical and Big Tech companies responsible for that deficit back to the United States. That that will destroy the Irish economy is not Trump’s problem.

And nor will it be Martin’s as he will hope to have secured an even cushier number in Brussels by the time the curtain comes down on our fake economy. As regards the ordinary Irish McGregor purports to speak for, what about them? They never mattered, not at least in recent decades.

The lie of the political land now is that Ireland’s new ascendancy, nobodies like Harris and Martin, see their future with being loyal servants of Brussels, rather than, as in former years, loyal gunslingers of the Crown, or for McGregor’s big American brother across the pond. Brussels pays better and, as Kallas et al want nothing more than utter compliance, they are a lapdog’s dream come true.

Part of that carrot and stick compliance entails abandoning Ireland’s long standing and long cherished policy of strict neutrality, buying half a dozen fighter jets and joining Estonia, tiny Latvia and the rabid chihuahua of Lithuania in throwing shapes at Russia and, later, China and probably North Korea and Iran for good measure. Über alles in der welt and all that.

Although Ireland’s air force, marines and navy would make absolutely no difference to the outcome of any punch up with Russia or any similar heavyweight, that is not the purpose of making Leprechaun Land tool up. Its purpose is to build a Coalition of the Willing, just as POTUS Reagan did against Grenada, and just as various other Yankee Presidents have done in Iraq and elsewhere. Ireland, in short, is to abandon its neutrality and parachute troops into Kursk if that is what raving idiots like Kaja Kallas and Ursula von der Leyen demand.

Not that every single paratrooper will be Irish. Von der Leyen, Martin, Harris and their lot are currently flooding Europe with undocumented male migrants of military age and many of them will jump (ha ha) at the chance of being a paratrooper and, when Russian or Chinese ack ack fire get the better of them, few will remember or mourn their passing. Sure, the likes of von der Leyen, Kallas (heaven help them), Martin or plank-of-wood Harris will make stock eulogies about the cost in human lives of building a new and humane Europe over their graves but, stripped of its gloss, those lemmings will just be another generation of despised and forgotten pushing-up-daisies guns for hire. Lest we forget and all that.

Far better, far nobler and far more intelligent would it be to stand where Ireland has stood for the last 100 years. That is on the side of strict neutrality, where superlative Irish statesmen like Éamon de Valera, Frank Aiken and Seán MacBride really punched far above their weight and were internationally admired, honoured and followed as a consequence.

What Irishman of sound mind and body wants to be parachuted into Kursk because von der Leyen and Kallas will it? And, for that matter, what Englishman wants to get a Russian bayonet in the guts just because Sir Keir Starmer wants to make a quick buck off his hide? The answer to these rhetorical questions is, of course, nobody, but because there is an unending torrent of propaganda urging us to surrender our mental facilities to Kallas’ Napoleon complex, all these little Hitlers and Napoleonic wannabes will easily recruit their next generation of guns for hire when the chips are down. One only has to look at how many foreigners, some of whom are now doing serious jail time in Russia, joined Zelensky’s ranks to see recruiting sergeants are not going out of business any time soon.

That is not the fault of Ireland’s Peace and Neutrality Alliance, whose excellent website should be the first port of call for those who want a deep dive into the issues surrounding Irish neutrality. And, though it is not my place to tell them their business, I will say that their English and their arguments are clear as day, that they do not obfuscate but carefully lay out their table, plain and simple.

That, for what it is worth, is the polar opposite of the approach Harris, Martin and the rest of Europe’s compromised class do. Because they have no arguments, they have to either silence their opponents, as is the case with PANA, or defame them as is the case with McGregor who, as he made plain leaving the White House, is a self made man, who employs hundreds of people in Ireland.

That McGregor may be a very flawed individual with little formal education or that PANA’s executive members may not be in the full flush of youth is not the issue. The issue is that Harris, Martin, von der Leyen, Kallas and similar weasels are going to ramp up Ireland’s military spending, make Ireland a military vassal of Brussels and destroy the goodwill Ireland enjoys internationally, just so a few Irish pretend generals can land desk jobs in Brussels and Harris, Martin and the rest of them can be rewarded, like the good lap dogs they are, for their treachery.

Whether we are speaking about Ireland, Albion or the Netherlands, the game is the same. The middle ground is captured and the marginalised are ignored until cannon fodder is needed. The problem is not Russia, North Korea, Iran or even far away China. The problem is, as it has always been, those on the home front, who are willing to see millions die if they can make a buck out of it; think of cross dresser J Edgar Hoover making the Mafia rig horse races so he could win a few bucks and you get the drift. The solution in Ireland, as in Albion, the Netherlands and everywhere else is to recruit a new generation of true champion like de Valera, Aiken and MacBride, who stand for something, rather than Harris, Martin, Kallas and von der Leyen who stand for nothing bar their own numbered Swiss bank accounts. And, if McGregor, who is not the only one who should read Romans 3:23, can hasten that day, that is infinitely more preferable than having another million Russians and Ukrainians die to fatten the bank accounts of von der Leyen, Kallas, Martin, Harris and those in BlackRock, Monsanto and Rheinmetall who sponsor them.

Make Ireland neutral again

The middle ground is captured and the marginalised are ignored until cannon fodder is needed. The problem is not Russia, North Korea, Iran or even faraway China.

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Mixed martial arts fighter Conor McGregor’s recent meeting of minds with POTUS Trump in the Oval Office this St Patrick’s Day has put Ireland and its place in the military world back in the spotlight for a number of reasons. The meeting between Trump and Ireland’s best known (and probably most hated) sporting celebrity relegated sycophantic Irish Prime Minister Micheál Martin and Simon Harris, our creeping Jesus of a Foreign Minister, to the junior seats, which is where those bums belong.

Not only did Trump and his team fire shots over their Irish bows by giving pride of place to McGregor but they left Martin, whose entire family were guns for hire for the British Army, in no doubt about the perilous state of the economic relations between Ireland and the United States, which McGregor terms Ireland’s big brother. Trump’s team is determined to cut the massive $80.5 bn deficit the United States runs with Ireland by relocating the American pharmaceutical and Big Tech companies responsible for that deficit back to the United States. That that will destroy the Irish economy is not Trump’s problem.

And nor will it be Martin’s as he will hope to have secured an even cushier number in Brussels by the time the curtain comes down on our fake economy. As regards the ordinary Irish McGregor purports to speak for, what about them? They never mattered, not at least in recent decades.

The lie of the political land now is that Ireland’s new ascendancy, nobodies like Harris and Martin, see their future with being loyal servants of Brussels, rather than, as in former years, loyal gunslingers of the Crown, or for McGregor’s big American brother across the pond. Brussels pays better and, as Kallas et al want nothing more than utter compliance, they are a lapdog’s dream come true.

Part of that carrot and stick compliance entails abandoning Ireland’s long standing and long cherished policy of strict neutrality, buying half a dozen fighter jets and joining Estonia, tiny Latvia and the rabid chihuahua of Lithuania in throwing shapes at Russia and, later, China and probably North Korea and Iran for good measure. Über alles in der welt and all that.

Although Ireland’s air force, marines and navy would make absolutely no difference to the outcome of any punch up with Russia or any similar heavyweight, that is not the purpose of making Leprechaun Land tool up. Its purpose is to build a Coalition of the Willing, just as POTUS Reagan did against Grenada, and just as various other Yankee Presidents have done in Iraq and elsewhere. Ireland, in short, is to abandon its neutrality and parachute troops into Kursk if that is what raving idiots like Kaja Kallas and Ursula von der Leyen demand.

Not that every single paratrooper will be Irish. Von der Leyen, Martin, Harris and their lot are currently flooding Europe with undocumented male migrants of military age and many of them will jump (ha ha) at the chance of being a paratrooper and, when Russian or Chinese ack ack fire get the better of them, few will remember or mourn their passing. Sure, the likes of von der Leyen, Kallas (heaven help them), Martin or plank-of-wood Harris will make stock eulogies about the cost in human lives of building a new and humane Europe over their graves but, stripped of its gloss, those lemmings will just be another generation of despised and forgotten pushing-up-daisies guns for hire. Lest we forget and all that.

Far better, far nobler and far more intelligent would it be to stand where Ireland has stood for the last 100 years. That is on the side of strict neutrality, where superlative Irish statesmen like Éamon de Valera, Frank Aiken and Seán MacBride really punched far above their weight and were internationally admired, honoured and followed as a consequence.

What Irishman of sound mind and body wants to be parachuted into Kursk because von der Leyen and Kallas will it? And, for that matter, what Englishman wants to get a Russian bayonet in the guts just because Sir Keir Starmer wants to make a quick buck off his hide? The answer to these rhetorical questions is, of course, nobody, but because there is an unending torrent of propaganda urging us to surrender our mental facilities to Kallas’ Napoleon complex, all these little Hitlers and Napoleonic wannabes will easily recruit their next generation of guns for hire when the chips are down. One only has to look at how many foreigners, some of whom are now doing serious jail time in Russia, joined Zelensky’s ranks to see recruiting sergeants are not going out of business any time soon.

That is not the fault of Ireland’s Peace and Neutrality Alliance, whose excellent website should be the first port of call for those who want a deep dive into the issues surrounding Irish neutrality. And, though it is not my place to tell them their business, I will say that their English and their arguments are clear as day, that they do not obfuscate but carefully lay out their table, plain and simple.

That, for what it is worth, is the polar opposite of the approach Harris, Martin and the rest of Europe’s compromised class do. Because they have no arguments, they have to either silence their opponents, as is the case with PANA, or defame them as is the case with McGregor who, as he made plain leaving the White House, is a self made man, who employs hundreds of people in Ireland.

That McGregor may be a very flawed individual with little formal education or that PANA’s executive members may not be in the full flush of youth is not the issue. The issue is that Harris, Martin, von der Leyen, Kallas and similar weasels are going to ramp up Ireland’s military spending, make Ireland a military vassal of Brussels and destroy the goodwill Ireland enjoys internationally, just so a few Irish pretend generals can land desk jobs in Brussels and Harris, Martin and the rest of them can be rewarded, like the good lap dogs they are, for their treachery.

Whether we are speaking about Ireland, Albion or the Netherlands, the game is the same. The middle ground is captured and the marginalised are ignored until cannon fodder is needed. The problem is not Russia, North Korea, Iran or even far away China. The problem is, as it has always been, those on the home front, who are willing to see millions die if they can make a buck out of it; think of cross dresser J Edgar Hoover making the Mafia rig horse races so he could win a few bucks and you get the drift. The solution in Ireland, as in Albion, the Netherlands and everywhere else is to recruit a new generation of true champion like de Valera, Aiken and MacBride, who stand for something, rather than Harris, Martin, Kallas and von der Leyen who stand for nothing bar their own numbered Swiss bank accounts. And, if McGregor, who is not the only one who should read Romans 3:23, can hasten that day, that is infinitely more preferable than having another million Russians and Ukrainians die to fatten the bank accounts of von der Leyen, Kallas, Martin, Harris and those in BlackRock, Monsanto and Rheinmetall who sponsor them.

The middle ground is captured and the marginalised are ignored until cannon fodder is needed. The problem is not Russia, North Korea, Iran or even faraway China.

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Mixed martial arts fighter Conor McGregor’s recent meeting of minds with POTUS Trump in the Oval Office this St Patrick’s Day has put Ireland and its place in the military world back in the spotlight for a number of reasons. The meeting between Trump and Ireland’s best known (and probably most hated) sporting celebrity relegated sycophantic Irish Prime Minister Micheál Martin and Simon Harris, our creeping Jesus of a Foreign Minister, to the junior seats, which is where those bums belong.

Not only did Trump and his team fire shots over their Irish bows by giving pride of place to McGregor but they left Martin, whose entire family were guns for hire for the British Army, in no doubt about the perilous state of the economic relations between Ireland and the United States, which McGregor terms Ireland’s big brother. Trump’s team is determined to cut the massive $80.5 bn deficit the United States runs with Ireland by relocating the American pharmaceutical and Big Tech companies responsible for that deficit back to the United States. That that will destroy the Irish economy is not Trump’s problem.

And nor will it be Martin’s as he will hope to have secured an even cushier number in Brussels by the time the curtain comes down on our fake economy. As regards the ordinary Irish McGregor purports to speak for, what about them? They never mattered, not at least in recent decades.

The lie of the political land now is that Ireland’s new ascendancy, nobodies like Harris and Martin, see their future with being loyal servants of Brussels, rather than, as in former years, loyal gunslingers of the Crown, or for McGregor’s big American brother across the pond. Brussels pays better and, as Kallas et al want nothing more than utter compliance, they are a lapdog’s dream come true.

Part of that carrot and stick compliance entails abandoning Ireland’s long standing and long cherished policy of strict neutrality, buying half a dozen fighter jets and joining Estonia, tiny Latvia and the rabid chihuahua of Lithuania in throwing shapes at Russia and, later, China and probably North Korea and Iran for good measure. Über alles in der welt and all that.

Although Ireland’s air force, marines and navy would make absolutely no difference to the outcome of any punch up with Russia or any similar heavyweight, that is not the purpose of making Leprechaun Land tool up. Its purpose is to build a Coalition of the Willing, just as POTUS Reagan did against Grenada, and just as various other Yankee Presidents have done in Iraq and elsewhere. Ireland, in short, is to abandon its neutrality and parachute troops into Kursk if that is what raving idiots like Kaja Kallas and Ursula von der Leyen demand.

Not that every single paratrooper will be Irish. Von der Leyen, Martin, Harris and their lot are currently flooding Europe with undocumented male migrants of military age and many of them will jump (ha ha) at the chance of being a paratrooper and, when Russian or Chinese ack ack fire get the better of them, few will remember or mourn their passing. Sure, the likes of von der Leyen, Kallas (heaven help them), Martin or plank-of-wood Harris will make stock eulogies about the cost in human lives of building a new and humane Europe over their graves but, stripped of its gloss, those lemmings will just be another generation of despised and forgotten pushing-up-daisies guns for hire. Lest we forget and all that.

Far better, far nobler and far more intelligent would it be to stand where Ireland has stood for the last 100 years. That is on the side of strict neutrality, where superlative Irish statesmen like Éamon de Valera, Frank Aiken and Seán MacBride really punched far above their weight and were internationally admired, honoured and followed as a consequence.

What Irishman of sound mind and body wants to be parachuted into Kursk because von der Leyen and Kallas will it? And, for that matter, what Englishman wants to get a Russian bayonet in the guts just because Sir Keir Starmer wants to make a quick buck off his hide? The answer to these rhetorical questions is, of course, nobody, but because there is an unending torrent of propaganda urging us to surrender our mental facilities to Kallas’ Napoleon complex, all these little Hitlers and Napoleonic wannabes will easily recruit their next generation of guns for hire when the chips are down. One only has to look at how many foreigners, some of whom are now doing serious jail time in Russia, joined Zelensky’s ranks to see recruiting sergeants are not going out of business any time soon.

That is not the fault of Ireland’s Peace and Neutrality Alliance, whose excellent website should be the first port of call for those who want a deep dive into the issues surrounding Irish neutrality. And, though it is not my place to tell them their business, I will say that their English and their arguments are clear as day, that they do not obfuscate but carefully lay out their table, plain and simple.

That, for what it is worth, is the polar opposite of the approach Harris, Martin and the rest of Europe’s compromised class do. Because they have no arguments, they have to either silence their opponents, as is the case with PANA, or defame them as is the case with McGregor who, as he made plain leaving the White House, is a self made man, who employs hundreds of people in Ireland.

That McGregor may be a very flawed individual with little formal education or that PANA’s executive members may not be in the full flush of youth is not the issue. The issue is that Harris, Martin, von der Leyen, Kallas and similar weasels are going to ramp up Ireland’s military spending, make Ireland a military vassal of Brussels and destroy the goodwill Ireland enjoys internationally, just so a few Irish pretend generals can land desk jobs in Brussels and Harris, Martin and the rest of them can be rewarded, like the good lap dogs they are, for their treachery.

Whether we are speaking about Ireland, Albion or the Netherlands, the game is the same. The middle ground is captured and the marginalised are ignored until cannon fodder is needed. The problem is not Russia, North Korea, Iran or even far away China. The problem is, as it has always been, those on the home front, who are willing to see millions die if they can make a buck out of it; think of cross dresser J Edgar Hoover making the Mafia rig horse races so he could win a few bucks and you get the drift. The solution in Ireland, as in Albion, the Netherlands and everywhere else is to recruit a new generation of true champion like de Valera, Aiken and MacBride, who stand for something, rather than Harris, Martin, Kallas and von der Leyen who stand for nothing bar their own numbered Swiss bank accounts. And, if McGregor, who is not the only one who should read Romans 3:23, can hasten that day, that is infinitely more preferable than having another million Russians and Ukrainians die to fatten the bank accounts of von der Leyen, Kallas, Martin, Harris and those in BlackRock, Monsanto and Rheinmetall who sponsor them.

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