Declan Hayes
March 23, 2025
© Photo: SCF

With the Caesars past and present, it is always offence and never defence.

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Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres. All Gaul is divided into three parts. So, as all school kids of earlier generations knew, famously began Caesar’s Gallic Wars, written by the great Julius Caesar himself. Whatever his other faults, Caesar knew the importance of controlling the message and thus his famous apologia for committing one of recorded history’s most notorious genocides.

Donald Trump, NATO’s current Caesar, does not have to worry about putting pen to paper himself, as he has an entire industry devoted to singing the praises of the American, NATO and Israeli Wehrmacht, who have brought the brutality of Caesar’s legions and the Nazis of more recent times to yet newer levels of brutality and depravity.

What can we say about Gaza, where the Qatari-based Muslim Brotherhood encourages the locals to die in droves from the ceaseless bombing of Caesar’s Israeli air force? Syria, where the Muslim Brotherhood are also running amok? Yemen, because it is on the road to Persia? Ukraine that has yet to run out of men but all good things take time?

Kursk, where the Ukrainian Wehrmacht have been ordered by Zelensky, their pint sized Little Caesar (heaven help us) to hold fast, just as Hitler told his own legions to hold fast and die in Stalingrad and their hundred other Russian graveyards? Whereas it is argued that Hitler’s Stalingrad Hold Fast order was issued because his Wehrmacht could not afford to forfeit its heavy weapons by surrendering them at Stalingrad, Zelensky can put forward no such defence. They should surrender, as Hitler’s Afrika Korps did before them, and as the remnants of Kesselring‘s crack legions finally did in Monte Cassino, Anzio and, last of all, in Salzburg when the game was truly up and their goose finally cooked.

Though books have been written extolling the exploits of Kesselring and Stalingrad’s von Paulus, such leaders are, at day’s end, of no account to their Caesars, whether they be Hitler, Zelensky or Donald Trump himself. Their role is to carry through the orders of their Caesars, no matter how scatty those may be. Think Caligula, Nero or von der Leyen and you get the picture.

Donald Trump is undoubtedly a modern Caesar hewn for our emerging age. Like the scattiest rulers of ancient times, or Wilhelm, the last of the Kaisers (who foolishly ditched Bismarck) or the last of the Tsars and Tsarinas whose Great War efforts did Russia no favours, Trump believes, not without reason, that he was sent by God, no doubt his junior partner, to rule over us.

His strong jaw bone ensures he will cut a fine figure on Mount Rushmore and his mad as a hatter policies ensure there will be cause enough to remember him. Because, in the Hindu faith, it is important to first of all appease the angry gods, the Indian government instinctively understands that they must kowtow before him. Towards that end, they are now sourcing their apples and synthetic fibres from America, so named after some Italian quasi pirate of the sixteenth century.

The European Union, with a bunch of brain dead Tsarinas at the helm, have not been so smart. They are doubling their defence spending to keep Russia busy in its Ukrainian Borderlands and thereby saving Trump considerable expense there. That is how the Caesars of old rolled. They would get their sycophants to confront their potential enemies and, just as all their roads famously led to Rome, so also do all monies within Trump’s empire flow back to his chums in the United States of America. That is how the Mafia’s vertical money pyramids have always rolled. Upwards to the bosses, as hassle rolled downwards to the bosses’ flunkeys.

Trump’s Ukrainian stance can be regarded as forming a sort of Hadrian’s Wall, where Trump has marked the ne plus ultra to the march of the American Empire so that his main legions can concentrate their fire on neutralising China. Securing NATOs eastern front will free up his legions to allow him wreak havoc on other fronts and not just the perennial punching bags of the Arabs of the Middle East.

First for the chopping block must be the Democrats, who are America’s Punch to Trump’s Judy. Although the Democrat’s ANTIFA subversives are currently torching Tesla cars and the New York Stock markets are tanking, because Rome was not built in a day, none of that is of strategic consequence. What is key is smashing the Democrats’ lax, lazy and lethargic power base. Get rid of those parasites and the road to further conquests is wide open. Drain the swamp and American fire power can be directed to where Trump’s advisors want it directed.

As regards Elon Musk, who really cares about Trump’s shadow? Tesla’s longer term fortunes depend on how it squares up against the Chinese and the stock exchange will do or die, depending on how Caesar Trump’s policies pan out over the next four years. That is where Caesar Trump is focused, not only for his own sake, but more so for Barron Trump and the other Caesars that will follow in daddy Trump’s footsteps.

Caesar Trump, like all American Little Caesars, fully understands the Roman concept of divida et impera, divide and conquer. Look at Ukraine, whose soldiers have been slaughtered. It is now being divided up between Blackrock, Monsanto, Cargill and other all-American vultures. Those Ukrainians, who might have resisted this, are pushing up daisies, which is probably a happier place to be than the fate that awaits those Ukrainians who cannot clamber aboard corporate American’s gravy train.

Gone are the days of Klaus Schwab and King Charles telling us we have to protect little fish in California and in are the days of the big fish, of the raw corporate power of Black Rock and the rest of them turning us into serfs not only in Ukraine but everywhere else they control as well. The raw, untrammelled corporate power they represent benefits those who have always benefited from internationalism and the removal of troublesome regulations. Genocide and manifest destiny are, after all, what made America great and genocide and manifest destiny are, it seems, what will make America great again. Think of the mining towns of the nineteenth century without the Molly Maguires and other forces there fighting their rearguard actions and you get the drift. America’s robber barons at their rawest and most brutal.

We see this raw capitalism in Syria, where Turkey and Israel, two of America’s most predatory satrapies, ravage it from one end to the other and the European Union and other lickspittles squabble to get their share. We see it in the writings of the likes of this pretend professor, who tells us that nations get rich by building weapons of mass destruction. No, they do not. Germany and Japan prospered in the post-war years by building ploughshares, not swords for the simple reason that one adds to a nation’s wealth and the other can only be a weapon of defence or offence.

But with the Caesars past and present, it is always offence and never defence. Throw a dart at a map of the world and try to find one spot where the usual suspects have not continually stirred the pot and caused innocents to die. You will not find a spot because no such place exists.

Even though Trump would have us cry crocodile tears for the poor state the economies of Turkey, Israel and the United States are in, there is at least one lesson he best learn quickly from what the Russians refer to as their Great Patriotic War. When Zhukov’s Red Army crossed the Oder River into Germany, they were amazed at the comparative opulence the Germans were living in compared to what they were used to back home and they asked themselves why the Germans had razed their homes to the ground when they had it so good themselves back home in Hiter’s 1000 year Reich.

Though Syrians, Iraqis, Palestinians, Libyans, Yemenis and countless others could legitimately ask themselves the same question regarding Caesar Trump’s robber barons, the ether demands a day of retribution. And, though we could quote that plagiarist Einstein to say post nuclear wars will be fought with sticks and stones, Caesar Trump should be making contingencies about the low tech insurgency he may face in a world where Israelis, Americans and other pampered clowns drive their Teslas and Palestinians, Congolese and Syrians are deprived of clean water, food and, whatever else besides raw courage, is at the bottom of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

Although Trump, America and their satrapies might seem invincible now, so too did the earlier legions of Napoleon, Hitler and the various Caesars adumbrated above, who pompously tramlped over the sullen peoples they conquered. But the worm turned then, just as it might turn again if and when those they ravage can get their collective acts together. That, rather than getting his mug chiselled into Mount Rushmore, is what Trump and his lapdogs should concern themselves with, not least because it is what many of their silent enemies obsess themselves with morning, noon and night.

Caesar Trump’s Wehrmacht legions trundle ever onwards

With the Caesars past and present, it is always offence and never defence.

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Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres. All Gaul is divided into three parts. So, as all school kids of earlier generations knew, famously began Caesar’s Gallic Wars, written by the great Julius Caesar himself. Whatever his other faults, Caesar knew the importance of controlling the message and thus his famous apologia for committing one of recorded history’s most notorious genocides.

Donald Trump, NATO’s current Caesar, does not have to worry about putting pen to paper himself, as he has an entire industry devoted to singing the praises of the American, NATO and Israeli Wehrmacht, who have brought the brutality of Caesar’s legions and the Nazis of more recent times to yet newer levels of brutality and depravity.

What can we say about Gaza, where the Qatari-based Muslim Brotherhood encourages the locals to die in droves from the ceaseless bombing of Caesar’s Israeli air force? Syria, where the Muslim Brotherhood are also running amok? Yemen, because it is on the road to Persia? Ukraine that has yet to run out of men but all good things take time?

Kursk, where the Ukrainian Wehrmacht have been ordered by Zelensky, their pint sized Little Caesar (heaven help us) to hold fast, just as Hitler told his own legions to hold fast and die in Stalingrad and their hundred other Russian graveyards? Whereas it is argued that Hitler’s Stalingrad Hold Fast order was issued because his Wehrmacht could not afford to forfeit its heavy weapons by surrendering them at Stalingrad, Zelensky can put forward no such defence. They should surrender, as Hitler’s Afrika Korps did before them, and as the remnants of Kesselring‘s crack legions finally did in Monte Cassino, Anzio and, last of all, in Salzburg when the game was truly up and their goose finally cooked.

Though books have been written extolling the exploits of Kesselring and Stalingrad’s von Paulus, such leaders are, at day’s end, of no account to their Caesars, whether they be Hitler, Zelensky or Donald Trump himself. Their role is to carry through the orders of their Caesars, no matter how scatty those may be. Think Caligula, Nero or von der Leyen and you get the picture.

Donald Trump is undoubtedly a modern Caesar hewn for our emerging age. Like the scattiest rulers of ancient times, or Wilhelm, the last of the Kaisers (who foolishly ditched Bismarck) or the last of the Tsars and Tsarinas whose Great War efforts did Russia no favours, Trump believes, not without reason, that he was sent by God, no doubt his junior partner, to rule over us.

His strong jaw bone ensures he will cut a fine figure on Mount Rushmore and his mad as a hatter policies ensure there will be cause enough to remember him. Because, in the Hindu faith, it is important to first of all appease the angry gods, the Indian government instinctively understands that they must kowtow before him. Towards that end, they are now sourcing their apples and synthetic fibres from America, so named after some Italian quasi pirate of the sixteenth century.

The European Union, with a bunch of brain dead Tsarinas at the helm, have not been so smart. They are doubling their defence spending to keep Russia busy in its Ukrainian Borderlands and thereby saving Trump considerable expense there. That is how the Caesars of old rolled. They would get their sycophants to confront their potential enemies and, just as all their roads famously led to Rome, so also do all monies within Trump’s empire flow back to his chums in the United States of America. That is how the Mafia’s vertical money pyramids have always rolled. Upwards to the bosses, as hassle rolled downwards to the bosses’ flunkeys.

Trump’s Ukrainian stance can be regarded as forming a sort of Hadrian’s Wall, where Trump has marked the ne plus ultra to the march of the American Empire so that his main legions can concentrate their fire on neutralising China. Securing NATOs eastern front will free up his legions to allow him wreak havoc on other fronts and not just the perennial punching bags of the Arabs of the Middle East.

First for the chopping block must be the Democrats, who are America’s Punch to Trump’s Judy. Although the Democrat’s ANTIFA subversives are currently torching Tesla cars and the New York Stock markets are tanking, because Rome was not built in a day, none of that is of strategic consequence. What is key is smashing the Democrats’ lax, lazy and lethargic power base. Get rid of those parasites and the road to further conquests is wide open. Drain the swamp and American fire power can be directed to where Trump’s advisors want it directed.

As regards Elon Musk, who really cares about Trump’s shadow? Tesla’s longer term fortunes depend on how it squares up against the Chinese and the stock exchange will do or die, depending on how Caesar Trump’s policies pan out over the next four years. That is where Caesar Trump is focused, not only for his own sake, but more so for Barron Trump and the other Caesars that will follow in daddy Trump’s footsteps.

Caesar Trump, like all American Little Caesars, fully understands the Roman concept of divida et impera, divide and conquer. Look at Ukraine, whose soldiers have been slaughtered. It is now being divided up between Blackrock, Monsanto, Cargill and other all-American vultures. Those Ukrainians, who might have resisted this, are pushing up daisies, which is probably a happier place to be than the fate that awaits those Ukrainians who cannot clamber aboard corporate American’s gravy train.

Gone are the days of Klaus Schwab and King Charles telling us we have to protect little fish in California and in are the days of the big fish, of the raw corporate power of Black Rock and the rest of them turning us into serfs not only in Ukraine but everywhere else they control as well. The raw, untrammelled corporate power they represent benefits those who have always benefited from internationalism and the removal of troublesome regulations. Genocide and manifest destiny are, after all, what made America great and genocide and manifest destiny are, it seems, what will make America great again. Think of the mining towns of the nineteenth century without the Molly Maguires and other forces there fighting their rearguard actions and you get the drift. America’s robber barons at their rawest and most brutal.

We see this raw capitalism in Syria, where Turkey and Israel, two of America’s most predatory satrapies, ravage it from one end to the other and the European Union and other lickspittles squabble to get their share. We see it in the writings of the likes of this pretend professor, who tells us that nations get rich by building weapons of mass destruction. No, they do not. Germany and Japan prospered in the post-war years by building ploughshares, not swords for the simple reason that one adds to a nation’s wealth and the other can only be a weapon of defence or offence.

But with the Caesars past and present, it is always offence and never defence. Throw a dart at a map of the world and try to find one spot where the usual suspects have not continually stirred the pot and caused innocents to die. You will not find a spot because no such place exists.

Even though Trump would have us cry crocodile tears for the poor state the economies of Turkey, Israel and the United States are in, there is at least one lesson he best learn quickly from what the Russians refer to as their Great Patriotic War. When Zhukov’s Red Army crossed the Oder River into Germany, they were amazed at the comparative opulence the Germans were living in compared to what they were used to back home and they asked themselves why the Germans had razed their homes to the ground when they had it so good themselves back home in Hiter’s 1000 year Reich.

Though Syrians, Iraqis, Palestinians, Libyans, Yemenis and countless others could legitimately ask themselves the same question regarding Caesar Trump’s robber barons, the ether demands a day of retribution. And, though we could quote that plagiarist Einstein to say post nuclear wars will be fought with sticks and stones, Caesar Trump should be making contingencies about the low tech insurgency he may face in a world where Israelis, Americans and other pampered clowns drive their Teslas and Palestinians, Congolese and Syrians are deprived of clean water, food and, whatever else besides raw courage, is at the bottom of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

Although Trump, America and their satrapies might seem invincible now, so too did the earlier legions of Napoleon, Hitler and the various Caesars adumbrated above, who pompously tramlped over the sullen peoples they conquered. But the worm turned then, just as it might turn again if and when those they ravage can get their collective acts together. That, rather than getting his mug chiselled into Mount Rushmore, is what Trump and his lapdogs should concern themselves with, not least because it is what many of their silent enemies obsess themselves with morning, noon and night.

With the Caesars past and present, it is always offence and never defence.

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Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres. All Gaul is divided into three parts. So, as all school kids of earlier generations knew, famously began Caesar’s Gallic Wars, written by the great Julius Caesar himself. Whatever his other faults, Caesar knew the importance of controlling the message and thus his famous apologia for committing one of recorded history’s most notorious genocides.

Donald Trump, NATO’s current Caesar, does not have to worry about putting pen to paper himself, as he has an entire industry devoted to singing the praises of the American, NATO and Israeli Wehrmacht, who have brought the brutality of Caesar’s legions and the Nazis of more recent times to yet newer levels of brutality and depravity.

What can we say about Gaza, where the Qatari-based Muslim Brotherhood encourages the locals to die in droves from the ceaseless bombing of Caesar’s Israeli air force? Syria, where the Muslim Brotherhood are also running amok? Yemen, because it is on the road to Persia? Ukraine that has yet to run out of men but all good things take time?

Kursk, where the Ukrainian Wehrmacht have been ordered by Zelensky, their pint sized Little Caesar (heaven help us) to hold fast, just as Hitler told his own legions to hold fast and die in Stalingrad and their hundred other Russian graveyards? Whereas it is argued that Hitler’s Stalingrad Hold Fast order was issued because his Wehrmacht could not afford to forfeit its heavy weapons by surrendering them at Stalingrad, Zelensky can put forward no such defence. They should surrender, as Hitler’s Afrika Korps did before them, and as the remnants of Kesselring‘s crack legions finally did in Monte Cassino, Anzio and, last of all, in Salzburg when the game was truly up and their goose finally cooked.

Though books have been written extolling the exploits of Kesselring and Stalingrad’s von Paulus, such leaders are, at day’s end, of no account to their Caesars, whether they be Hitler, Zelensky or Donald Trump himself. Their role is to carry through the orders of their Caesars, no matter how scatty those may be. Think Caligula, Nero or von der Leyen and you get the picture.

Donald Trump is undoubtedly a modern Caesar hewn for our emerging age. Like the scattiest rulers of ancient times, or Wilhelm, the last of the Kaisers (who foolishly ditched Bismarck) or the last of the Tsars and Tsarinas whose Great War efforts did Russia no favours, Trump believes, not without reason, that he was sent by God, no doubt his junior partner, to rule over us.

His strong jaw bone ensures he will cut a fine figure on Mount Rushmore and his mad as a hatter policies ensure there will be cause enough to remember him. Because, in the Hindu faith, it is important to first of all appease the angry gods, the Indian government instinctively understands that they must kowtow before him. Towards that end, they are now sourcing their apples and synthetic fibres from America, so named after some Italian quasi pirate of the sixteenth century.

The European Union, with a bunch of brain dead Tsarinas at the helm, have not been so smart. They are doubling their defence spending to keep Russia busy in its Ukrainian Borderlands and thereby saving Trump considerable expense there. That is how the Caesars of old rolled. They would get their sycophants to confront their potential enemies and, just as all their roads famously led to Rome, so also do all monies within Trump’s empire flow back to his chums in the United States of America. That is how the Mafia’s vertical money pyramids have always rolled. Upwards to the bosses, as hassle rolled downwards to the bosses’ flunkeys.

Trump’s Ukrainian stance can be regarded as forming a sort of Hadrian’s Wall, where Trump has marked the ne plus ultra to the march of the American Empire so that his main legions can concentrate their fire on neutralising China. Securing NATOs eastern front will free up his legions to allow him wreak havoc on other fronts and not just the perennial punching bags of the Arabs of the Middle East.

First for the chopping block must be the Democrats, who are America’s Punch to Trump’s Judy. Although the Democrat’s ANTIFA subversives are currently torching Tesla cars and the New York Stock markets are tanking, because Rome was not built in a day, none of that is of strategic consequence. What is key is smashing the Democrats’ lax, lazy and lethargic power base. Get rid of those parasites and the road to further conquests is wide open. Drain the swamp and American fire power can be directed to where Trump’s advisors want it directed.

As regards Elon Musk, who really cares about Trump’s shadow? Tesla’s longer term fortunes depend on how it squares up against the Chinese and the stock exchange will do or die, depending on how Caesar Trump’s policies pan out over the next four years. That is where Caesar Trump is focused, not only for his own sake, but more so for Barron Trump and the other Caesars that will follow in daddy Trump’s footsteps.

Caesar Trump, like all American Little Caesars, fully understands the Roman concept of divida et impera, divide and conquer. Look at Ukraine, whose soldiers have been slaughtered. It is now being divided up between Blackrock, Monsanto, Cargill and other all-American vultures. Those Ukrainians, who might have resisted this, are pushing up daisies, which is probably a happier place to be than the fate that awaits those Ukrainians who cannot clamber aboard corporate American’s gravy train.

Gone are the days of Klaus Schwab and King Charles telling us we have to protect little fish in California and in are the days of the big fish, of the raw corporate power of Black Rock and the rest of them turning us into serfs not only in Ukraine but everywhere else they control as well. The raw, untrammelled corporate power they represent benefits those who have always benefited from internationalism and the removal of troublesome regulations. Genocide and manifest destiny are, after all, what made America great and genocide and manifest destiny are, it seems, what will make America great again. Think of the mining towns of the nineteenth century without the Molly Maguires and other forces there fighting their rearguard actions and you get the drift. America’s robber barons at their rawest and most brutal.

We see this raw capitalism in Syria, where Turkey and Israel, two of America’s most predatory satrapies, ravage it from one end to the other and the European Union and other lickspittles squabble to get their share. We see it in the writings of the likes of this pretend professor, who tells us that nations get rich by building weapons of mass destruction. No, they do not. Germany and Japan prospered in the post-war years by building ploughshares, not swords for the simple reason that one adds to a nation’s wealth and the other can only be a weapon of defence or offence.

But with the Caesars past and present, it is always offence and never defence. Throw a dart at a map of the world and try to find one spot where the usual suspects have not continually stirred the pot and caused innocents to die. You will not find a spot because no such place exists.

Even though Trump would have us cry crocodile tears for the poor state the economies of Turkey, Israel and the United States are in, there is at least one lesson he best learn quickly from what the Russians refer to as their Great Patriotic War. When Zhukov’s Red Army crossed the Oder River into Germany, they were amazed at the comparative opulence the Germans were living in compared to what they were used to back home and they asked themselves why the Germans had razed their homes to the ground when they had it so good themselves back home in Hiter’s 1000 year Reich.

Though Syrians, Iraqis, Palestinians, Libyans, Yemenis and countless others could legitimately ask themselves the same question regarding Caesar Trump’s robber barons, the ether demands a day of retribution. And, though we could quote that plagiarist Einstein to say post nuclear wars will be fought with sticks and stones, Caesar Trump should be making contingencies about the low tech insurgency he may face in a world where Israelis, Americans and other pampered clowns drive their Teslas and Palestinians, Congolese and Syrians are deprived of clean water, food and, whatever else besides raw courage, is at the bottom of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

Although Trump, America and their satrapies might seem invincible now, so too did the earlier legions of Napoleon, Hitler and the various Caesars adumbrated above, who pompously tramlped over the sullen peoples they conquered. But the worm turned then, just as it might turn again if and when those they ravage can get their collective acts together. That, rather than getting his mug chiselled into Mount Rushmore, is what Trump and his lapdogs should concern themselves with, not least because it is what many of their silent enemies obsess themselves with morning, noon and night.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 9, 2025

See also

March 9, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.