Kayla Carman
July 3, 2024
© Photo: Public domain

Ensure only candidates acceptable to the elites run, even if they appear to be rogue and less acceptable than the preferred option.

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2024 heralds the new season of the waning show, Election. Not just in the U.S. but also in the UK, with its sister show and original series recently announcing a surprise return to our screens. Naturally, the unfettered masses have been primed to lap this up, especially given the salacious cliffhangers from the end of last season: accusations of voter fraud, attempts to neutralise unpalatable candidates, the orchestrated “storming” of the Capitol, and perhaps, most juicy of all, the impending return of the (seemingly sempiternal) gratuitous anti-hero, “the Donald.” With its audacious plots and the tension mounting like a powder keg, it certainly feels like this season will be explosive, yet while everyone loves an immersive drama, it’s important to remember, at the risk of being the killjoy adult in the room, that this is, for the most part, all a work of fiction.

“If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.” A quote erroneously attributed to Mark Twain, but heck, why let the truth get in the way of a good story during these increasingly Orwellian times where political integrity is about as common as a child dying from COVID 19. Despite the disingenuous attribution, the accurate content of the quote should be obvious to anyone critically assessing the current state of the political systems of the West. The things that the people care about—wage stagnation, inflation, food prices, affordable housing, job opportunities, job security, the cost of living, investment in local communities, and health—are always ignored by the incumbent within the one-party duopoly. If you’re as old and jaded as I am, it’s easy to see that the party in charge is always “the bad guy,” with the opposition calling out their false promises with moral disdain and pledging to make changes for the better if they’re given the reigns of faux power. The government always blames external factors for failing to deliver, twisting data to deceptively suggest they’re doing a decent job despite the palpable and obvious social decay enveloping the nation, or if all else fails, inducing a climate of fear that the other party is even more incompetent or, worse yet, a threat to this pseudo-democracy itself. Perhaps the wisest move is to make the public perceive deliberate sociopathic corruption as incompetence and, with the cleverest sleight of hand, introduce legislation to subvert democracy in order to supposedly save it.

The idea that any of these offices hold real power in current times is what the Greeks would refer to as a comi-tragedy. It’d be funny if it wasn’t so desperately sad for the citizens having to survive within this quagmire. There’s no “giggity” for these families, guys. In the U.S., the current choice for leader of the “free” world is between two creepy old dudes that can’t construct a reasoned, rational, and coherent sentence amongst them. At least Obama sounded like a statesman during the period he was bombing the hell out of oil rich regions and ending Habeas Corpus, removing basic human rights for his own citizens while grinning like a good guy in the illusory world of caring, patriarchal governance. Now the collapse of Western hegemony is so pertinent that the real powers that be don’t even bother finding believable puppets to do their bidding. The fact that a narcissistic gameshow host is the best of a bad bunch because he occasionally won’t go along with the deep state and military industrial complex’s insidious agenda screams volumes.

With Operation Mockingbird infiltrating the media decades ago and the power of MNCs, banking elites, and private-public partnerships headed by billionaires to push their agendas, it’s little wonder that the public is perpetually bombarded with fear-based nonsense to keep them in line and prevent them from revolting as their entire way of life crumbles. Allegedly, Putin, COVID, and now the potential reelection of Trump could bring down the West and all of its values. This is yet more deflection. The collapse of the petrodollar, forecast by those who understand the deterministic, cyclical nature of empire and its impending fall, has ensured that this is the path we’re on, regardless of which demented puppet sits on the throne of the crumbling fort.

The talk of misinformation, a word that wasn’t used in discourse until a few years ago, is just more subversion. Democracy has always been a sham, and those that expose the government grift really feel the force of Western freedom; just ask Assange having to make plea deals with the devil after years of captivity and torture and Snowden exiled in Russia to avoid a life sentence in his native country. Thank the Lord for the exemplary, non-tyrannical free press that citizens of Russia and China could never understand, or perhaps they’re just more honest about their authoritarian nature than we are.

As the aforementioned above demonstrated, the biggest purveyor of misinformation is the government. Consider all the dastardly, deceitful plots from previous seasons: the Gulf of Tonkin, WMDs, Assad’s chemical weapons, Putin’s unprovoked attack to take over Ukraine and then Europe, Nord Stream, and the ethical decency of Israel. Surely this latest story of, ‘the necessity to combat misinformation via censorship in order to save us,’ is a plot line so brazen and demented that it might just run for president. What’s really happening behind the scenes is the need to censor dissident voices that expose the unscrupulous agendas in an age where information can be shared far and wide between people no longer indoctrinated by the show’s legacy that from birth tried to convince us to believe that the government works in our interest.

Every grassroots organisation gets infiltrated by the establishment to quash its threat to power from within, BLM being the latest example. It’s been happening for decades and just gets more blatant as the ship sinks. The DNC rigged the primaries against Bernie in 2016 to ensure the Super PAC’s preferred candidate, the most heinous Clinton, ran. Worse than that, for all of their anti-Trump posturing, they actually ran propaganda campaigns to delegitimize other conservative candidates, believing they were more likely to beat ’the Donald’ than more serious candidates during Season 58 of this farcical show. Both parties and their media narrative spinners also make it very difficult for third parties to be in the running in terms of costs, exposure, and even strong-arm tactics to remove them from state ballots. Heaven forbid, it would be easy for a candidate representing the people to be considered a fair and viable alternative. That sounds far too democratic to be allowed to happen. Luckily for RFK Jr., he has the money and contacts to run, but still, CNN is coming up with obscure rules to prevent him from debating, knowing that his counterarguments, buttressed by facts about COVID and Ukraine, would destroy the opposition’s credibility. The state should have really dealt with him by now, but perhaps his allegiance to Israel is what’s preventing him from being subjected to the same fate as Gary Webb.

In the UK, the choice is now between two talentless, equally unpopular WEF puppets with about as much charisma as beige paint. The only thing keeping them in the running is how malleable they are for those truly running the show—the lobbyists and, above them, the banking dynasties. The takedown of Corbyn by the Israel lobby, media parasites, and deep state is documented categorically by Al Jazeera investigative documentaries easily available on Youtube, and yet the majority of the British public are totally unaware and just stick with the sound bites that he was a terrorist sympathiser for helping to broker peace in Ireland and that he’s “commie scum” for wanting to invest in hospitals and education instead of the military industrial complex to maim innocents abroad. Perhaps his biggest crime was standing in solidarity with Palestine, which is simply unacceptable in the bastion of humanity that is the West—that same humanity that surely makes him an antisemite? Just like his stance against South African apartheid, which made him a pariah at the time, current events are seemingly proving him correct. Luckily, the propaganda was enough to defeat him, as Wikileaks exposed the next step to “neutralise the Corbyn threat.” “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” outlines the ethical and decent processes the U.S. uses in order to “export democracy” throughout the world. Just don’t vote for anyone who wants to put the needs of the people before the agenda of the establishment, because then the fallacy is exposed in all its hypocritical, inglorious bastardry.

This is why the UK and U.S. follow a two-party system. The illusion of choice. It’s always the same game. Ensure only candidates acceptable to the elites run, even if they appear to be rogue and less acceptable than the preferred option. Look at Trump’s background and how friendly he is with crooked Hilary behind the scenes. They have class solidarity; they’re just petrified that the masses will, hence the relentless culture wars to divide and conquer. They see that more people are awakening to the theatre, hence the need to introduce legislation to criminalise dissent, guised as protection from disinformation. Adults don’t need babying by the same incompetent, corrupt numbskulls that have destroyed the American dream and presided over the social decay and crumbling infrastructure of the UK.

Despite the ever-more desperate plots, ratings continue to decline, with more and more people demanding these one-dimensional political characters break through the fourth wall. In these times, the mainstream media, for its part, should be made to feature the standard disclaimer, “Some scenes have been created for entertainment purposes,” like all profit-chasing reality shows. Evidently, transparently disclosing that it is indeed “sponsored by Pfizer” fails to alert its remaining audience to its fictional narratives funded by corporate donors. The only solution left now is to switch off this dramatic nonsense and start getting involved in the community at a local level, finding common ground with those with differing opinions, and changing actual reality for the better. It’s high time that we all demand the permanent cancellation of this shit-show.

Election! Season 60: Implausible plots and dramatic distractions

Ensure only candidates acceptable to the elites run, even if they appear to be rogue and less acceptable than the preferred option.

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2024 heralds the new season of the waning show, Election. Not just in the U.S. but also in the UK, with its sister show and original series recently announcing a surprise return to our screens. Naturally, the unfettered masses have been primed to lap this up, especially given the salacious cliffhangers from the end of last season: accusations of voter fraud, attempts to neutralise unpalatable candidates, the orchestrated “storming” of the Capitol, and perhaps, most juicy of all, the impending return of the (seemingly sempiternal) gratuitous anti-hero, “the Donald.” With its audacious plots and the tension mounting like a powder keg, it certainly feels like this season will be explosive, yet while everyone loves an immersive drama, it’s important to remember, at the risk of being the killjoy adult in the room, that this is, for the most part, all a work of fiction.

“If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.” A quote erroneously attributed to Mark Twain, but heck, why let the truth get in the way of a good story during these increasingly Orwellian times where political integrity is about as common as a child dying from COVID 19. Despite the disingenuous attribution, the accurate content of the quote should be obvious to anyone critically assessing the current state of the political systems of the West. The things that the people care about—wage stagnation, inflation, food prices, affordable housing, job opportunities, job security, the cost of living, investment in local communities, and health—are always ignored by the incumbent within the one-party duopoly. If you’re as old and jaded as I am, it’s easy to see that the party in charge is always “the bad guy,” with the opposition calling out their false promises with moral disdain and pledging to make changes for the better if they’re given the reigns of faux power. The government always blames external factors for failing to deliver, twisting data to deceptively suggest they’re doing a decent job despite the palpable and obvious social decay enveloping the nation, or if all else fails, inducing a climate of fear that the other party is even more incompetent or, worse yet, a threat to this pseudo-democracy itself. Perhaps the wisest move is to make the public perceive deliberate sociopathic corruption as incompetence and, with the cleverest sleight of hand, introduce legislation to subvert democracy in order to supposedly save it.

The idea that any of these offices hold real power in current times is what the Greeks would refer to as a comi-tragedy. It’d be funny if it wasn’t so desperately sad for the citizens having to survive within this quagmire. There’s no “giggity” for these families, guys. In the U.S., the current choice for leader of the “free” world is between two creepy old dudes that can’t construct a reasoned, rational, and coherent sentence amongst them. At least Obama sounded like a statesman during the period he was bombing the hell out of oil rich regions and ending Habeas Corpus, removing basic human rights for his own citizens while grinning like a good guy in the illusory world of caring, patriarchal governance. Now the collapse of Western hegemony is so pertinent that the real powers that be don’t even bother finding believable puppets to do their bidding. The fact that a narcissistic gameshow host is the best of a bad bunch because he occasionally won’t go along with the deep state and military industrial complex’s insidious agenda screams volumes.

With Operation Mockingbird infiltrating the media decades ago and the power of MNCs, banking elites, and private-public partnerships headed by billionaires to push their agendas, it’s little wonder that the public is perpetually bombarded with fear-based nonsense to keep them in line and prevent them from revolting as their entire way of life crumbles. Allegedly, Putin, COVID, and now the potential reelection of Trump could bring down the West and all of its values. This is yet more deflection. The collapse of the petrodollar, forecast by those who understand the deterministic, cyclical nature of empire and its impending fall, has ensured that this is the path we’re on, regardless of which demented puppet sits on the throne of the crumbling fort.

The talk of misinformation, a word that wasn’t used in discourse until a few years ago, is just more subversion. Democracy has always been a sham, and those that expose the government grift really feel the force of Western freedom; just ask Assange having to make plea deals with the devil after years of captivity and torture and Snowden exiled in Russia to avoid a life sentence in his native country. Thank the Lord for the exemplary, non-tyrannical free press that citizens of Russia and China could never understand, or perhaps they’re just more honest about their authoritarian nature than we are.

As the aforementioned above demonstrated, the biggest purveyor of misinformation is the government. Consider all the dastardly, deceitful plots from previous seasons: the Gulf of Tonkin, WMDs, Assad’s chemical weapons, Putin’s unprovoked attack to take over Ukraine and then Europe, Nord Stream, and the ethical decency of Israel. Surely this latest story of, ‘the necessity to combat misinformation via censorship in order to save us,’ is a plot line so brazen and demented that it might just run for president. What’s really happening behind the scenes is the need to censor dissident voices that expose the unscrupulous agendas in an age where information can be shared far and wide between people no longer indoctrinated by the show’s legacy that from birth tried to convince us to believe that the government works in our interest.

Every grassroots organisation gets infiltrated by the establishment to quash its threat to power from within, BLM being the latest example. It’s been happening for decades and just gets more blatant as the ship sinks. The DNC rigged the primaries against Bernie in 2016 to ensure the Super PAC’s preferred candidate, the most heinous Clinton, ran. Worse than that, for all of their anti-Trump posturing, they actually ran propaganda campaigns to delegitimize other conservative candidates, believing they were more likely to beat ’the Donald’ than more serious candidates during Season 58 of this farcical show. Both parties and their media narrative spinners also make it very difficult for third parties to be in the running in terms of costs, exposure, and even strong-arm tactics to remove them from state ballots. Heaven forbid, it would be easy for a candidate representing the people to be considered a fair and viable alternative. That sounds far too democratic to be allowed to happen. Luckily for RFK Jr., he has the money and contacts to run, but still, CNN is coming up with obscure rules to prevent him from debating, knowing that his counterarguments, buttressed by facts about COVID and Ukraine, would destroy the opposition’s credibility. The state should have really dealt with him by now, but perhaps his allegiance to Israel is what’s preventing him from being subjected to the same fate as Gary Webb.

In the UK, the choice is now between two talentless, equally unpopular WEF puppets with about as much charisma as beige paint. The only thing keeping them in the running is how malleable they are for those truly running the show—the lobbyists and, above them, the banking dynasties. The takedown of Corbyn by the Israel lobby, media parasites, and deep state is documented categorically by Al Jazeera investigative documentaries easily available on Youtube, and yet the majority of the British public are totally unaware and just stick with the sound bites that he was a terrorist sympathiser for helping to broker peace in Ireland and that he’s “commie scum” for wanting to invest in hospitals and education instead of the military industrial complex to maim innocents abroad. Perhaps his biggest crime was standing in solidarity with Palestine, which is simply unacceptable in the bastion of humanity that is the West—that same humanity that surely makes him an antisemite? Just like his stance against South African apartheid, which made him a pariah at the time, current events are seemingly proving him correct. Luckily, the propaganda was enough to defeat him, as Wikileaks exposed the next step to “neutralise the Corbyn threat.” “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” outlines the ethical and decent processes the U.S. uses in order to “export democracy” throughout the world. Just don’t vote for anyone who wants to put the needs of the people before the agenda of the establishment, because then the fallacy is exposed in all its hypocritical, inglorious bastardry.

This is why the UK and U.S. follow a two-party system. The illusion of choice. It’s always the same game. Ensure only candidates acceptable to the elites run, even if they appear to be rogue and less acceptable than the preferred option. Look at Trump’s background and how friendly he is with crooked Hilary behind the scenes. They have class solidarity; they’re just petrified that the masses will, hence the relentless culture wars to divide and conquer. They see that more people are awakening to the theatre, hence the need to introduce legislation to criminalise dissent, guised as protection from disinformation. Adults don’t need babying by the same incompetent, corrupt numbskulls that have destroyed the American dream and presided over the social decay and crumbling infrastructure of the UK.

Despite the ever-more desperate plots, ratings continue to decline, with more and more people demanding these one-dimensional political characters break through the fourth wall. In these times, the mainstream media, for its part, should be made to feature the standard disclaimer, “Some scenes have been created for entertainment purposes,” like all profit-chasing reality shows. Evidently, transparently disclosing that it is indeed “sponsored by Pfizer” fails to alert its remaining audience to its fictional narratives funded by corporate donors. The only solution left now is to switch off this dramatic nonsense and start getting involved in the community at a local level, finding common ground with those with differing opinions, and changing actual reality for the better. It’s high time that we all demand the permanent cancellation of this shit-show.

Ensure only candidates acceptable to the elites run, even if they appear to be rogue and less acceptable than the preferred option.

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2024 heralds the new season of the waning show, Election. Not just in the U.S. but also in the UK, with its sister show and original series recently announcing a surprise return to our screens. Naturally, the unfettered masses have been primed to lap this up, especially given the salacious cliffhangers from the end of last season: accusations of voter fraud, attempts to neutralise unpalatable candidates, the orchestrated “storming” of the Capitol, and perhaps, most juicy of all, the impending return of the (seemingly sempiternal) gratuitous anti-hero, “the Donald.” With its audacious plots and the tension mounting like a powder keg, it certainly feels like this season will be explosive, yet while everyone loves an immersive drama, it’s important to remember, at the risk of being the killjoy adult in the room, that this is, for the most part, all a work of fiction.

“If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.” A quote erroneously attributed to Mark Twain, but heck, why let the truth get in the way of a good story during these increasingly Orwellian times where political integrity is about as common as a child dying from COVID 19. Despite the disingenuous attribution, the accurate content of the quote should be obvious to anyone critically assessing the current state of the political systems of the West. The things that the people care about—wage stagnation, inflation, food prices, affordable housing, job opportunities, job security, the cost of living, investment in local communities, and health—are always ignored by the incumbent within the one-party duopoly. If you’re as old and jaded as I am, it’s easy to see that the party in charge is always “the bad guy,” with the opposition calling out their false promises with moral disdain and pledging to make changes for the better if they’re given the reigns of faux power. The government always blames external factors for failing to deliver, twisting data to deceptively suggest they’re doing a decent job despite the palpable and obvious social decay enveloping the nation, or if all else fails, inducing a climate of fear that the other party is even more incompetent or, worse yet, a threat to this pseudo-democracy itself. Perhaps the wisest move is to make the public perceive deliberate sociopathic corruption as incompetence and, with the cleverest sleight of hand, introduce legislation to subvert democracy in order to supposedly save it.

The idea that any of these offices hold real power in current times is what the Greeks would refer to as a comi-tragedy. It’d be funny if it wasn’t so desperately sad for the citizens having to survive within this quagmire. There’s no “giggity” for these families, guys. In the U.S., the current choice for leader of the “free” world is between two creepy old dudes that can’t construct a reasoned, rational, and coherent sentence amongst them. At least Obama sounded like a statesman during the period he was bombing the hell out of oil rich regions and ending Habeas Corpus, removing basic human rights for his own citizens while grinning like a good guy in the illusory world of caring, patriarchal governance. Now the collapse of Western hegemony is so pertinent that the real powers that be don’t even bother finding believable puppets to do their bidding. The fact that a narcissistic gameshow host is the best of a bad bunch because he occasionally won’t go along with the deep state and military industrial complex’s insidious agenda screams volumes.

With Operation Mockingbird infiltrating the media decades ago and the power of MNCs, banking elites, and private-public partnerships headed by billionaires to push their agendas, it’s little wonder that the public is perpetually bombarded with fear-based nonsense to keep them in line and prevent them from revolting as their entire way of life crumbles. Allegedly, Putin, COVID, and now the potential reelection of Trump could bring down the West and all of its values. This is yet more deflection. The collapse of the petrodollar, forecast by those who understand the deterministic, cyclical nature of empire and its impending fall, has ensured that this is the path we’re on, regardless of which demented puppet sits on the throne of the crumbling fort.

The talk of misinformation, a word that wasn’t used in discourse until a few years ago, is just more subversion. Democracy has always been a sham, and those that expose the government grift really feel the force of Western freedom; just ask Assange having to make plea deals with the devil after years of captivity and torture and Snowden exiled in Russia to avoid a life sentence in his native country. Thank the Lord for the exemplary, non-tyrannical free press that citizens of Russia and China could never understand, or perhaps they’re just more honest about their authoritarian nature than we are.

As the aforementioned above demonstrated, the biggest purveyor of misinformation is the government. Consider all the dastardly, deceitful plots from previous seasons: the Gulf of Tonkin, WMDs, Assad’s chemical weapons, Putin’s unprovoked attack to take over Ukraine and then Europe, Nord Stream, and the ethical decency of Israel. Surely this latest story of, ‘the necessity to combat misinformation via censorship in order to save us,’ is a plot line so brazen and demented that it might just run for president. What’s really happening behind the scenes is the need to censor dissident voices that expose the unscrupulous agendas in an age where information can be shared far and wide between people no longer indoctrinated by the show’s legacy that from birth tried to convince us to believe that the government works in our interest.

Every grassroots organisation gets infiltrated by the establishment to quash its threat to power from within, BLM being the latest example. It’s been happening for decades and just gets more blatant as the ship sinks. The DNC rigged the primaries against Bernie in 2016 to ensure the Super PAC’s preferred candidate, the most heinous Clinton, ran. Worse than that, for all of their anti-Trump posturing, they actually ran propaganda campaigns to delegitimize other conservative candidates, believing they were more likely to beat ’the Donald’ than more serious candidates during Season 58 of this farcical show. Both parties and their media narrative spinners also make it very difficult for third parties to be in the running in terms of costs, exposure, and even strong-arm tactics to remove them from state ballots. Heaven forbid, it would be easy for a candidate representing the people to be considered a fair and viable alternative. That sounds far too democratic to be allowed to happen. Luckily for RFK Jr., he has the money and contacts to run, but still, CNN is coming up with obscure rules to prevent him from debating, knowing that his counterarguments, buttressed by facts about COVID and Ukraine, would destroy the opposition’s credibility. The state should have really dealt with him by now, but perhaps his allegiance to Israel is what’s preventing him from being subjected to the same fate as Gary Webb.

In the UK, the choice is now between two talentless, equally unpopular WEF puppets with about as much charisma as beige paint. The only thing keeping them in the running is how malleable they are for those truly running the show—the lobbyists and, above them, the banking dynasties. The takedown of Corbyn by the Israel lobby, media parasites, and deep state is documented categorically by Al Jazeera investigative documentaries easily available on Youtube, and yet the majority of the British public are totally unaware and just stick with the sound bites that he was a terrorist sympathiser for helping to broker peace in Ireland and that he’s “commie scum” for wanting to invest in hospitals and education instead of the military industrial complex to maim innocents abroad. Perhaps his biggest crime was standing in solidarity with Palestine, which is simply unacceptable in the bastion of humanity that is the West—that same humanity that surely makes him an antisemite? Just like his stance against South African apartheid, which made him a pariah at the time, current events are seemingly proving him correct. Luckily, the propaganda was enough to defeat him, as Wikileaks exposed the next step to “neutralise the Corbyn threat.” “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” outlines the ethical and decent processes the U.S. uses in order to “export democracy” throughout the world. Just don’t vote for anyone who wants to put the needs of the people before the agenda of the establishment, because then the fallacy is exposed in all its hypocritical, inglorious bastardry.

This is why the UK and U.S. follow a two-party system. The illusion of choice. It’s always the same game. Ensure only candidates acceptable to the elites run, even if they appear to be rogue and less acceptable than the preferred option. Look at Trump’s background and how friendly he is with crooked Hilary behind the scenes. They have class solidarity; they’re just petrified that the masses will, hence the relentless culture wars to divide and conquer. They see that more people are awakening to the theatre, hence the need to introduce legislation to criminalise dissent, guised as protection from disinformation. Adults don’t need babying by the same incompetent, corrupt numbskulls that have destroyed the American dream and presided over the social decay and crumbling infrastructure of the UK.

Despite the ever-more desperate plots, ratings continue to decline, with more and more people demanding these one-dimensional political characters break through the fourth wall. In these times, the mainstream media, for its part, should be made to feature the standard disclaimer, “Some scenes have been created for entertainment purposes,” like all profit-chasing reality shows. Evidently, transparently disclosing that it is indeed “sponsored by Pfizer” fails to alert its remaining audience to its fictional narratives funded by corporate donors. The only solution left now is to switch off this dramatic nonsense and start getting involved in the community at a local level, finding common ground with those with differing opinions, and changing actual reality for the better. It’s high time that we all demand the permanent cancellation of this shit-show.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 27, 2025
March 9, 2025

See also

March 27, 2025
March 9, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.