Editor's Сhoice
October 18, 2024
© Photo: Public domain

By Masibongwe SIHLAHLA

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The United States’ treatment of other countries is a stark reminder of the undemocratic nature of the United Nations. The US has been known to bully and coerce nations into submission, often using its military, economic, and cultural influence to get its way. For instance, the USA has prevented Germany from withdrawing its gold reserves from the US, treating the European powerhouse like a junior partner.

The world has also witnessed the USA use the SWIFT system to punish Russia, and reprimanding India like a naughty child for considering the purchase of Russian oil. Moreover, the US has consistently used its veto power to give Israel, a country often accused of terrorism, diplomatic immunity at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

It is no wonder then that many countries have called for a reform of the UNSC, seeking to add India, Germany, Brazil, Japan, and South Africa as permanent members. This would provide greater representation and diversity in global decision-making, and would be a step towards a more democratic and inclusive system. However, the US has shown little interest in allowing this to happen, preferring to maintain its grip on power.

At the heart of the UN’s failures lies the unjust system of the five permanent members of the UNSC, who wield the veto power like the sword of Damocles over the heads of other countries. This concentration of power in the hands of a few has led to a lack of accountability, and the UN has become a platform for the powerful to further their interests at the expense of the weak.

The UNSC’s permanent members are not representative of the global community and do not reflect the diversity of nations and cultures. This undemocratic arrangement allows these powerful nations to dictate the agenda, suppress dissenting voices, and pursue their interests without regard for the well-being of others.

Furthermore, the UN’s law-based order, which is supposed to promote cooperation, prevent conflict, and protect human rights, has failed to deliver democracy and peace. Instead, the organisation has become a tool for the powerful to impose their will on the weaker nations, often under the guise of “humanitarian intervention” or “promoting democracy”.

The US-hegemonised system of a rules based order which relies on a combination of military, economic, and financial leverage to maintain its dominance, has created an unfair playing field, where the USA benefits at the expense of other countries. The dollar’s status as the global reserve currency, the SWIFT system, and the USA’s ability to persuade or coerce other nations have all contributed to its position of power and influence. Already the USA has shown its true colours by seizing Russian assets in USA banks to give to Ukraine to fund its war with Russia, the USA has also allowed only $6 billion of Iran assets to be used to buy food and medicines but with the USA having full control over the money and no money actually going to Iran.

The UN has failed miserably to deliver democracy and peace, and its undemocratic structure and the concentration of power in the hands of a few have led to a lack of accountability and a perpetuation of the status quo. It is time for a fundamental reform of the UN, one that promotes greater representation, inclusivity, and accountability, and allows for a more democratic and peaceful world order. Is it any wonder that countries are clamouring at the door of BRICS to be allowed in, as they see in Russia and China countries with massive military and economic power partners that will treat them with respect and dignity and honour them as equals in a multipolar world free of hegemony of one over others.

Already BRICS have launched a New Development Bank to assist countries with loans without the SAP’s of the WB and IMF. The BRICS interbank payment system will also allow countries to pay each other in their local currencies without being forced to use the Dollar which benefits only America because each time countries pay in Dollars only the USA benefit by having their deficit being subsidised by others.

The 2024 BRICS summit is scheduled to take place from October 22 to 24, 2024, in the beautiful city of Kazan, east of Moscow in Russia where already there is a long list of countries hoping to a get a seat at the summit after having submitted their applications to join.

BRICS will also free countries from USA’s punitive and childish sanctions such as Iran having to buy pirate parts to keep their Boeings in the air as well as asking other countries such as Turkey to buy parts for them and then Nicodemusly smuggling it to Iran.

* Masibongwe Sihlahla is an independent writer, political commentator and social justice activist.
** The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Independent Media or IOL.

Original article: iol.co.za

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.
BRJCS: a bastion of democratic power

By Masibongwe SIHLAHLA

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Contact us: info@strategic-culture.su

The United States’ treatment of other countries is a stark reminder of the undemocratic nature of the United Nations. The US has been known to bully and coerce nations into submission, often using its military, economic, and cultural influence to get its way. For instance, the USA has prevented Germany from withdrawing its gold reserves from the US, treating the European powerhouse like a junior partner.

The world has also witnessed the USA use the SWIFT system to punish Russia, and reprimanding India like a naughty child for considering the purchase of Russian oil. Moreover, the US has consistently used its veto power to give Israel, a country often accused of terrorism, diplomatic immunity at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

It is no wonder then that many countries have called for a reform of the UNSC, seeking to add India, Germany, Brazil, Japan, and South Africa as permanent members. This would provide greater representation and diversity in global decision-making, and would be a step towards a more democratic and inclusive system. However, the US has shown little interest in allowing this to happen, preferring to maintain its grip on power.

At the heart of the UN’s failures lies the unjust system of the five permanent members of the UNSC, who wield the veto power like the sword of Damocles over the heads of other countries. This concentration of power in the hands of a few has led to a lack of accountability, and the UN has become a platform for the powerful to further their interests at the expense of the weak.

The UNSC’s permanent members are not representative of the global community and do not reflect the diversity of nations and cultures. This undemocratic arrangement allows these powerful nations to dictate the agenda, suppress dissenting voices, and pursue their interests without regard for the well-being of others.

Furthermore, the UN’s law-based order, which is supposed to promote cooperation, prevent conflict, and protect human rights, has failed to deliver democracy and peace. Instead, the organisation has become a tool for the powerful to impose their will on the weaker nations, often under the guise of “humanitarian intervention” or “promoting democracy”.

The US-hegemonised system of a rules based order which relies on a combination of military, economic, and financial leverage to maintain its dominance, has created an unfair playing field, where the USA benefits at the expense of other countries. The dollar’s status as the global reserve currency, the SWIFT system, and the USA’s ability to persuade or coerce other nations have all contributed to its position of power and influence. Already the USA has shown its true colours by seizing Russian assets in USA banks to give to Ukraine to fund its war with Russia, the USA has also allowed only $6 billion of Iran assets to be used to buy food and medicines but with the USA having full control over the money and no money actually going to Iran.

The UN has failed miserably to deliver democracy and peace, and its undemocratic structure and the concentration of power in the hands of a few have led to a lack of accountability and a perpetuation of the status quo. It is time for a fundamental reform of the UN, one that promotes greater representation, inclusivity, and accountability, and allows for a more democratic and peaceful world order. Is it any wonder that countries are clamouring at the door of BRICS to be allowed in, as they see in Russia and China countries with massive military and economic power partners that will treat them with respect and dignity and honour them as equals in a multipolar world free of hegemony of one over others.

Already BRICS have launched a New Development Bank to assist countries with loans without the SAP’s of the WB and IMF. The BRICS interbank payment system will also allow countries to pay each other in their local currencies without being forced to use the Dollar which benefits only America because each time countries pay in Dollars only the USA benefit by having their deficit being subsidised by others.

The 2024 BRICS summit is scheduled to take place from October 22 to 24, 2024, in the beautiful city of Kazan, east of Moscow in Russia where already there is a long list of countries hoping to a get a seat at the summit after having submitted their applications to join.

BRICS will also free countries from USA’s punitive and childish sanctions such as Iran having to buy pirate parts to keep their Boeings in the air as well as asking other countries such as Turkey to buy parts for them and then Nicodemusly smuggling it to Iran.

* Masibongwe Sihlahla is an independent writer, political commentator and social justice activist.
** The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Independent Media or IOL.

Original article: iol.co.za