The Americans, with their IMF economic enforcers, believe in their banana republic form of democracy which has turned countries like Haiti into a Hollywood nightmare.
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Cannibalism is one of those things we are supposed to oppose. It is not quite cricket, not quite the done thing. It makes for bad after dinner conversation.
As does Haiti, where the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, together with a cast of characters too evil for hell, are running riot. Men, women and children run for their lives from Armalite toting cannibals, who like nothing better than to chomp on a freshly barbecued human leg. The blood soaked Kingdom of Satan has arrived and set up shop in the slums of Port-au-Prince. Throw in their voodoo, their squalor, their machetes and their Armalites and, unless you are a veteran of the French Foreign Legion, strike Haiti off your bucket list of places to visit.
So how can we, the civilised ones, save these Haitian savages from themselves? No point re-inventing the wheel, so let’s send in the United States Marine Corps, Smedley Butler’s enforcers to secure our interests by kicking some serious Haitian butt.
The Yanks, the bane of the Western hemisphere, have been doing just that since almost the time Christopher Columbus first enslaved the indigenous Haitians in 1492. Given that the USMC has been a curse far worse than that of a voodoo priest’s for Haiti, it is disgusting that James B Foley, the Yanks’ former Haitian ambassador, has proposed sending those cut throats back into Haiti. Still, what would you expect from an American pig but an American grunt?
Foley, like most American warlords, puts the Haitian cart before the Haitian horse. It is not that Haiti is a (moral) dilemma for the United States but that the United States is an ongoing cancer to Haiti.
Here is a good one. Most of the small arms Haiti is awash with come from the United States and Gilbert Bigio, Haiti’s only billionaire, is a major player in the arms smuggling business. Fancy that! Fancy that it is not just a gang of cannibals running around like extras in a Bob Hope movie eating everybody they can lay their hands on. America and Americans like Bill and Hilary Clinton must accept that they are primary catalysts for the unspeakable horrors Haiti has suffered and continues to suffer.
As Americans are part of the problem, they cannot be part of the solution. And that goes for the Kenyan cops these American clowns want to send to Haiti to clean up Dodge. Even leaving the Kenyans’ patchy law and order record to one side, that is not the way to go about things.
Nor is condemning the G9 alliance and Jimmy Barbecue Chérizier, its leader, out of hand. Even though this instructive set of youtube documentaries paints Barbecue in a very favourable light, even his CIA enemies must admit he has considerable and well deserved support. When cannibals are running riot in your area, it pays to have Barbecue’s tooled up militia to feed them with lead.
Although the UN and other American controlled bodies say that Haiti is a hopeless case, we cannot accept that and nor can we accept the Rand or Carnegie Endowment’s pessimistic prognosis. As Bigio is the head of Haiti’s tiny Jewish community and as anti-Semitism has not been a feature of this violence, we can draw hope from that.
And from the fact that those instructive youtube documentaries previously alluded to mention the role of the CIA’s National Endowment for Democracy, George Soros funded NGOs and the usual cast of NATO characters in fuelling Haiti’s mayhem. We can hardly hope to extinguish Haiti’s fires when the CIA, Soros, the Clintons and their goons continue to add fuel to them.
So, how to solve the Haitian dilemma? Simple! Get China to write them a big cheque (we daren’t ask the Chinese to get their hands dirty with actual fighting). Then send battle hardened Chechens into Haiti from bases in Cuba, Venezuela, the Dominican Republic and, as Barbecue is so fond of that Che Guevara idiot, send them from Mexico as well, as that was the springboard Castro used in his successful Cuban takeover. Now, let the Chechens ally with Haitian friendlies and tell all others to lay down arms or get ready to be dispatched to the great voodoo hoolie in the sky.
Although that simple plan will get few takers, it is not only the converse of the American and Canadian plan but a much better one, as it gets the Chinese to spend coin and, not only would the Chechens be far more honest brokers than their Yankee equivalents but putting them in the frame shows how fundamentally dishonest the Americans and their Canadian sidekicks are not only in Haiti but throughout all of Latin America, which has been under the Yankee heel since at least the time of the 1823 Monroe Doctrine.
If the objective is to establish peace, disarmament and justice in Haiti, then Cuba, Mexico and Venezuela must play central roles in that process. But because they have also been suffering from American terrorism for decades, they help to show that America is the key culprit in all that Haiti has suffered. Take the American jackboot out of the equation and you have some chance of success. Leave it there and you have none.
There is a saying that you cannot understand the other guy until you walk a mile or two in his shoes. But many Haitians do not have shoes or much else either. They have been systematically robbed and exploited by Americans like Bill and Hillary Clinton for centuries now. They deserve a break. A break from the Clintons, from Soros and his NGOs, and from well entrenched parasites like Bigio.
Quoting Frantz Fanon and Che Guevara will not put money into Haitian pockets. Driving the Americans and their Canadian sidekicks out of the Caribbean will and, if a few of them end up being eaten alive, what of it in the bigger scheme of things? The Americans, with their IMF economic enforcers, believe in their banana republic form of democracy which has turned countries like Haiti into a Hollywood nightmare. In so much as G9 and Jimmy Barbecue Chérizier oppose that living hell, I say good on them and the people they champion and to the devil and his cannibals with the UNSC resolutions the Yanks and the Canadians have had passed against them.