Declan Hayes
July 16, 2024
© Photo: REUTERS

Luxembourg’s historical relevance is that, because France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany have all fought over the centuries to control their tiny neighbour, Luxembourg has often bled profusely as a result.

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A special thanks to the office of Ukrainian dictator Zelensky, which informs us here and here of how they are making little Luxembourg cough up hundreds of millions of euros to defend his rump Reich. And to NATO’s own site telling us, that “despite being NATO’s smallest member by surface area, Luxembourg made many vital contributions to the Alliance over the years, including by maintaining a capable military force”.

As Luxembourg’s population of barely north of 600,000 supports an armed force of only 939 men, that is a bare-faced NATO lie. Luxembourg’s historical relevance is that, because France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany have all fought over the centuries to control their tiny neighbour, Luxembourg has often bled profusely as a result. This was most apparent during the Allies’ Ardennes Offensive when a third of all Luxembourg’s buildings were either damaged or destroyed. If Luxembourg has a historical bone to chew, it is with its neighbours, not with Russia. Much the same applies to the present, where Luxembourg is the world’s second-largest investment fund centre (after the United States), the most important private banking center in the eurozone and Europe’s leading centre for reinsurance companies.

If Luxembourg wishes to destroy their fragile comparative advantages, it is going the right way about it, for the fact of the matter is that not only is NATO waging financial jihad on Russia and all other countries NATO perceives as hostile to its wars of conquest, but little Luxembourg is the tip of NATO’s financial spear. If those Chinese, Indians, Singaporeans, Vietnamese and other Asians in charge of international portfolio management for their countries’ major corporations are not aware of Luxembourg’s potential aggression towards them, they should, for starters, be summarily sacked.

I say for starters, because China and Vietnam tend to have infinitely more robust and permanent ways of disposing of corrupt bankers and portfolio managers. But such choices are, of course, a matter for those, who manage the affairs of those countries, just as it should be a matter for the people of Luxembourg, who they foist upon the rest of us.

Just as Germany should explain to us why they lumbered us with that von der Leyen imbecile, and Estonia should explain how and why the morally challenged Kaja Kallas rose to European prominence, so also should Luxembourg explain why the notorious drunkard Jean Claude Juncker became the EU’s top dog.

As against that, there is really no need for the EU to explain what Hungary’s Viktor Orbán’s contrary example has already explained. That is because the antipathy, ignorance and arrogance the EU’s shot callers, sycophants and sundry parasites have consistently shown towards Orbán has been the polar opposite of how they treated Luxembourg’s Juncker.

Orbán’s problem is he does not seem to understand the role of small nations within the EU, NATO or allied groups like the IMF and the World Bank. The job of countries like Sri Lanka, Luxembourg, Hungary and their equivalents in Africa and Latin America is to supply the shot callers with Uncle Toms to keep their scams going. Ghana’s Kofi Annan was, in that respect, a perfect Uncle Tom that Hollywood itself would have been proud to pick from the chorus. Married as he was first into Nigerian and then Swedish (financial) Royalty, Hollywood could easily have hired him as a token black actor to parrot the lines given to him, just as NATO hired Stoltenberg or the EU hired Juncker and, indeed, just as how the UN hired Ghana’s Uncle Tom Annan himself.

Not that NATO does not have openings for other jokers. Here is the Times of Israel writing on how France’s loathsome Bernard-Henri Lévy is fighting “a lonely battle on behalf of a solitary Israel”. Leaving aside that this fake philosopher “jokingly” called for France’s Muslims to host special days to stone people to death and to enslave others, this empty NATO vessel has been a long term critic of Russia’s defence of secular Syria, as well as an unrepentant apologist for NATO’s jihadists in Syria, whilst anyone, who thinks Israel stands alone, has never heard of NATO.

No matter whether you are a fake French philosopher or a Luxembourger drunkard, NATO, the EU and their intelligence agencies have a job for you, just as they only have the cold shoulder for Orbán and a bullet for Slovakia’s Robert Fico. Although NATO and the EU can tolerate some slack, they cannot allow folk like Orbán, Fico or their equivalents in other minnow states like Serbia, Armenia and Georgia to gain significant traction. Heaven forbid that spokespeople from those satrapies might have minds of their own.

From a managerial point of view, the best way to handle all this is have Zelensky and his handlers tax Luxembourg’s rich and hire their drunkards, degenerates and drug addicts to show that the voices of tiny Luxembourg, Estonia, as well as French academia and the vox populi are being heard. To illustrate that last point, here is a short video by British rapper Lowkey (aka Kareem Dennis) citing the same, small number of financial behemoths that bankroll outfits as seemingly disparate as Israel’s West Bank settlements and British street agitators like Tommy Robinson. The figures he cites leave even Luxembourg’s over-generous contribution to Zelensky’s nose candy addiction in the shade.

Given all that, the question then arises as to how to derail this parasitical gravy train and how to call time of these leeches feeding off this gigantic trough.

When we pose the problem in that manner, it becomes apparent that a military victory by Russia in Ukraine will not be sufficient to solve the problems that are at the root of that war. However, as the old saying goes, when God closes one door, He seems to be quick off the mark to open another which, in this instance, takes the form of joint military drills between Belarus and China close to the Lithuanian and Polish borders.

Given that little Lithuania has been Europe’s harshest critic of China, the presence of Chinese troops near her borders should give her pause for thought, unless she wishes to put Luxembourg’s money and her own men where her over-sized mouth is. Given that NATO’s coming confrontation with China will, in the main, be a maritime one, Little Lithuania, perhaps with help from Little Luxembourg’s 939 strong army, can flex her muscles and put manners on the 2.5 million strong Chinese Peoples Liberation Army Lukashenko might choose to accommodate, should Luxembourg and Lithuania escalate things further.

Although things will not quite come to that, that is the logical end destination of the path Luxembourg’s Juncker, Estonia’s Kallas and France’s fake philosopher have charted for us. Although I should conclude by saying that Little Luxembourg, Little Lithuania and the small minded French philosopher (sic) Lévy should take a leaf from the playbooks of Orbán and Fico, the presence of the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army in Belarus underlines how irrelevant, at day’s end, such hucksters for hire are.

Little Luxembourg’s lemmings lead NATO’s legions against Russia

Luxembourg’s historical relevance is that, because France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany have all fought over the centuries to control their tiny neighbour, Luxembourg has often bled profusely as a result.

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A special thanks to the office of Ukrainian dictator Zelensky, which informs us here and here of how they are making little Luxembourg cough up hundreds of millions of euros to defend his rump Reich. And to NATO’s own site telling us, that “despite being NATO’s smallest member by surface area, Luxembourg made many vital contributions to the Alliance over the years, including by maintaining a capable military force”.

As Luxembourg’s population of barely north of 600,000 supports an armed force of only 939 men, that is a bare-faced NATO lie. Luxembourg’s historical relevance is that, because France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany have all fought over the centuries to control their tiny neighbour, Luxembourg has often bled profusely as a result. This was most apparent during the Allies’ Ardennes Offensive when a third of all Luxembourg’s buildings were either damaged or destroyed. If Luxembourg has a historical bone to chew, it is with its neighbours, not with Russia. Much the same applies to the present, where Luxembourg is the world’s second-largest investment fund centre (after the United States), the most important private banking center in the eurozone and Europe’s leading centre for reinsurance companies.

If Luxembourg wishes to destroy their fragile comparative advantages, it is going the right way about it, for the fact of the matter is that not only is NATO waging financial jihad on Russia and all other countries NATO perceives as hostile to its wars of conquest, but little Luxembourg is the tip of NATO’s financial spear. If those Chinese, Indians, Singaporeans, Vietnamese and other Asians in charge of international portfolio management for their countries’ major corporations are not aware of Luxembourg’s potential aggression towards them, they should, for starters, be summarily sacked.

I say for starters, because China and Vietnam tend to have infinitely more robust and permanent ways of disposing of corrupt bankers and portfolio managers. But such choices are, of course, a matter for those, who manage the affairs of those countries, just as it should be a matter for the people of Luxembourg, who they foist upon the rest of us.

Just as Germany should explain to us why they lumbered us with that von der Leyen imbecile, and Estonia should explain how and why the morally challenged Kaja Kallas rose to European prominence, so also should Luxembourg explain why the notorious drunkard Jean Claude Juncker became the EU’s top dog.

As against that, there is really no need for the EU to explain what Hungary’s Viktor Orbán’s contrary example has already explained. That is because the antipathy, ignorance and arrogance the EU’s shot callers, sycophants and sundry parasites have consistently shown towards Orbán has been the polar opposite of how they treated Luxembourg’s Juncker.

Orbán’s problem is he does not seem to understand the role of small nations within the EU, NATO or allied groups like the IMF and the World Bank. The job of countries like Sri Lanka, Luxembourg, Hungary and their equivalents in Africa and Latin America is to supply the shot callers with Uncle Toms to keep their scams going. Ghana’s Kofi Annan was, in that respect, a perfect Uncle Tom that Hollywood itself would have been proud to pick from the chorus. Married as he was first into Nigerian and then Swedish (financial) Royalty, Hollywood could easily have hired him as a token black actor to parrot the lines given to him, just as NATO hired Stoltenberg or the EU hired Juncker and, indeed, just as how the UN hired Ghana’s Uncle Tom Annan himself.

Not that NATO does not have openings for other jokers. Here is the Times of Israel writing on how France’s loathsome Bernard-Henri Lévy is fighting “a lonely battle on behalf of a solitary Israel”. Leaving aside that this fake philosopher “jokingly” called for France’s Muslims to host special days to stone people to death and to enslave others, this empty NATO vessel has been a long term critic of Russia’s defence of secular Syria, as well as an unrepentant apologist for NATO’s jihadists in Syria, whilst anyone, who thinks Israel stands alone, has never heard of NATO.

No matter whether you are a fake French philosopher or a Luxembourger drunkard, NATO, the EU and their intelligence agencies have a job for you, just as they only have the cold shoulder for Orbán and a bullet for Slovakia’s Robert Fico. Although NATO and the EU can tolerate some slack, they cannot allow folk like Orbán, Fico or their equivalents in other minnow states like Serbia, Armenia and Georgia to gain significant traction. Heaven forbid that spokespeople from those satrapies might have minds of their own.

From a managerial point of view, the best way to handle all this is have Zelensky and his handlers tax Luxembourg’s rich and hire their drunkards, degenerates and drug addicts to show that the voices of tiny Luxembourg, Estonia, as well as French academia and the vox populi are being heard. To illustrate that last point, here is a short video by British rapper Lowkey (aka Kareem Dennis) citing the same, small number of financial behemoths that bankroll outfits as seemingly disparate as Israel’s West Bank settlements and British street agitators like Tommy Robinson. The figures he cites leave even Luxembourg’s over-generous contribution to Zelensky’s nose candy addiction in the shade.

Given all that, the question then arises as to how to derail this parasitical gravy train and how to call time of these leeches feeding off this gigantic trough.

When we pose the problem in that manner, it becomes apparent that a military victory by Russia in Ukraine will not be sufficient to solve the problems that are at the root of that war. However, as the old saying goes, when God closes one door, He seems to be quick off the mark to open another which, in this instance, takes the form of joint military drills between Belarus and China close to the Lithuanian and Polish borders.

Given that little Lithuania has been Europe’s harshest critic of China, the presence of Chinese troops near her borders should give her pause for thought, unless she wishes to put Luxembourg’s money and her own men where her over-sized mouth is. Given that NATO’s coming confrontation with China will, in the main, be a maritime one, Little Lithuania, perhaps with help from Little Luxembourg’s 939 strong army, can flex her muscles and put manners on the 2.5 million strong Chinese Peoples Liberation Army Lukashenko might choose to accommodate, should Luxembourg and Lithuania escalate things further.

Although things will not quite come to that, that is the logical end destination of the path Luxembourg’s Juncker, Estonia’s Kallas and France’s fake philosopher have charted for us. Although I should conclude by saying that Little Luxembourg, Little Lithuania and the small minded French philosopher (sic) Lévy should take a leaf from the playbooks of Orbán and Fico, the presence of the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army in Belarus underlines how irrelevant, at day’s end, such hucksters for hire are.

Luxembourg’s historical relevance is that, because France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany have all fought over the centuries to control their tiny neighbour, Luxembourg has often bled profusely as a result.

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A special thanks to the office of Ukrainian dictator Zelensky, which informs us here and here of how they are making little Luxembourg cough up hundreds of millions of euros to defend his rump Reich. And to NATO’s own site telling us, that “despite being NATO’s smallest member by surface area, Luxembourg made many vital contributions to the Alliance over the years, including by maintaining a capable military force”.

As Luxembourg’s population of barely north of 600,000 supports an armed force of only 939 men, that is a bare-faced NATO lie. Luxembourg’s historical relevance is that, because France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany have all fought over the centuries to control their tiny neighbour, Luxembourg has often bled profusely as a result. This was most apparent during the Allies’ Ardennes Offensive when a third of all Luxembourg’s buildings were either damaged or destroyed. If Luxembourg has a historical bone to chew, it is with its neighbours, not with Russia. Much the same applies to the present, where Luxembourg is the world’s second-largest investment fund centre (after the United States), the most important private banking center in the eurozone and Europe’s leading centre for reinsurance companies.

If Luxembourg wishes to destroy their fragile comparative advantages, it is going the right way about it, for the fact of the matter is that not only is NATO waging financial jihad on Russia and all other countries NATO perceives as hostile to its wars of conquest, but little Luxembourg is the tip of NATO’s financial spear. If those Chinese, Indians, Singaporeans, Vietnamese and other Asians in charge of international portfolio management for their countries’ major corporations are not aware of Luxembourg’s potential aggression towards them, they should, for starters, be summarily sacked.

I say for starters, because China and Vietnam tend to have infinitely more robust and permanent ways of disposing of corrupt bankers and portfolio managers. But such choices are, of course, a matter for those, who manage the affairs of those countries, just as it should be a matter for the people of Luxembourg, who they foist upon the rest of us.

Just as Germany should explain to us why they lumbered us with that von der Leyen imbecile, and Estonia should explain how and why the morally challenged Kaja Kallas rose to European prominence, so also should Luxembourg explain why the notorious drunkard Jean Claude Juncker became the EU’s top dog.

As against that, there is really no need for the EU to explain what Hungary’s Viktor Orbán’s contrary example has already explained. That is because the antipathy, ignorance and arrogance the EU’s shot callers, sycophants and sundry parasites have consistently shown towards Orbán has been the polar opposite of how they treated Luxembourg’s Juncker.

Orbán’s problem is he does not seem to understand the role of small nations within the EU, NATO or allied groups like the IMF and the World Bank. The job of countries like Sri Lanka, Luxembourg, Hungary and their equivalents in Africa and Latin America is to supply the shot callers with Uncle Toms to keep their scams going. Ghana’s Kofi Annan was, in that respect, a perfect Uncle Tom that Hollywood itself would have been proud to pick from the chorus. Married as he was first into Nigerian and then Swedish (financial) Royalty, Hollywood could easily have hired him as a token black actor to parrot the lines given to him, just as NATO hired Stoltenberg or the EU hired Juncker and, indeed, just as how the UN hired Ghana’s Uncle Tom Annan himself.

Not that NATO does not have openings for other jokers. Here is the Times of Israel writing on how France’s loathsome Bernard-Henri Lévy is fighting “a lonely battle on behalf of a solitary Israel”. Leaving aside that this fake philosopher “jokingly” called for France’s Muslims to host special days to stone people to death and to enslave others, this empty NATO vessel has been a long term critic of Russia’s defence of secular Syria, as well as an unrepentant apologist for NATO’s jihadists in Syria, whilst anyone, who thinks Israel stands alone, has never heard of NATO.

No matter whether you are a fake French philosopher or a Luxembourger drunkard, NATO, the EU and their intelligence agencies have a job for you, just as they only have the cold shoulder for Orbán and a bullet for Slovakia’s Robert Fico. Although NATO and the EU can tolerate some slack, they cannot allow folk like Orbán, Fico or their equivalents in other minnow states like Serbia, Armenia and Georgia to gain significant traction. Heaven forbid that spokespeople from those satrapies might have minds of their own.

From a managerial point of view, the best way to handle all this is have Zelensky and his handlers tax Luxembourg’s rich and hire their drunkards, degenerates and drug addicts to show that the voices of tiny Luxembourg, Estonia, as well as French academia and the vox populi are being heard. To illustrate that last point, here is a short video by British rapper Lowkey (aka Kareem Dennis) citing the same, small number of financial behemoths that bankroll outfits as seemingly disparate as Israel’s West Bank settlements and British street agitators like Tommy Robinson. The figures he cites leave even Luxembourg’s over-generous contribution to Zelensky’s nose candy addiction in the shade.

Given all that, the question then arises as to how to derail this parasitical gravy train and how to call time of these leeches feeding off this gigantic trough.

When we pose the problem in that manner, it becomes apparent that a military victory by Russia in Ukraine will not be sufficient to solve the problems that are at the root of that war. However, as the old saying goes, when God closes one door, He seems to be quick off the mark to open another which, in this instance, takes the form of joint military drills between Belarus and China close to the Lithuanian and Polish borders.

Given that little Lithuania has been Europe’s harshest critic of China, the presence of Chinese troops near her borders should give her pause for thought, unless she wishes to put Luxembourg’s money and her own men where her over-sized mouth is. Given that NATO’s coming confrontation with China will, in the main, be a maritime one, Little Lithuania, perhaps with help from Little Luxembourg’s 939 strong army, can flex her muscles and put manners on the 2.5 million strong Chinese Peoples Liberation Army Lukashenko might choose to accommodate, should Luxembourg and Lithuania escalate things further.

Although things will not quite come to that, that is the logical end destination of the path Luxembourg’s Juncker, Estonia’s Kallas and France’s fake philosopher have charted for us. Although I should conclude by saying that Little Luxembourg, Little Lithuania and the small minded French philosopher (sic) Lévy should take a leaf from the playbooks of Orbán and Fico, the presence of the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army in Belarus underlines how irrelevant, at day’s end, such hucksters for hire are.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

February 17, 2025

See also

February 17, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.