Declan Hayes
February 25, 2025
© Photo: SCF

Europe won’t even be left with a baguette to dip in that soup or a Napoleonic onion to flavour it with, when Trump comes back to demand his alimony from the Democrats’ European fifth columnists.

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Far from being a no-fault divorce, the European Union has largely itself to blame for having POTUS Trump off-load it and ask for alimony as well. Although there are more reasons for this shattering of their marriage vows than there are pretend nations in the European Union, the chief reason for this further European self-immolation is that von der Leyen, Kallas and their minions put all their faith in the Democrats’ graft machine, and not only did Trump romp home by a country mile but the Euro fat cats were too stupid to make provisions against Trump being victorious.

Although there are other reasons that can be cited, they all come back to that. Thus, though it could be easily argued that the Czech Republic, Poland and the Baltic pimple states are so anti Russian that they would gladly fight on to the very last Ukrainian no matter who was in the White House, those Trojan horses owe their EU prominence, and much of their Russophobia as well, to being the playthings of the Democrats’ USAID and National Endowment for Democracy.

And they also epitomise the essentially non-democratic structure of the European Union, where these minnow states are used to checkmate the larger ones with the result that unelected non-entities like von der Leyen and that Kallas clown end up in charge of the shop. It is, after all, one thing being ordered by Napoleon to invade Russia and quite another doing so at the bidding of Kallas, who fancies herself as the Bonaparte of downtown Tallinn.

Leaving his superior political nouse and sartorial sense to one side, Lavrov demonstrated yet again, most recently in Saudi Arabia, that he is leagues ahead of clowns like Kallas or the recently regurgitated Liz Truss in the diplomatic stakes. Whereas Lavrov plays the diplomatic game like the maestro that he is, neither Kallas nor Truss should ever have been left near the field of play. Their only attribute is they show why Europe needs its own DOGE to slice off the excess fat they represent.

Still, let’s not get ahead of ourselves regarding how Trump has given Saudi Arabia pride of place at his top table and how he (and Musk) spoke at their Saudi Investment Fund gig in Florida when he was hardly a wet day back in the White House, as that would lead us to discuss the vast wealth that sits in the Gulf States, who are now taking their first, tentative steps in playing the diplomatic game with Lavrov and, of course, with Trump and his money hungry real estate and merchant banking buddies.

Whereas even the Saudis can read the wind in Washington, Europe’s modern Napoleons and de Gaulles are a self-deprecating joke. If Kallas and Estonia want to spearhead a European Union military attack on Russia, who are we to argue otherwise? As the former head of MI6 (God take pity on clowns) recently argued that the European Union has a vastly bigger GDP than the Russkies, invading Russia should be a cakewalk. And so it should be, if we discount the fact that Russia’s sigma boys are much more up for a hi tech scrap than are the West’s soyboys.

And, though I recently paid tribute to Betsy and Maria Yankovskaya’s version of Sigma Boy, we should note that, not only have the Russian Armed Forces released their own version of Sigma Boy, but the Russian Sigma Boys, Putin included, that feature in their video, seem to be a formidable lot one crosses at one’s peril. Not only will the Russian Armed Forces, should they take their gloves off, inflict terrible damage on any Estonian/Kallas led strike force but Russia has its logistical ducks in order, something the European Union, with its over-emphasis on Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Benetton, finds notoriously difficult to do, as Germany, France, Spain, Italy and the rest of them, who have never heard the maxim about letting too many French pastry chefs loose in the kitchen, all want their part of whatever military industrial pie von der Leyen and the psychotic Kallas hope to conjure up in their parliamentary dens.

The European Union is simply not in the right frame of mind to fight anybody, least of all the Russians and, though the French Army might still sing the Napoleonic ditty of dining on baguettes and a raw onion, they have become a lot flabbier and a lot less fit for purpose since last they visited Russia’s frozen wastelands.

Although military geniuses like von der Leyen, Kallas, Macron and his “wife” might argue the contrary, the fact is Trump has left them carrying the can for Ukraine. Although Trump is correct to argue the broad Atlantic Ocean protects the United States, so too does the fog of war, which has the European Union hilariously chasing its own tail.

Perhaps it is the German love of fighting two front wars but European diplomats (sic) and strategists (sic) like the Estonian Kallas and the Belgian-German washerwoman von der Leyen never countenanced that Trump would trounce the Democrats. And nor did they hedge against it, as Silicon Valley’s hi tech companies did, by throwing Trump a financial or diplomatic bone. Now Trump has a bone to pick with them and boy does he intend to get his pound of flesh off their sorry hides.

Thus, although the global automobile industry is saturated, with the Japanese and, laterally, the Chinese having undue dominance, the Europeans still punch far above their weight in the trucking, heavy truck and bus sectors, where products tend to be more customised to suit the individual preferences of the buyers, be they Latino bus companies or long distance African or Russian (!) hauliers. Suffice it to say that Europe has now made it much easier for its competitors to kick it out of those key markets and no doubt Trump has teams burrowing away to make that happen not only in the auto industry but in many others as well.

No onions for the Austrians, no onions for those dogs

No onions for the Austrians, no onions for those dogs! So sang Napoleon’s Imperial Guard before the Battle of Marengo, because, as the great man himself told them, “there is nothing better than an onion for marching on the road to glory.” And, though his Imperial Guard could truthfully sing that “a single onion, fried in oil, changes us into lions”, should Ukraine be admitted to the European Union, the price of onions and all other agricultural produce will fall through the floor, thus destroying the agricultural sector in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark and any other EU vassal state you feel like throwing into the mix. Add to that that Trump, as part of his MAGA moves, will flood the world with his farmers’ GMO Dracula concoctions and it is arrivederci Europa, goodbye, au revoir, with Ukraine eating up over €100 billion of the funds of the Common Agricultural Policy, with the Yanks and their mates skewering Europe’s overseas markets and with Europe’s own agricultural sector in tatters.

But nor will European agriculture be the only collateral damage in this messy divorce because, if Musk takes his chainsaw to European bureaucratic flab, not even that will save them, with Ireland alone having over 35,000 NGOs, which works out at about one NGO for every 143 citizens, thus making Ireland a standing joke and a synonym for corruption in international circles.

Not only do the sheer number of these NGOs signal rampant flab but they signal financial and political corruption as well, with those NGOs being used by the Democrats to propel their puppets, via the corrupt NGOs they front, to power throughout Western Europe. Though I am thinking of discredited Irish outfits like GOAL and Muslim Brotherhood aligned British crews like Hand in Hand for Syria (who tried but failed to bring me and my forensic accounting down), as well as pro NATO plants like MEP Barry Andrews, who fronted those crews, I am particularly thinking of DOGE’s apparent scorched earth shortcomings.

Although Musk’s lot seem to be uncovering tonnes of dirt, what they really need to score home runs are bunches of forensic accountants because, though the auditors for all of those shell groups might give “a” fair and accurate summary of the company’s financial position, they do not give “the” fair and accurate account for the simple reason that no such definite account exists.

Specifically, with regard to humanitarian aid to Syria and Ukraine, one would have to look at how such matters as depreciation were handled and how the value of a dual purpose truck might, on paper at least, collapse once it is driven over the Turkish border into Syria or the Polish border into Ukraine. If one were to compare and contrast USAID or UN aid in different countries in Africa, one would see massive disparities, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars a year, to what they waste on “women” in one country to what they waste on “women” in another.

Using Occam’s razor or Musk’s chainsaw to resolve all of this, we come to the conclusion in every single case we might care to look at that, because corruption by the Democrats and their paid European helpers was not only rampant but was the norm in every single case, Musk has not even scratched the surface of their scams.

The great appear great

Les grands ne sont grands que parce que nous sommes à genoux: Levons-nous. The great appear great because we are on our knees: Let us rise. So proclaimed the French radical paper Révolutions de Paris in 1789 when they gave the von der Leyens and Kallases of their day the sharp end of the stick. And, though not even Cicero could convince me that there is anything grand or noble in those two charlatans, the fact is that they, together with an army of other Clintonite fifth columnists, have landed Europe rightly in the soup and, until Europe rids itself of every last one of those tramps, Europe won’t even be left with a baguette to dip in that soup or a Napoleonic onion to flavour it with, when Trump comes back to demand his alimony from the Democrats’ European fifth columnists.

The Eurocrats sold their souls to the Democrats but Trump came up trumps

Europe won’t even be left with a baguette to dip in that soup or a Napoleonic onion to flavour it with, when Trump comes back to demand his alimony from the Democrats’ European fifth columnists.

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Far from being a no-fault divorce, the European Union has largely itself to blame for having POTUS Trump off-load it and ask for alimony as well. Although there are more reasons for this shattering of their marriage vows than there are pretend nations in the European Union, the chief reason for this further European self-immolation is that von der Leyen, Kallas and their minions put all their faith in the Democrats’ graft machine, and not only did Trump romp home by a country mile but the Euro fat cats were too stupid to make provisions against Trump being victorious.

Although there are other reasons that can be cited, they all come back to that. Thus, though it could be easily argued that the Czech Republic, Poland and the Baltic pimple states are so anti Russian that they would gladly fight on to the very last Ukrainian no matter who was in the White House, those Trojan horses owe their EU prominence, and much of their Russophobia as well, to being the playthings of the Democrats’ USAID and National Endowment for Democracy.

And they also epitomise the essentially non-democratic structure of the European Union, where these minnow states are used to checkmate the larger ones with the result that unelected non-entities like von der Leyen and that Kallas clown end up in charge of the shop. It is, after all, one thing being ordered by Napoleon to invade Russia and quite another doing so at the bidding of Kallas, who fancies herself as the Bonaparte of downtown Tallinn.

Leaving his superior political nouse and sartorial sense to one side, Lavrov demonstrated yet again, most recently in Saudi Arabia, that he is leagues ahead of clowns like Kallas or the recently regurgitated Liz Truss in the diplomatic stakes. Whereas Lavrov plays the diplomatic game like the maestro that he is, neither Kallas nor Truss should ever have been left near the field of play. Their only attribute is they show why Europe needs its own DOGE to slice off the excess fat they represent.

Still, let’s not get ahead of ourselves regarding how Trump has given Saudi Arabia pride of place at his top table and how he (and Musk) spoke at their Saudi Investment Fund gig in Florida when he was hardly a wet day back in the White House, as that would lead us to discuss the vast wealth that sits in the Gulf States, who are now taking their first, tentative steps in playing the diplomatic game with Lavrov and, of course, with Trump and his money hungry real estate and merchant banking buddies.

Whereas even the Saudis can read the wind in Washington, Europe’s modern Napoleons and de Gaulles are a self-deprecating joke. If Kallas and Estonia want to spearhead a European Union military attack on Russia, who are we to argue otherwise? As the former head of MI6 (God take pity on clowns) recently argued that the European Union has a vastly bigger GDP than the Russkies, invading Russia should be a cakewalk. And so it should be, if we discount the fact that Russia’s sigma boys are much more up for a hi tech scrap than are the West’s soyboys.

And, though I recently paid tribute to Betsy and Maria Yankovskaya’s version of Sigma Boy, we should note that, not only have the Russian Armed Forces released their own version of Sigma Boy, but the Russian Sigma Boys, Putin included, that feature in their video, seem to be a formidable lot one crosses at one’s peril. Not only will the Russian Armed Forces, should they take their gloves off, inflict terrible damage on any Estonian/Kallas led strike force but Russia has its logistical ducks in order, something the European Union, with its over-emphasis on Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Benetton, finds notoriously difficult to do, as Germany, France, Spain, Italy and the rest of them, who have never heard the maxim about letting too many French pastry chefs loose in the kitchen, all want their part of whatever military industrial pie von der Leyen and the psychotic Kallas hope to conjure up in their parliamentary dens.

The European Union is simply not in the right frame of mind to fight anybody, least of all the Russians and, though the French Army might still sing the Napoleonic ditty of dining on baguettes and a raw onion, they have become a lot flabbier and a lot less fit for purpose since last they visited Russia’s frozen wastelands.

Although military geniuses like von der Leyen, Kallas, Macron and his “wife” might argue the contrary, the fact is Trump has left them carrying the can for Ukraine. Although Trump is correct to argue the broad Atlantic Ocean protects the United States, so too does the fog of war, which has the European Union hilariously chasing its own tail.

Perhaps it is the German love of fighting two front wars but European diplomats (sic) and strategists (sic) like the Estonian Kallas and the Belgian-German washerwoman von der Leyen never countenanced that Trump would trounce the Democrats. And nor did they hedge against it, as Silicon Valley’s hi tech companies did, by throwing Trump a financial or diplomatic bone. Now Trump has a bone to pick with them and boy does he intend to get his pound of flesh off their sorry hides.

Thus, although the global automobile industry is saturated, with the Japanese and, laterally, the Chinese having undue dominance, the Europeans still punch far above their weight in the trucking, heavy truck and bus sectors, where products tend to be more customised to suit the individual preferences of the buyers, be they Latino bus companies or long distance African or Russian (!) hauliers. Suffice it to say that Europe has now made it much easier for its competitors to kick it out of those key markets and no doubt Trump has teams burrowing away to make that happen not only in the auto industry but in many others as well.

No onions for the Austrians, no onions for those dogs

No onions for the Austrians, no onions for those dogs! So sang Napoleon’s Imperial Guard before the Battle of Marengo, because, as the great man himself told them, “there is nothing better than an onion for marching on the road to glory.” And, though his Imperial Guard could truthfully sing that “a single onion, fried in oil, changes us into lions”, should Ukraine be admitted to the European Union, the price of onions and all other agricultural produce will fall through the floor, thus destroying the agricultural sector in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark and any other EU vassal state you feel like throwing into the mix. Add to that that Trump, as part of his MAGA moves, will flood the world with his farmers’ GMO Dracula concoctions and it is arrivederci Europa, goodbye, au revoir, with Ukraine eating up over €100 billion of the funds of the Common Agricultural Policy, with the Yanks and their mates skewering Europe’s overseas markets and with Europe’s own agricultural sector in tatters.

But nor will European agriculture be the only collateral damage in this messy divorce because, if Musk takes his chainsaw to European bureaucratic flab, not even that will save them, with Ireland alone having over 35,000 NGOs, which works out at about one NGO for every 143 citizens, thus making Ireland a standing joke and a synonym for corruption in international circles.

Not only do the sheer number of these NGOs signal rampant flab but they signal financial and political corruption as well, with those NGOs being used by the Democrats to propel their puppets, via the corrupt NGOs they front, to power throughout Western Europe. Though I am thinking of discredited Irish outfits like GOAL and Muslim Brotherhood aligned British crews like Hand in Hand for Syria (who tried but failed to bring me and my forensic accounting down), as well as pro NATO plants like MEP Barry Andrews, who fronted those crews, I am particularly thinking of DOGE’s apparent scorched earth shortcomings.

Although Musk’s lot seem to be uncovering tonnes of dirt, what they really need to score home runs are bunches of forensic accountants because, though the auditors for all of those shell groups might give “a” fair and accurate summary of the company’s financial position, they do not give “the” fair and accurate account for the simple reason that no such definite account exists.

Specifically, with regard to humanitarian aid to Syria and Ukraine, one would have to look at how such matters as depreciation were handled and how the value of a dual purpose truck might, on paper at least, collapse once it is driven over the Turkish border into Syria or the Polish border into Ukraine. If one were to compare and contrast USAID or UN aid in different countries in Africa, one would see massive disparities, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars a year, to what they waste on “women” in one country to what they waste on “women” in another.

Using Occam’s razor or Musk’s chainsaw to resolve all of this, we come to the conclusion in every single case we might care to look at that, because corruption by the Democrats and their paid European helpers was not only rampant but was the norm in every single case, Musk has not even scratched the surface of their scams.

The great appear great

Les grands ne sont grands que parce que nous sommes à genoux: Levons-nous. The great appear great because we are on our knees: Let us rise. So proclaimed the French radical paper Révolutions de Paris in 1789 when they gave the von der Leyens and Kallases of their day the sharp end of the stick. And, though not even Cicero could convince me that there is anything grand or noble in those two charlatans, the fact is that they, together with an army of other Clintonite fifth columnists, have landed Europe rightly in the soup and, until Europe rids itself of every last one of those tramps, Europe won’t even be left with a baguette to dip in that soup or a Napoleonic onion to flavour it with, when Trump comes back to demand his alimony from the Democrats’ European fifth columnists.

Europe won’t even be left with a baguette to dip in that soup or a Napoleonic onion to flavour it with, when Trump comes back to demand his alimony from the Democrats’ European fifth columnists.

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Far from being a no-fault divorce, the European Union has largely itself to blame for having POTUS Trump off-load it and ask for alimony as well. Although there are more reasons for this shattering of their marriage vows than there are pretend nations in the European Union, the chief reason for this further European self-immolation is that von der Leyen, Kallas and their minions put all their faith in the Democrats’ graft machine, and not only did Trump romp home by a country mile but the Euro fat cats were too stupid to make provisions against Trump being victorious.

Although there are other reasons that can be cited, they all come back to that. Thus, though it could be easily argued that the Czech Republic, Poland and the Baltic pimple states are so anti Russian that they would gladly fight on to the very last Ukrainian no matter who was in the White House, those Trojan horses owe their EU prominence, and much of their Russophobia as well, to being the playthings of the Democrats’ USAID and National Endowment for Democracy.

And they also epitomise the essentially non-democratic structure of the European Union, where these minnow states are used to checkmate the larger ones with the result that unelected non-entities like von der Leyen and that Kallas clown end up in charge of the shop. It is, after all, one thing being ordered by Napoleon to invade Russia and quite another doing so at the bidding of Kallas, who fancies herself as the Bonaparte of downtown Tallinn.

Leaving his superior political nouse and sartorial sense to one side, Lavrov demonstrated yet again, most recently in Saudi Arabia, that he is leagues ahead of clowns like Kallas or the recently regurgitated Liz Truss in the diplomatic stakes. Whereas Lavrov plays the diplomatic game like the maestro that he is, neither Kallas nor Truss should ever have been left near the field of play. Their only attribute is they show why Europe needs its own DOGE to slice off the excess fat they represent.

Still, let’s not get ahead of ourselves regarding how Trump has given Saudi Arabia pride of place at his top table and how he (and Musk) spoke at their Saudi Investment Fund gig in Florida when he was hardly a wet day back in the White House, as that would lead us to discuss the vast wealth that sits in the Gulf States, who are now taking their first, tentative steps in playing the diplomatic game with Lavrov and, of course, with Trump and his money hungry real estate and merchant banking buddies.

Whereas even the Saudis can read the wind in Washington, Europe’s modern Napoleons and de Gaulles are a self-deprecating joke. If Kallas and Estonia want to spearhead a European Union military attack on Russia, who are we to argue otherwise? As the former head of MI6 (God take pity on clowns) recently argued that the European Union has a vastly bigger GDP than the Russkies, invading Russia should be a cakewalk. And so it should be, if we discount the fact that Russia’s sigma boys are much more up for a hi tech scrap than are the West’s soyboys.

And, though I recently paid tribute to Betsy and Maria Yankovskaya’s version of Sigma Boy, we should note that, not only have the Russian Armed Forces released their own version of Sigma Boy, but the Russian Sigma Boys, Putin included, that feature in their video, seem to be a formidable lot one crosses at one’s peril. Not only will the Russian Armed Forces, should they take their gloves off, inflict terrible damage on any Estonian/Kallas led strike force but Russia has its logistical ducks in order, something the European Union, with its over-emphasis on Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Benetton, finds notoriously difficult to do, as Germany, France, Spain, Italy and the rest of them, who have never heard the maxim about letting too many French pastry chefs loose in the kitchen, all want their part of whatever military industrial pie von der Leyen and the psychotic Kallas hope to conjure up in their parliamentary dens.

The European Union is simply not in the right frame of mind to fight anybody, least of all the Russians and, though the French Army might still sing the Napoleonic ditty of dining on baguettes and a raw onion, they have become a lot flabbier and a lot less fit for purpose since last they visited Russia’s frozen wastelands.

Although military geniuses like von der Leyen, Kallas, Macron and his “wife” might argue the contrary, the fact is Trump has left them carrying the can for Ukraine. Although Trump is correct to argue the broad Atlantic Ocean protects the United States, so too does the fog of war, which has the European Union hilariously chasing its own tail.

Perhaps it is the German love of fighting two front wars but European diplomats (sic) and strategists (sic) like the Estonian Kallas and the Belgian-German washerwoman von der Leyen never countenanced that Trump would trounce the Democrats. And nor did they hedge against it, as Silicon Valley’s hi tech companies did, by throwing Trump a financial or diplomatic bone. Now Trump has a bone to pick with them and boy does he intend to get his pound of flesh off their sorry hides.

Thus, although the global automobile industry is saturated, with the Japanese and, laterally, the Chinese having undue dominance, the Europeans still punch far above their weight in the trucking, heavy truck and bus sectors, where products tend to be more customised to suit the individual preferences of the buyers, be they Latino bus companies or long distance African or Russian (!) hauliers. Suffice it to say that Europe has now made it much easier for its competitors to kick it out of those key markets and no doubt Trump has teams burrowing away to make that happen not only in the auto industry but in many others as well.

No onions for the Austrians, no onions for those dogs

No onions for the Austrians, no onions for those dogs! So sang Napoleon’s Imperial Guard before the Battle of Marengo, because, as the great man himself told them, “there is nothing better than an onion for marching on the road to glory.” And, though his Imperial Guard could truthfully sing that “a single onion, fried in oil, changes us into lions”, should Ukraine be admitted to the European Union, the price of onions and all other agricultural produce will fall through the floor, thus destroying the agricultural sector in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark and any other EU vassal state you feel like throwing into the mix. Add to that that Trump, as part of his MAGA moves, will flood the world with his farmers’ GMO Dracula concoctions and it is arrivederci Europa, goodbye, au revoir, with Ukraine eating up over €100 billion of the funds of the Common Agricultural Policy, with the Yanks and their mates skewering Europe’s overseas markets and with Europe’s own agricultural sector in tatters.

But nor will European agriculture be the only collateral damage in this messy divorce because, if Musk takes his chainsaw to European bureaucratic flab, not even that will save them, with Ireland alone having over 35,000 NGOs, which works out at about one NGO for every 143 citizens, thus making Ireland a standing joke and a synonym for corruption in international circles.

Not only do the sheer number of these NGOs signal rampant flab but they signal financial and political corruption as well, with those NGOs being used by the Democrats to propel their puppets, via the corrupt NGOs they front, to power throughout Western Europe. Though I am thinking of discredited Irish outfits like GOAL and Muslim Brotherhood aligned British crews like Hand in Hand for Syria (who tried but failed to bring me and my forensic accounting down), as well as pro NATO plants like MEP Barry Andrews, who fronted those crews, I am particularly thinking of DOGE’s apparent scorched earth shortcomings.

Although Musk’s lot seem to be uncovering tonnes of dirt, what they really need to score home runs are bunches of forensic accountants because, though the auditors for all of those shell groups might give “a” fair and accurate summary of the company’s financial position, they do not give “the” fair and accurate account for the simple reason that no such definite account exists.

Specifically, with regard to humanitarian aid to Syria and Ukraine, one would have to look at how such matters as depreciation were handled and how the value of a dual purpose truck might, on paper at least, collapse once it is driven over the Turkish border into Syria or the Polish border into Ukraine. If one were to compare and contrast USAID or UN aid in different countries in Africa, one would see massive disparities, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars a year, to what they waste on “women” in one country to what they waste on “women” in another.

Using Occam’s razor or Musk’s chainsaw to resolve all of this, we come to the conclusion in every single case we might care to look at that, because corruption by the Democrats and their paid European helpers was not only rampant but was the norm in every single case, Musk has not even scratched the surface of their scams.

The great appear great

Les grands ne sont grands que parce que nous sommes à genoux: Levons-nous. The great appear great because we are on our knees: Let us rise. So proclaimed the French radical paper Révolutions de Paris in 1789 when they gave the von der Leyens and Kallases of their day the sharp end of the stick. And, though not even Cicero could convince me that there is anything grand or noble in those two charlatans, the fact is that they, together with an army of other Clintonite fifth columnists, have landed Europe rightly in the soup and, until Europe rids itself of every last one of those tramps, Europe won’t even be left with a baguette to dip in that soup or a Napoleonic onion to flavour it with, when Trump comes back to demand his alimony from the Democrats’ European fifth columnists.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 27, 2025
January 25, 2025
January 29, 2025

See also

March 27, 2025
January 25, 2025
January 29, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.