Lorenzo Maria Pacini
January 21, 2025
© Photo: Public domain

The help Russia is offering Europe is part of a historical, cultural and political organicity that is not present with America.

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Forgive from the outset the tone of this article-which will be less geopolitical and strategic and more political-because I want to make it clear right now: it is not up to Musk to tell us how to make Europe great again.

Unsolicited advice

It was clear that sooner or later it would happen: the new (or old but occult?) leader of the MAGA movement, transhumanist billionaire Elon Musk, has thrown the rock toward Europe, just to make clear what his future plans are.

On his X profile he called for making Europe great again, writing “Make Europe Great Again.”

An outstanding choice of infowarfare. The acronym MEGA, in fact, in ancient Greek μέγα, means “great,” and in the modern age it was very successful, becoming the first element of numerous compound words, especially in scientific terminology, and then being employed in the twentieth century in mass marketing, cartoons, and video games. MEGA is a word that, beyond a few specialized and attentive linguists, does not resonate much in the minds of the Baby Boomer and Boomer generations, but it does evoke something exciting in the memories of Millennials (now in their thirties or so) and the later Z and Alpha generations.

A clear message sent to the generations “of the future,” or, rather, to those who are now in politics and who will soon enter it, as soon as they are old enough and complete their studies. A provocation thrown far away, more than it seems, like a stone thrown into a cistern, rolling it echoes powerfully.

The campaign to restructure the European political elite has literally begun, with the same spoil system that has been used for some time in the U.S. and will soon, with Trump in power for all legal purposes, continue apace.

As noted by Italian analyst Matt Martini, “support for AfD, Meloni, Le Pen, even Farage probably, will be aimed at strengthening the Euro-Atlantic and Israeli military bloc, however, with no possibility of growth for Europe, which will have to be definitively deindustrialized in favor of reindustrialization of the U.S., most likely.

The idea would be to consolidate a Euro-Atlantic bloc, at least temporarily, with the U.S. strengthened and with greater strategic depth (ideally after the annexation of Canada and Greenland if it succeeds), with a Europe military and economic buffer to contain Russia. Something similar will be sought in the Pacific toward China.

Unable to avoid the multipolar emergency, the U.S. will aim to raise high fences by entrenching itself in its own zones of influence.

[…] And as an American general recalled after World War II, the purpose is always one:

‘Keep the Americans in, the Germans under, and the Russians out.’”

In short, the so-called “sovereignists” have been really good at restoring sovereignty to Europ… ah, no, restoring sovereignty to the U.S.!

The good thing is that it was all already predictable before the elections, just look at the matrices, resumes the memberships in orders of power of the chosen candidates, but the average people are satisfied with a little political dopamine by watching TV talk shows, the common good of the state they don’t care much about. Everyone, consciously or unconsciously, gets what they deserve.

Clearly, in the logic of protecting the revival of the U.S., the Euro will have to stay where it is, properly kept up artificially, because it is a weapon of control over Europe that is too valuable to the Americans. Little does it matter if banks collapse and run out of liquidity, if energy costs as much as going out to dinner every night and if raw materials are scarce, what matters is to give the aesthetic impression of being well, taking selfies with aperitifs.

Nothing new, in short: postwar subservience remains as it is. We simply pass more under the US and less under the UK. The European political class has been properly prepared to do the bidding that comes, in turn, from Tel Aviv, London and Washington.

Spoiler on how the episode ends: the MAGA motto wins out over the MEGA motto.

The Americans have no intention of giving us freedom, they only have an interest in getting us a bit back on track to prepare us for a proxy war to fight for them, again.

If you knew what a history Europe has

But back to Elon Musk.

When Europe was great, when there were already universities, art, science, dear Mr. Musk, in your home country you did not yet know how to read and write, just as in America-that America that the English outcasts invaded and colonized and where you now live making the good life of a billionaire-there where the government buildings are there were sheep grazing.

We don’t need you to come and tell us how to become great again.

We don’t need lessons in civilization from characters who want to disintegrate, manipulate and virtualize civilization.

We don’t need lessons in politics from people who have made it big on the suffering of countless peoples, claiming to export their model at any cost.

We do not need your currency, created to starve peoples and subjugate them.

We do not need your ultra-liberal economy, which causes slavery and the destruction of the dignity of human labor.

We do not need your wars, make them your own, go to the front line first instead of imposing death on the children of other nations.

We do not need your “values” which are the death of civilization.

We do not need you.

We Europeans have millennia of history and civilization that you do not even deign to try to honor – but honor is a vanished virtue now – at most you try to copy it aesthetically, reproducing the forms but forgetting the contents. We are peoples who have built empires not in the last century, but for millennia. If it were not for our culture, indeed our cultures, not even “America” as you have built it, on the blood of the natives who also did not need you, would never have been born.

Europe becomes great again because of Europe, not America

Europe is destined to become great again because of Europe, not America.

In order to awaken the European spirit, the Logos that belongs to us, we have many friends and neighbors who are definitely better than you.

Russia, for example, is partly European in both geography and culture, and is closer and in continuity with our values and history than you are. We are aware that separating ourselves from Russia was an essential step in order to maintain the American yoke on the whole of Europe. But the will of the elites is not the will of the peoples.

The help Russia is offering Europe is part of a historical, cultural and political organicity that is not present with America. While the U.S. tries to exploit us to the last man and the last penny, Russia is offering us a chance for help to emancipate ourselves, fight to remove the game of imperialist occupation and reassert who we are. That is what we need, not American political fast food.

This is the only Greater Europe we want. And we want ready to fight to defend it from the US.

Dear Mr. Musk, we don’t need you to come tell us how to make Europe great

The help Russia is offering Europe is part of a historical, cultural and political organicity that is not present with America.

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Forgive from the outset the tone of this article-which will be less geopolitical and strategic and more political-because I want to make it clear right now: it is not up to Musk to tell us how to make Europe great again.

Unsolicited advice

It was clear that sooner or later it would happen: the new (or old but occult?) leader of the MAGA movement, transhumanist billionaire Elon Musk, has thrown the rock toward Europe, just to make clear what his future plans are.

On his X profile he called for making Europe great again, writing “Make Europe Great Again.”

An outstanding choice of infowarfare. The acronym MEGA, in fact, in ancient Greek μέγα, means “great,” and in the modern age it was very successful, becoming the first element of numerous compound words, especially in scientific terminology, and then being employed in the twentieth century in mass marketing, cartoons, and video games. MEGA is a word that, beyond a few specialized and attentive linguists, does not resonate much in the minds of the Baby Boomer and Boomer generations, but it does evoke something exciting in the memories of Millennials (now in their thirties or so) and the later Z and Alpha generations.

A clear message sent to the generations “of the future,” or, rather, to those who are now in politics and who will soon enter it, as soon as they are old enough and complete their studies. A provocation thrown far away, more than it seems, like a stone thrown into a cistern, rolling it echoes powerfully.

The campaign to restructure the European political elite has literally begun, with the same spoil system that has been used for some time in the U.S. and will soon, with Trump in power for all legal purposes, continue apace.

As noted by Italian analyst Matt Martini, “support for AfD, Meloni, Le Pen, even Farage probably, will be aimed at strengthening the Euro-Atlantic and Israeli military bloc, however, with no possibility of growth for Europe, which will have to be definitively deindustrialized in favor of reindustrialization of the U.S., most likely.

The idea would be to consolidate a Euro-Atlantic bloc, at least temporarily, with the U.S. strengthened and with greater strategic depth (ideally after the annexation of Canada and Greenland if it succeeds), with a Europe military and economic buffer to contain Russia. Something similar will be sought in the Pacific toward China.

Unable to avoid the multipolar emergency, the U.S. will aim to raise high fences by entrenching itself in its own zones of influence.

[…] And as an American general recalled after World War II, the purpose is always one:

‘Keep the Americans in, the Germans under, and the Russians out.’”

In short, the so-called “sovereignists” have been really good at restoring sovereignty to Europ… ah, no, restoring sovereignty to the U.S.!

The good thing is that it was all already predictable before the elections, just look at the matrices, resumes the memberships in orders of power of the chosen candidates, but the average people are satisfied with a little political dopamine by watching TV talk shows, the common good of the state they don’t care much about. Everyone, consciously or unconsciously, gets what they deserve.

Clearly, in the logic of protecting the revival of the U.S., the Euro will have to stay where it is, properly kept up artificially, because it is a weapon of control over Europe that is too valuable to the Americans. Little does it matter if banks collapse and run out of liquidity, if energy costs as much as going out to dinner every night and if raw materials are scarce, what matters is to give the aesthetic impression of being well, taking selfies with aperitifs.

Nothing new, in short: postwar subservience remains as it is. We simply pass more under the US and less under the UK. The European political class has been properly prepared to do the bidding that comes, in turn, from Tel Aviv, London and Washington.

Spoiler on how the episode ends: the MAGA motto wins out over the MEGA motto.

The Americans have no intention of giving us freedom, they only have an interest in getting us a bit back on track to prepare us for a proxy war to fight for them, again.

If you knew what a history Europe has

But back to Elon Musk.

When Europe was great, when there were already universities, art, science, dear Mr. Musk, in your home country you did not yet know how to read and write, just as in America-that America that the English outcasts invaded and colonized and where you now live making the good life of a billionaire-there where the government buildings are there were sheep grazing.

We don’t need you to come and tell us how to become great again.

We don’t need lessons in civilization from characters who want to disintegrate, manipulate and virtualize civilization.

We don’t need lessons in politics from people who have made it big on the suffering of countless peoples, claiming to export their model at any cost.

We do not need your currency, created to starve peoples and subjugate them.

We do not need your ultra-liberal economy, which causes slavery and the destruction of the dignity of human labor.

We do not need your wars, make them your own, go to the front line first instead of imposing death on the children of other nations.

We do not need your “values” which are the death of civilization.

We do not need you.

We Europeans have millennia of history and civilization that you do not even deign to try to honor – but honor is a vanished virtue now – at most you try to copy it aesthetically, reproducing the forms but forgetting the contents. We are peoples who have built empires not in the last century, but for millennia. If it were not for our culture, indeed our cultures, not even “America” as you have built it, on the blood of the natives who also did not need you, would never have been born.

Europe becomes great again because of Europe, not America

Europe is destined to become great again because of Europe, not America.

In order to awaken the European spirit, the Logos that belongs to us, we have many friends and neighbors who are definitely better than you.

Russia, for example, is partly European in both geography and culture, and is closer and in continuity with our values and history than you are. We are aware that separating ourselves from Russia was an essential step in order to maintain the American yoke on the whole of Europe. But the will of the elites is not the will of the peoples.

The help Russia is offering Europe is part of a historical, cultural and political organicity that is not present with America. While the U.S. tries to exploit us to the last man and the last penny, Russia is offering us a chance for help to emancipate ourselves, fight to remove the game of imperialist occupation and reassert who we are. That is what we need, not American political fast food.

This is the only Greater Europe we want. And we want ready to fight to defend it from the US.

The help Russia is offering Europe is part of a historical, cultural and political organicity that is not present with America.

Join us on TelegramTwitter, and VK.

Contact us:

Forgive from the outset the tone of this article-which will be less geopolitical and strategic and more political-because I want to make it clear right now: it is not up to Musk to tell us how to make Europe great again.

Unsolicited advice

It was clear that sooner or later it would happen: the new (or old but occult?) leader of the MAGA movement, transhumanist billionaire Elon Musk, has thrown the rock toward Europe, just to make clear what his future plans are.

On his X profile he called for making Europe great again, writing “Make Europe Great Again.”

An outstanding choice of infowarfare. The acronym MEGA, in fact, in ancient Greek μέγα, means “great,” and in the modern age it was very successful, becoming the first element of numerous compound words, especially in scientific terminology, and then being employed in the twentieth century in mass marketing, cartoons, and video games. MEGA is a word that, beyond a few specialized and attentive linguists, does not resonate much in the minds of the Baby Boomer and Boomer generations, but it does evoke something exciting in the memories of Millennials (now in their thirties or so) and the later Z and Alpha generations.

A clear message sent to the generations “of the future,” or, rather, to those who are now in politics and who will soon enter it, as soon as they are old enough and complete their studies. A provocation thrown far away, more than it seems, like a stone thrown into a cistern, rolling it echoes powerfully.

The campaign to restructure the European political elite has literally begun, with the same spoil system that has been used for some time in the U.S. and will soon, with Trump in power for all legal purposes, continue apace.

As noted by Italian analyst Matt Martini, “support for AfD, Meloni, Le Pen, even Farage probably, will be aimed at strengthening the Euro-Atlantic and Israeli military bloc, however, with no possibility of growth for Europe, which will have to be definitively deindustrialized in favor of reindustrialization of the U.S., most likely.

The idea would be to consolidate a Euro-Atlantic bloc, at least temporarily, with the U.S. strengthened and with greater strategic depth (ideally after the annexation of Canada and Greenland if it succeeds), with a Europe military and economic buffer to contain Russia. Something similar will be sought in the Pacific toward China.

Unable to avoid the multipolar emergency, the U.S. will aim to raise high fences by entrenching itself in its own zones of influence.

[…] And as an American general recalled after World War II, the purpose is always one:

‘Keep the Americans in, the Germans under, and the Russians out.’”

In short, the so-called “sovereignists” have been really good at restoring sovereignty to Europ… ah, no, restoring sovereignty to the U.S.!

The good thing is that it was all already predictable before the elections, just look at the matrices, resumes the memberships in orders of power of the chosen candidates, but the average people are satisfied with a little political dopamine by watching TV talk shows, the common good of the state they don’t care much about. Everyone, consciously or unconsciously, gets what they deserve.

Clearly, in the logic of protecting the revival of the U.S., the Euro will have to stay where it is, properly kept up artificially, because it is a weapon of control over Europe that is too valuable to the Americans. Little does it matter if banks collapse and run out of liquidity, if energy costs as much as going out to dinner every night and if raw materials are scarce, what matters is to give the aesthetic impression of being well, taking selfies with aperitifs.

Nothing new, in short: postwar subservience remains as it is. We simply pass more under the US and less under the UK. The European political class has been properly prepared to do the bidding that comes, in turn, from Tel Aviv, London and Washington.

Spoiler on how the episode ends: the MAGA motto wins out over the MEGA motto.

The Americans have no intention of giving us freedom, they only have an interest in getting us a bit back on track to prepare us for a proxy war to fight for them, again.

If you knew what a history Europe has

But back to Elon Musk.

When Europe was great, when there were already universities, art, science, dear Mr. Musk, in your home country you did not yet know how to read and write, just as in America-that America that the English outcasts invaded and colonized and where you now live making the good life of a billionaire-there where the government buildings are there were sheep grazing.

We don’t need you to come and tell us how to become great again.

We don’t need lessons in civilization from characters who want to disintegrate, manipulate and virtualize civilization.

We don’t need lessons in politics from people who have made it big on the suffering of countless peoples, claiming to export their model at any cost.

We do not need your currency, created to starve peoples and subjugate them.

We do not need your ultra-liberal economy, which causes slavery and the destruction of the dignity of human labor.

We do not need your wars, make them your own, go to the front line first instead of imposing death on the children of other nations.

We do not need your “values” which are the death of civilization.

We do not need you.

We Europeans have millennia of history and civilization that you do not even deign to try to honor – but honor is a vanished virtue now – at most you try to copy it aesthetically, reproducing the forms but forgetting the contents. We are peoples who have built empires not in the last century, but for millennia. If it were not for our culture, indeed our cultures, not even “America” as you have built it, on the blood of the natives who also did not need you, would never have been born.

Europe becomes great again because of Europe, not America

Europe is destined to become great again because of Europe, not America.

In order to awaken the European spirit, the Logos that belongs to us, we have many friends and neighbors who are definitely better than you.

Russia, for example, is partly European in both geography and culture, and is closer and in continuity with our values and history than you are. We are aware that separating ourselves from Russia was an essential step in order to maintain the American yoke on the whole of Europe. But the will of the elites is not the will of the peoples.

The help Russia is offering Europe is part of a historical, cultural and political organicity that is not present with America. While the U.S. tries to exploit us to the last man and the last penny, Russia is offering us a chance for help to emancipate ourselves, fight to remove the game of imperialist occupation and reassert who we are. That is what we need, not American political fast food.

This is the only Greater Europe we want. And we want ready to fight to defend it from the US.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

February 11, 2025
February 13, 2025

See also

February 11, 2025
February 13, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.